Teenage Tradgety

Okay, So I'm Emily and I weigh around 260 right now. I'm nineteen and moving out and into college next fall. I really want to lose some of this weight before then. I've been trying to lose weight and have gone on diets since I was twelve when I entered my first weight watchers. At one point two or three years ago when I was around 220 I got to under 200 but my motivation was for a boy to like me. Of course since it wasn't for myself I ended up gaining the wait back and a "I don't care" attitude until I reached 250 where I started to yo-yo diet again and then here we are now. My highest was 270 which sounds kind of scary now that I write it down. Anyways, I need some help to renew my spark in eating right and exercising. It seems my willpower has shrunk to nil over the years. I'm still trying though. Any young adults out there that need to lose 100+ pounds? Any kind words or help or advice is appreciated, thank you. :) and I spelt tragedy wrong. >.< won't let me change it. *sigh*


  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    hey emily,

    we're in similar situations right now. i'm 20 years old, 5'5" and a college student myself. i battled with my weight even when i was little: gaining some, losing some, gaining a lot, losing a lot, etc. i remember that i weighed 180 pounds when i was in the 8th grade...then i stopped weighing myself. i was a size 18 all through high school and i had the "i dont care," attitude. now that i'm a little older, i realize that i'm not happy with my adult weight. my highest (that i know of) was 245 pounds and when I joined MFP i was 235 pounds.

    my ideal weight would be between 130 and 150 pounds...which means I have 85-100 pounds to lose...this is a scary number! i have been actively trying to lose weight now for about 3 weeks and i've had some minor success as well as disappointment. i ate 1200 calories and joined Curves for Women gym and I lost 6 pounds within the first week and a half....then I gained it all back some how. now i'm in the process of losing that six pounds again and trying to get my weight down. i really want to be 225 pounds by valentines day! it's my mini goal.

    i get you. i know how hard it is when there is SO MUCH weight to lose. you just have to take it one day at a time- baby steps. set little goals that are more achievable. for example, i think you should sit down with a calender and make a list of mini goals/dates. like...

    lose 5 pounds by the end of february
    lose 15 pounds by mid april

    and so on.

    add me! we can support each other

  • amanda12404
    amanda12404 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 36 so not a young adult...ugh I wish :) but I wish you the best of luck. I know you can do it especially since this time is for you. The 'boy' motivation never lasted long for me. I do have about 130 to lose so it does seem like it will take forever but I will do it and so will you.