Coming back from falling off the wagon

Hey everyone - I'm not exactly new to MFP, but it's been a while since I've been on and I'd love to make some new friends to help me stay on track.

I'm a 30 year old grad student working on a second master's while working two desk jobs. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and that kinda gave me the kick in the butt I needed to really start taking better care of myself and lose some weight. I want to lose 20 pounds total - and hoping that I can actually do it this time and not end up being so hard on myself when things go slowly.

Anyhow, it's good to be back here, and here's hoping I can make some new friends! :)


  • goatmale
    goatmale Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry to hear about the PCOS... good luck!
  • peckle123
    peckle123 Posts: 28 Member
    add me , i am trying agin and having much more success than last year. Always happy to have new friends
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm back after falling off the wagon too. I went through a pretty stressful time for about 6 months but I'm completely committed again. Feel free to add me!