Can't stop eating!!



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Don't buy it?
  • Pastelll
    Thanks everyone for the great advice... I will definately be more motivated tomorrow. And hopefully lose some weight before I go on holiday. Also, it is my mum who keeps buying them because I have a little brother, so it's really tempting.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I always binge eat after I have my tea... maybe I'm not eating enough calories but I'm not sure
    Don't have tea. Or, only have tea with meals. Drink water all other times. I once had huge chocolate bar in the cupboard but was trying not to eat it. I told myself if I ate 2 grapefruits I could have that bar. I just couldn't work myself up to eat 2 whole grapefruits, so I didn't touch the chocolate either.
    Tea = her meal

    "Tea can refer to any of several different meals or mealtimes, depending on a country's customs and its history of drinking tea.":smile:
  • mapnerd2005
    Before you eat it, log it into your diary. Ask yourself if a portion (and weigh/measure out the portion, don't just eye-ball it) is worth the calories out of your day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I picture the piece of pizza on my butt or the bag of chips as a big bag on the front of my stomach. Gross thoughts but it works for me. I feel like when I eat junk food it literally shows on my body right away. Who wants to look at that? NOT ME!

    Why did you bring up pizza? The OP is talking about junk food!
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    "...just can't stop eating it...and don't know how to stop..."

    Wonder if it's because you've got your mind thinking that it's this big no no - can't touch it anymore ever again if I'm going to lose weight and be healthy - kind of naughty temptation thing?

    Sort of like - you always want what you "can't have"....

    Maybe if you refocus your thoughts to say - sure I can have this no problem. let me just throw it into my cals for the day and it's all good!....maybe your brain will start to think of the item as more of an 'anytime' instead of a naughty, forbidden, 'no time' thing - and not crave it as much lol.

    Like if chips are your thing - get the single serving chip bags - i go to walmart, and i get 6 mini baggies of cheetos for only $4 i think - and it is only 150cals.

    If cookies/cakes are your thing - maybe try....THE MOST AWESOME THING i found at walmart - oreo prepacked in smaller serving amounts. I believe it's only 4 cookies, or maybe 3 - but you pull it out of the box several packs come in and there ya go! It was relatively cheap too - like maybe $5 or so.

    Then if you say dang that tasted good - go brush your teeth. And wait for the next meal? :)
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Many years ago I went to OA meetings and a few tips stuck with me. One lady said that when she found herself bingeing on bad stuff in her house, she could pull herself together long enough to dump it in the trash but she would also have to "Ivory Snow" it or else she was likely to take it back out of the trash and eat it. For me, throwing bad stuff in the trash is enough, but if you feel you might still be tempted, Ivory Snow it (or use whatever's handy).
  • supergirljen
    I picture the piece of pizza on my butt or the bag of chips as a big bag on the front of my stomach. Gross thoughts but it works for me. I feel like when I eat junk food it literally shows on my body right away. Who wants to look at that? NOT ME!

    Why did you bring up pizza? The OP is talking about junk food!
    I just ate half a Domino's chicken and mushroom pan pizza..after logging it I realized it IS junk food! Ooopps. :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I picture the piece of pizza on my butt or the bag of chips as a big bag on the front of my stomach. Gross thoughts but it works for me. I feel like when I eat junk food it literally shows on my body right away. Who wants to look at that? NOT ME!

    Why did you bring up pizza? The OP is talking about junk food!
    I just ate half a Domino's chicken and mushroom pan pizza..after logging it I realized it IS junk food! Ooopps. :wink:

    We were talking about pizza, not that crap Domino's sells! :laugh:
  • Chaneyb83
    Start small. Sugar free jolly ranchers, life savers, werthers and get rid of the big stuff
  • supergirljen
    I picture the piece of pizza on my butt or the bag of chips as a big bag on the front of my stomach. Gross thoughts but it works for me. I feel like when I eat junk food it literally shows on my body right away. Who wants to look at that? NOT ME!

    Why did you bring up pizza? The OP is talking about junk food!
    I just ate half a Domino's chicken and mushroom pan pizza..after logging it I realized it IS junk food! Ooopps. :wink:

    We were talking about pizza, not that crap Domino's sells! :laugh:

    Tasted like delicious pizza to me! :love:
  • BrightAmbition
    I too have this problem. See I am on a medically managed diet and I am tired of slipping.I REALLY need some kind of help. I'm supposed to be meeting with my behaviorist but I'm kinda nervious of meeting her since I did such bad stuff this week. This kind of diet you cannot mess up on. I'm trying to get weight loss surgery right but they are testing me if I have enough will power. It's weird because I used to have so much will power it wasn't even funny now it's hard. I think I know why I am binge eating so to speak. When someone says I cannot have something that makes me want it even more. It's weird I've been getting weird cravings. The only thing this diet has made me feel is super hungry all the time and pee all the time. It gets so annoying, I go to school so I cannot get up and go to the bathroom every 5 mins it's embarressing. I guess I do know why I eat too much or just plain eat too little but at the same time I do not understand some things as of why I'm doing this all of a sudden. I've cheated on my diet about 6-8 times and I'm REALLY REALLY tired of it. I guess I'm like an alcoholic or gambler I cannot help myself it's hard to get rid of an addiction. For a bit I used to have a eating disorder of throwing up and not eating much at all but this diet is not making me think straight because I'm too hungry to think I guess...
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Yes you can. Plenty of good advice already given. Stop buying it, don't have it in the house, log it before you eat it, etc. etc.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.

  • Pastelll
    I too have this problem. See I am on a medically managed diet and I am tired of slipping.I REALLY need some kind of help. I'm supposed to be meeting with my behaviorist but I'm kinda nervious of meeting her since I did such bad stuff this week. This kind of diet you cannot mess up on. I'm trying to get weight loss surgery right but they are testing me if I have enough will power. It's weird because I used to have so much will power it wasn't even funny now it's hard. I think I know why I am binge eating so to speak. When someone says I cannot have something that makes me want it even more. It's weird I've been getting weird cravings. The only thing this diet has made me feel is super hungry all the time and pee all the time. It gets so annoying, I go to school so I cannot get up and go to the bathroom every 5 mins it's embarressing. I guess I do know why I eat too much or just plain eat too little but at the same time I do not understand some things as of why I'm doing this all of a sudden. I've cheated on my diet about 6-8 times and I'm REALLY REALLY tired of it. I guess I'm like an alcoholic or gambler I cannot help myself it's hard to get rid of an addiction. For a bit I used to have a eating disorder of throwing up and not eating much at all but this diet is not making me think straight because I'm too hungry to think I guess...

    Yes, I used to have an eating disorder too but then I got better but started eating too much junk food.
  • Pastelll

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.


    I will say that quote now every time I feel like eating junk food!
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds to me like you need to eat more often and include protein and fat along with your veggies. Veggies may make you feel full and give you lots of vitamins and minerals but they don't actually five you that satisfied feeling. Invest in a tasty protein powder (vega-one chocolate flavored is awesome!) I am drinking one now with 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 cup water and 1/2 scoop protein powder with 1/4 cup frozen berries. It is so satisfying for me. If you prefer only whole foods, eat a few ounces of protein like raw almonds or even fish or chicken. Good luck!
  • BrightAmbition
    As for saying that skinny taste so much better than junk food. I'm going to be honest when I was skinny I didn't taste anything but I felt A LOT better about myself. Maybe that should be my motivation. :)
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Try reading The Diet Cure by Julia Ross. It explains a lot and gives you a way to be proactive in regards to your specific challenges. If it's depression, eating disorder, just feeling crazt etc.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.
    Eating tasty foods and being thin are not mutually exclusive. You can actually do both as long as you learn moderation. You can eat junk food, just not mountains of it. As long as something like 80-90% of your calories come from "good" foods, you can allocate the rest to "junk" foods.