feel like im never gonna lose weight :(

ive worked so hard these past 2 weeks, spent an hour+ at the gym everyday and ive lost 3lbs, feel like i should of lost more for the effort ive put in :( not happy!!!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You lost 1.5lbs per week and you're not happy?

    You need to change your mindset. Lasting weight loss happens slowly - usually a pound at a time. You can't expect "Biggest Loser" results.

    Expect this to take a long time. But I can guarantee that it's worth it.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    You have lost weight. 3lb to be precise so to feel like your never gonna lose weight is ridiculous. You didn't put on the weight in a few weeks so it certainly won't come off that way!

    Marathon, not a sprint
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    You have lost weight. 3lb to be precise so to feel like your never gonna lose weight is ridiculous. You didn't put on the weight in a few weeks so it certainly won't come off that way!

    Marathon, not a sprint

    This. However, keep in mind, even losing at 1.5 lbs. per week, how long will it take you to reach your goal? Now, compare that to how long it took you to put that amount of weight on.

    It's coming off faster than it piled up, am I right? ;)
  • kelseey73x
    kelseey73x Posts: 65 Member
    You just cant lose pounds over night. Yeah, it takes time and effort, but you will get there. CDC says the max. of 2 pounds a week. be happy with that you have. some people have a hard time just losing one pound in a month. Chill.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    How much do you have to lose? Sounds like you are doing fine. At 1.5 pounds a week how many weeks to your goal? Is that goal worth that many weeks work? Keep at it you can do it!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I only lost at that fast of a rate when I first started losing weight. Right now I lose maybe 2-3 pounds a month.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Think about this...you cannot plant a flower garden and expect the next day to have beautiful flowers..it takes work to prepare the ground (your mind); water it daily (your body); give it fertalizer (nutritious food)' and of course weeding (exerisie). Sprinkle it was some time and wala...YOu will turn into a beautiful garden!
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I understand what all the previous posters have said about loosing weigh slowly, but I also get frustrated when I don't see it coming off. I know it is not realistic to work hard for a couple of weeks and magically be at my goal, but sometimes it is discouraging how much work it really takes to make this weight come off. I think I begin to think this weight loss thing is a myth. I can't really see a few pounds except on the scale. Sometimes a few pounds doesn't seem like enough after weeks of work. I think I need to find some other outlets for a feeling of success.
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Then ask yourself how long it took to put on the weight....I understand your feeling of wanting more out of your hard work....but you want to do it the right way as which you are....make it a lifestyle...then when you do finally reach your goals you won't just put it all back on...Also...try taking weekly pictures of yourself...it's hard to see the small changes but when you add them up they really seem big!

  • 9thwardchick
    9thwardchick Posts: 73 Member
    You didn't gain weight overnight and you won't lose it that way either. Slow weight lost is better in the long run. I dropped 2 sizes in 4 months. Some people have noticed, others have not. However, my clothes are looser and I feel better. Be patient, keep at it and wait. You will get there eventually : )
  • lolwutshannon
    Try working your *kitten* off for over two months 5-6 days a week for 90 minutes, eating clean the majority of the time, not losing an ounce of fat and continuing to gain weight. Then cry about it.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    3 lbs is great. You're doing better than me. I keep gaining and losing the same 1-3 lbs.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    1.5 lbs a week every week for a year, is 78lbs! Your doing great!
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Whaaat! I think you've done great!! Losing weight doesnt happen just like that... you cant go to the gym once an expect to lose anything.... this is a life long process! If you want a quick fix go do a fad diet.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    set yourself some NSV goals so that you regularly have things to celebrate. You wont always have a big loss to be excited about but maybe you can lift a little heavier than you could before, run a little longer, slip on a smaller size ect... However 3 lbs in 2 weeks is pretty freaking awesome so you should be celebrating that!!

    this is from my profile, all of the mini goals that I have, some numbers related, some fitness and some physical:
    Mini goals:
    Lose the 5 lbs I gained after starting my banking job 3 months ago **done!!! 4/20/12**
    Lose the 10 lbs I gained after my year working at Starbucks **done! not sure when, just realized it today!!**
    Get to 165 **another one done!! 7/30/2012**
    Get to 159 **hey this one is done! I think it was officially about 9/01/2012**
    Complete C25K
    Complete A 5k ***done! 4/22/12 37.2 mins**
    Run an entire 5k
    Fit into a size 10 **done!! 8/15/2012***
    Fit into a size 8 **done 1/30/2013*
    Buy (&wear!!) a bathing suit for the first time in 4 years!! **bought my bikini! Haven't worn it yet but it's in my possession 7/20/2012** and officially wore the swim suit in November 2012, in front of people no less!
    Bench 50 lbs for a full 3 sets/8 reps
    Drop the assist on my chin up & dips to 55 lbs for the full 3 sets/8 reps
    Hold a plank for more than a minute (regular AND side!)
    Complete 10 pushups in proper form without stopping
    Drop to 149 lbs
    Fit into ALL of size 8's (right now I have two pairs of size 8 jeans, I can put them both on but only one actually looks nice!)
    Drop to 145 lbs (my initial goal weight, will adjust from there once I reach it!)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have lost 0 lbs in the past 2 weeks and have been spot on with diet and exercise. But I lost 4 inches all over. I'd be pretty damn happy to have those 3 lbs too.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member

    THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You didn't put the weight on overnight and therefore it is not going to come off in a week. This is a life process not a fad diet, not a quick fix, no, it is a marathon not a sprint. Besides the scale is a pain, taking measurements, seeing how you feel is a better measurement then what i call "the little devil in my bathroom cupboard."
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Ohh and i just want to add... if you want to give up, give up... and then see how much weight you lose theeennn! Just keep going!
  • dizzimamma
    I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months, most befor starting here. I take my backpack and fill it with canned foods(i dont eat them anyways) then i drag that extra 15 lbs around while i go on my 2 mile walk. It sounds like i havent lost much, but dragin that extra weight around really puts me in my place and keeps me going. I cant wait to add another 5 lbs. To the pac!!!!