My shins hurt



  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Quick Word on NSAIDS (and then I'll shut up) - NSAIDS aka Runner's Beans.... If you think about it... what does it tell you when you need to mask the pain to do an activity? NSAIDS only conceal the pain, they don't solve the problem. They just make it easy to get more seriously injured. If you are in that much pain that you require a pain killer... maybe you should listen to your body and rest?

    NSAID's don't just mask pain - they're also used to control inflammation.

    My point is that when people take them BEFORE they go do an activity, they are leading themselves down a dangerous path. They attempt to conceal the pain and inevitably do further damage.

    While I agree that they can control inflammation, it is something that is best left for AFTER an activity and not before.

    Rest is a far more effective and safe approach.

    I hate to break it to you - but that's not exactly correct. In order to get true anti-inflammatory effects of an NSAID, you really need to take it consistently. For example, with normal OTC ibuprofen I believe it's every 4-6 hours. If you just pop some before activity, then you're really only getting the pain modulation effect. I do agree with about taking medications right before though - you really need time to allow the medication to get into your bloodstream to take effect. Otherwise you're just popping the potential for an ulcer since your body is more concerned with maintaining activity instead of digestion.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Sounds like you are just doing too much too soon. So, you need to rest and get rid of them. Then you need to walk 3 days a week. (use the bike too for say 2 days). Be sure that you have good running shoes fitted by a running store. Then learn to walk a mile for a few kilometers, and then walk it fast, and then run it. Be careful of steep inclines on the treadmill.

    Take it slow. Running and biking are great indoor/outdoor sports you can do just about anywhere, anytime.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I did walking/jogging intervals on Saturday and my shins are sore today. I also experienced this during level 3 of 30 Day Shred. Any muscle is going to get sore when worked. It'll get better as the muscle gets stronger. Good shoes is not a bad idea.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Sounds a little like Shin Splints. Now the advice I'll give you is the advice of a runner who suffered with shin splints for years and my advice is geared more towards running. Some commonality though...

    Shin splints are usually a result of too much, too soon, bad footwear, a mechanical defect in your stride or a combination of the above.

    First consideration is that you may have just progressed too quickly into the activity in which case back off the exercise in question to a more manageable place. Build gradually. Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was the human body. Yet some people believe they can be endurance athletes within hours of commencing an activity.

    Bad Footwear. I'd rather run barefoot than run in dead or broken down shoes (and yes sometimes I do run barefoot as it is very helpful in developing muscles that aren't normally used when shod.) Most modern shoes are designed with a purpose in mind and have a limited durability. Court shoes allow for more lateral movement and support of the foot, running shoes are designed to move forward etc. Make sure you are using the correct type of shoe for the sport. Also it is important to note that everyone is slightly different... some need Stability shoes, some need neutral shoes and some need motion control shoes. It is important to get your gait analyzed to best determine the right type of shoe for you. You won't find this at a Walmart or Target store... Go to a reputable store where people are trained (Running Room, Fleet Feet, RoadRunner etc...alternately a Sports MD or Physiotherapist can do a more comprehensive gait analysis)

    Also important to note that over time shoes break down and stop supporting your foot properly. The magic number for quality running shoes is about 500 miles. For cheaper shoes its significantly less. (You usually get what you pay for)

    A professional gait analysis will also tell you if you have any mechanical flaws in the way you run. It could be excessive overpronation or suppination. It could also be a muscle imbalance or weakness that can be addressed via physio or a specific exercise. In my case... I was able to work thru my shin splints via a series of daily exercises.

    Here are a few of exercises that may help;

    1. Single leg calf raises (start with 10 each leg 4x daily)
    2. Make "fists" with your toes and walk on your heels for 30 paces 4x daily.
    3. Get a bucket of those little army men (or marbles) Spill them on the floor and practice picking them up with your toes.
    4. Surgical tubing exercises to strengthen the ankle.
    5. Stand barefoot on one foot and balance for as long as you can. Try to lengthen the duration each time.
    6. Use your toes to write the alphabet in the air (no pencil required).

    I hope these help you out. Good Luck!

    All good stuff!
  • peachhunting
    peachhunting Posts: 59 Member
    Like most have said, sounds like shin splints.

    Ibuprofen, ice, and stretch your calves whenever you can.

    Once those muscles are developed, you won't have any more problems, but until then, ice and stretch. You can work through it, You'll notice that once you start exercising and get warmed up, the pain goes away.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Quick Word on NSAIDS (and then I'll shut up) - NSAIDS aka Runner's Beans.... If you think about it... what does it tell you when you need to mask the pain to do an activity? NSAIDS only conceal the pain, they don't solve the problem. They just make it easy to get more seriously injured. If you are in that much pain that you require a pain killer... maybe you should listen to your body and rest?

    NSAID's don't just mask pain - they're also used to control inflammation.

    My point is that when people take them BEFORE they go do an activity, they are leading themselves down a dangerous path. They attempt to conceal the pain and inevitably do further damage.

    While I agree that they can control inflammation, it is something that is best left for AFTER an activity and not before.

    Rest is a far more effective and safe approach.

    I hate to break it to you - but that's not exactly correct. In order to get true anti-inflammatory effects of an NSAID, you really need to take it consistently. For example, with normal OTC ibuprofen I believe it's every 4-6 hours. If you just pop some before activity, then you're really only getting the pain modulation effect. I do agree with about taking medications right before though - you really need time to allow the medication to get into your bloodstream to take effect. Otherwise you're just popping the potential for an ulcer since your body is more concerned with maintaining activity instead of digestion.

    But thats what we are talking about here right? People who take them prior to or during an activity. I won't dispute the proper usage of NSAIDS. Celebrex, Ibuprofen, Aleve... all good products when used properly. The problem is that most people don't use them properly. Most people don't heed the safety warnings (i.e. Do not continue usage for longer than 10 days without consulting a Doctor).

    I still maintain that people need to treat the cause and not mask it with a pill. No amount of ibuprofen will fix MTSS, if you don't fix the underlying cause.

    PS -> I'm getting the feeling you are a medical professional in some capacity?
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Quick Word on NSAIDS (and then I'll shut up) - NSAIDS aka Runner's Beans.... If you think about it... what does it tell you when you need to mask the pain to do an activity? NSAIDS only conceal the pain, they don't solve the problem. They just make it easy to get more seriously injured. If you are in that much pain that you require a pain killer... maybe you should listen to your body and rest?

    NSAID's don't just mask pain - they're also used to control inflammation.

    My point is that when people take them BEFORE they go do an activity, they are leading themselves down a dangerous path. They attempt to conceal the pain and inevitably do further damage.

    While I agree that they can control inflammation, it is something that is best left for AFTER an activity and not before.

    Rest is a far more effective and safe approach.

    I hate to break it to you - but that's not exactly correct. In order to get true anti-inflammatory effects of an NSAID, you really need to take it consistently. For example, with normal OTC ibuprofen I believe it's every 4-6 hours. If you just pop some before activity, then you're really only getting the pain modulation effect. I do agree with about taking medications right before though - you really need time to allow the medication to get into your bloodstream to take effect. Otherwise you're just popping the potential for an ulcer since your body is more concerned with maintaining activity instead of digestion.

    But thats what we are talking about here right? People who take them prior to or during an activity. I won't dispute the proper usage of NSAIDS. Celebrex, Ibuprofen, Aleve... all good products when used properly. The problem is that most people don't use them properly. Most people don't heed the safety warnings (i.e. Do not continue usage for longer than 10 days without consulting a Doctor).

    I still maintain that people need to treat the cause and not mask it with a pill. No amount of ibuprofen will fix MTSS, if you don't fix the underlying cause.

    PS -> I'm getting the feeling you are a medical professional in some capacity?

    Hahaha...busted, you're right! I'm a Certified Athletic Trainer. How could you tell? But you're right - it amazes me the people that don't read warning labels. I'll be honest though - I'm actually pretty anti medications in general. Although NSAID's have their proper time and place - I'm also the person who has had multiple broken bones and just last summer a double leg surgery - and still haven't taken the narcotics I was prescribed. Lol...pain makes me feel like I've accomplished something....
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Exercises that can help: Put a tube sock (or short scarf) on floor, with toes touching the end of sock/scarf. Using toes, scrunch up sock/scarf. Repeat.
  • cigarboo01
    It is all in the shoes. Get shoes fit exactly for your foot. It might cost you about 140 bucks, but you will never have shin pain again.