It's a miracle!

I have experienced a miracle. I have completely changed the way I eat 5-6 weeks ago, cold turkey. And while that doesn't seem that long ago, I have experienced some really wonderful taste changes! I have been a chocoholic all my life (except for 2 years when I gave it up) but no longer find it appealing. No withdrawl symptoms and I don't have to have it! Serious calorie and sugar reduction every day for me from this one thing. I have been eating a salad everyday for lunch in those 5-6 weeks and I've been losing weight way more quickly than I ever have so I decided to splurge and put some grated cheese on my salad. I love least I used to. But YUCK! I had to scrape as much as possible off my salad. I keep finding things that I used to love that now not only taste bad to me but also make me sick so it's a double whammy for me to eat them. Wow! I really like the health benefits and weight loss of the way I'm eating now but I never would have expected that it would have also helped me to learn to not like bad for me foods. But that cheese is sitting in my stomach now and doing sommersaults. :o( I won't be making that mistake again!


  • rch0067
    rch0067 Posts: 7
    I'm totally with you. I cut out sugar completely three weeks ago and I feel so good! It was hard for me for the first couple of days, but now I'm not so tired anymore and I feel great! This weekend I had a slice of cake for the first time and it tasted very bad to me. I couldn't finish it. I also love cheese... but I'm finding that cheese just sits in my stomach-- Especially the fancy-smancy kinds. Today I woke up and didn't want to drink coffee anymore-- I feel like I can taste the oxidants, so I had some green tea instead and it was delicious. Never thought I would enjoy life no having those foods I most like (or thought I did). Anyway, I'm feeling it's a miracle too.

    Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    I've noticed some of the same changes. I had a huge sweet tooth before and now I find myself snacking of things like nuts. My big vice right now is popcorn with a season (a weight watchers recipe, I'm told) sprinkled on.
  • maryroseclare
    I also cut out chocolate and sugar when I started March 17th. It was very hard at first, took me about 3 weeks to get used to it. But now I don't crave it at all, and the same thing with cheese for me too - feels very heavy. On Mother's Day I went to a brunch and took one look at the dessert table and knew if I had even just one little bite, it would kick off the crazy craving for sweets again, so I bypassed it. I'm so glad I did, because I am not craving it at all.