increasing from 1200 to 1400 cals? advice please

I have decided to up my cals mainly because I am nearing my goal weight only 3 kilos to go. It has taken me 4 months to lose 11kg's but I am fine with that as my fitness has improved so much. I run 3- 5km 5 days a week and rock climb weekly. Initially when i started 1200 was never enough but lately it is too much check out my diary if you want ( I didn't log in the week end :blushing: ) but if you go back a bit and ignore this mornings chocolate binge which forced me to do a 10km run then you will see what I typically eat :

Breaky: two weetbix with a banana
Lunch: either soup during the holidays or during the uni year kruskits and a salad
Morning tea: special k 80cal bar
Afternoon tea: fruit 1 pc
Dinner : small piece of meat and one or two veg or goulash
Supper: bad food :happy:

Could you please give me some advice on how to improve my diet and increase my cals? lunch must be food I can chuck in my backpack for a day at uni

I'm 162cm or 5'3 and 68kgs or 149lbs if that is relevant.


  • Kalindra
    There are a couple options that I love that increase calories without making you feel guilty about what you eat. 2 of my favorite foods are peanut butter and avocados. Peanut butter is loaded with protein and (if it is natural) unsaturated fats, so it will give you a ton of energy while adding calories. Avocados are considered a super food because they have the natural unsaturated fats, help raise good cholesterol, and are loaded with vitamins that your body needs anyways. 8)