
honu18 Posts: 294 Member
edited January 12 in Food and Nutrition
I've had a problem with sugar throughout all of this. I've been able to successfully moderate my intake of things like chips, fried foods, processed meals, pasta, pizza, etc, but when it comes to sweets, I'm completely powerless. I got diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance back in October, followed a low glycemic diet for awhile (the initial cut out of sugar sucked and then I got better at it), but I have totally fallen off the limiting sugar thing since the holidays. I had a really rough month that kept me out of activity for a decent amount of it and kept me miserable (flu, concussion, stomach bug), where the only things I wanted to eat/could eat in some cases were sugary. Now that I'm back into a normal routine, I do ok during the workweek but find myself completely losing control when it comes to sugar. I know I need to cut it down/cut it out again, but I can't EVER seem to do it or to motivate myself to do it anymore. I've been at this 'weight loss' thing for about 20 months and have only lost a net total of a few pounds because I lost it, gained it back with PCOS, lost some again and now am struggling to maintain that or keep losing because of my sugar addiction. Need some tips or motivation, please!! Thanks :)


  • katiedidit1
    katiedidit1 Posts: 39 Member
    Sugar is such a hard addiction. It maybe time for you to re evaluate what your motivation is. Other than being healthy, other than fitting into a cute outfit. What are your deep down desires for your future? And how will your weight help or deter you from those desires? Write it down and look at it often.

    If you are not getting enough nutritional info from your doctors I would strongly suggest finding a nutritionist that can help you. Often health insurance will cover a nutritionist.

    You are worth the work! Your dreams are important! Don't give in. I had to go cold turkey on the sugar and it sucked but the less I had the less I wanted.

    Take care!
  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    I had this problem. I just couldn't do it alone. I went for years wanting to get off of sugar, but I couldn't make it more than one day with out a least a dose of sugar, usually a lot more. I didn't like feeling like I was dependent on a substance. And the sugar often became an excuse to eat more than I need to eat. I actually felt sick all over if I didn't have desert! That just felt crazy. I joined Overeaters Anonymous. They give me the support I need to get off the stuff. Its been 6 months and I haven't gone back to sugar, even when I've been sick. My body has adjusted to living without the other white drug and I don't want to go back.

    OA is also free, so I know they aren't just out to make money. The religious thing has never been an issue in my group. A couple of people are even committed atheists. Its been a pretty good deal so far. I think I lucked out to find a good group. Every group is a little different.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I hear ya!! I'm back at it today. I can go for as long as 10 days and then get derailed. It's crazy because I feel awful after eating it. I love the moment but then I feel terrible. I love Monday mornings! No sugar. I have hope!!
  • I crave carbs more than sweets but I know it can be difficult. When I want something sweet I try to have weight watchers ice cream, 6 choc chips ( I pull out 6 from the bag and put the "bag away" then I slowly enjoy each little nibble and that usually satisfies me), or a almond/ginger cookie thin. There are lots of things out there.

    The trick is to make an event out of it. Make sure you pull it out an set it on a nice small plate and a nice cup of tea or a small glass of milk and put THE REST AWAY. If I leave it out I go back for more. I have been on diets since I was in junior high. This time I want a lifestyle change not a diet. I am not willing to deprive myself just watch portion controls and treat myself every once in awhile.

    Stay strong and good luck.
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