Slimming world vs calorie counting???

I've lost a lot of my weight on slimming world wondering about going back and stopping calorie counting?? What should I do?????


  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    I was a slimming world consultant and that is also counting calories but they do it in a way that you don't realise. As you have done slimming world before you will know their idea is that you can eat as much as you like so called healthy foods which then leaves you less hungry to snack on rubbish.
    I have now been doing counting calories since the end of June and have lost 46lb's in total. I like this way as it is for life and you can include every food item and not be resticted.

    An idea might be to count the calories in a typical day on slimming world and see what they come out as. If this is in your range then either way will result in a weight loss.
    It is entirely up to you. Whatever you feel the most comfortable doing. As long as your losing the weight then don't worry.
    Happy weight loss x
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I did Slimming world, Weight Watchers and Slim Fast.

    They did nothing for me sadly, or maybe I was just bad at it.

    Since calorie counting I have had the best result in years! The group support is nice but when you have a great community here, and its free.

    I would say the pros outweigh the cons.
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    Hi ajfc congrats on your weight loss, just wondering how man calories you eat most days? I'm having 1200 plus fitness calories and not doing to well, I went over by 700 for the week and lost 2lb then was under by 1000 the following week and put on a lb :-( why????? Really need help, I still go to slimming world for weigh in as I'm at target but still want to loss another 7-10lbs x
  • Yellowlass
    Ive done slimming world years ago and found it expensive to eat that way. For me calorie counting, low fat and exercise has worked, I would never look at any other diet plan now.

    Good luck c
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I have seen Slimming World work but the amount of food you can eat on it really scares me...
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 167 Member
    I've done Slimming World in the past, but didn't have that much luck with it. For one thing, if someone tells me to eat as much as I want of something (eg pasta, rice or whatever) I will take their words at face value - which I did, and I think I must have been eating far too many calories for successful weight loss! :huh:

    Also, I missed the freedom of being able to have whatever snacks I liked during the day (as the "syns" allowance didn't seem to go very far).

    Personally, I like calorie counting the best - you know exactly where you are with it, and you can have whatever you want as long as you count it into your allowance.

    But if you've got on well with Slimming World (as many people seem to do) there's no reason why you shouldn't carry on with it. You could always cut back slightly on something, if you are struggling to lose the last bit of weight. Or is more exercise an option? (obviously I don't know anything about you - you may already be working your socks off on the exercise front!).

    Anyway, congrats on what you've lost so far - to be honest, I think any diet will work, with the right attitude. And your attitude is obviously spot on! :flowerforyou:
  • dcampus
    I'm a bit late to the party here but wanted to share my thoughts.

    I am really interested in health and fitness, and as a result I have tried many different diets and have researched many different ways of thinking (low carb, the caveman diet, no food after 6pm (!), portion control etc etc).

    The only thing I have really found to consistently work is Slimming World, and even now I am totally baffled as to how it works. But, as Sue mentioned earlier in the post - I actually think I require a lot more calories (in particular carbs - which SW doesn't restrict) than MFP gives to me, and SW seems to be the right amount of food for my metabolism to fire itself up. Furthermore, I don't feel restricted as I just include bad things in my syns.

    I always log on MFP too, and sometimes I have gone over the carbs MFP sets me by up to 100g! But it doesn't fail to work, week after week.

    Don't know whether that helps?
  • sammi_bear
    Hi I'm currently a slimming world member, and have just joined MFP recently as I was curious as to how many calories I actually consume! So I have been eating as normal on the SW extra easy plan, but logging what I eat on here as if it was my food diary. Turns out I usually am only about 100 calories over the 1200 MFP recomends. Think I'm going to stick to slimming world as I can't stand weighing all my prtions to see how many calories are in it!

    The way SW works is you have to fill a third of your plate with superfree (fruit or veg) food, and then the other 2 thirds with free food (lean meat, pasta, rice). This automatically lowers the calorie content of your plateful. You then can have seconds if you want, but in the proportions above.

    Obviously you know the above since you're at target, but I just put it there for the other posters who may not know!

    Im probably still going to log my food on here, as SW don't have an app for android and I really find a food diary helps me.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Most advertised diets are just a form of calorie counting or deficit. At least on mfp you learn how to change your behavior and learn to potion sizes and how many calories are in the foods you eat.

    This is way better than any other fad plan...i'd stick with my fitness pal.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 167 Member
    I think the portion sizes (at SW) - i.e, dividing your plate into 3 sections - is relatively new. I'm sure when I first attended a SW class, about 9 years ago, you were literally told that certain foods were completely unlimited! But the "plate guide" thing makes more sense. :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Most advertised diets are just a form of calorie counting or deficit. At least on mfp you learn how to change your behavior and learn to potion sizes and how many calories are in the foods you eat.

    This is way better than any other fad plan...i'd stick with my fitness pal.

    This is basically what I was going to say. The problem with a lot of diets is that they don't really teach you how to eat...they don't teach you calories in/calories out and how much your body needs to function...maintain...lose...gain, etc. You also learn pretty much nothing in RE to portion control, etc. All of these things are not only important for losing weight, but also for maintaining...probably even more important for maintaining a healthy weight.