Anyone have the Polar FT7?? Question?

Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has the Polar FT7. My husband just bought one and it is not working well. He is wearing the band correctly but the watch(monitor) keeps giving him a heart rate of zero. When he holds the watch up to his chest (which is silly) it reads the HR accurately but when he puts it back on his wrist it goes back to zero. Just wondering if anyone has had this experience or has advice. I have the polar F6 and i love mine so far. Thank you in advance for any help :)


  • skaal006
    skaal006 Posts: 16
    I have a Polar FT7 and mine worked great at first but then after a month it kept giving me a heart rate of zero. I looked online and it said to make sure the sensors on the strap are wet before you use it. Everytime I use it i run water over the strap a few times to make sure the two gray areas of the strap are completely wet, and it works everytime! Hope this helps!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I agree with the person above. If it is still not working Polar has excelent technical support and are really friendly. If you call you get to talk to a real person and everything.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I don't have a Polar but I find that if the sensors on the strap aren't wet enough then it gives me a heart rate of zero
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    I agree, run the gray areas under water. I use a paper towel to dry off water that got elsewhere on the strap.
  • cocacole77
    cocacole77 Posts: 53
    Yes make sure they are really wet when you put it on!! If it doesn't work then, with your receipt, you should have a one year warranty!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yep - the sensor thing. Most likely the problem. Mine wouldn't work at the race the other day - I'd had it on for about an hour before the race and the sensors dried out. About 15 minutes in, I turned it on again and it worked great. Had to sweat enough to get the sensors wet again, which is really hard for me anyway, nevermind when it's only 30 degrees out ;) If he tries that and it doesn't work, you should be able to contact Polar for help. Also, double check that the strap is tight enough.
  • Argonaut
    Argonaut Posts: 2
    I don't have a polar, but had the same issue with my Timex. Tried the water trick with fair results. Ended up really being that I wasn't tightening the strap enough. Works great no water or anything now.
  • spoiled12976
    Thank you everyone for your answers. It seems to be working now that he wet it. I thought he had already done that but I was mistaken...Silly us :0)