Strength training

i have been learning a lot about strength training. But there is something that confuses me. I went to body and checked the workouts that people created there and noticed that they concerntrated on one muscle or two muscle groups per day. e.g.
Day 1 Legs,
Day 2 Back and Tricepts,
Day 3 Chest and Bicepts
Day 4 arms and shoulders,
Day 5 Abs.

Will i really get a flat tummy doing my abs fridays only? will i develop bicepts doing them on wednesday only? I noticed that a lot of the workouts are like this. I tried adding days together but then i end up spending 3 hours at the gym of course that include 40 minutes of cardio.


  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    for the ab comment, you cannot spot reduce, reduction in BF % = visible abs. and with adequate nutrition you will build muscle, including in your biceps.
    this program is perfectly fine but if you are a beginner, which you seem so i would go for a beginners compound program 3-4 days per week.
  • mrdjmo
    mrdjmo Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with above start on a beginners compound program.

    This will see you right for the first 6months or so
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    As above, you really need to find a good beguinner programme that will include basic compound moves like squats, deadlifts, presses.

    These are really easy for a novice to start with, and will work your whole body as opposed to isolation exercises like bicep curls that you mentioned.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    You won't get a flat stomach through any specific ab exercises., they just target the muscles underneath. to make it flat you need to reduce fat which is done with a calorie deficit.

    You can see results on once a week programs, but they are generally designed for those who are a bit more experienced. As a beginner I would recommend a full-body routine 3 x a week which focuses on the main compound lifts (squat, bench, deadlifts....)
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    Do a beginners 5x5 strength program to start off with e.g. Starting Strength or Strong Lifts. (Google them). Download the spreadsheets, read the material choose a program learn the lifts and begin course.

    The 5x5 program will teach you the five barbell compound lifts, get lifting in good form and strong if you follow the program for the duration 3 days per week for 12 weeks.

    After the first 12 weeks check your progress and decide what you would like to do as you should now have a good feel for the lifts how your body reacts, what you can do and experience in the gym.
  • Loftearmen
    Do a beginners 5x5 strength program to start off with e.g. Starting Strength or Strong Lifts. (Google them). Download the spreadsheets, read the material choose a program learn the lifts and begin course.

    The 5x5 program will teach you the five barbell compound lifts, get lifting in good form and strong if you follow the program for the duration 3 days per week for 12 weeks.

    After the first 12 weeks check your progress and decide what you would like to do as you should now have a good feel for the lifts how your body reacts, what you can do and experience in the gym.

    ^This. When you first start training you need to do full body training sessions several times per week because it won't take your body long to adapt to the training stimulus due to your low level of current physical adaptation. As you get stronger and stronger it will take longer and longer for your body to supercompensate to the fatigue you've built up through lifting and then it will become necessary to split your lifting up throughout the week; however, this is only necessary if you are trying to get really, really strong or really, really muscular. If you are just trying to lose weight and be healthy/look better then it will probably never be necessary.