I'm back at it again ! need friends ♥

Hey I'm back at the calorie diet .. I was trying the weight watchers and lost some weight but its so much money every month. So I'm here looking for friends and support! !


  • Feb 4, 2013 - my first day back. Need all the support I can get too!
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Step 1) Add me...I have been here for more that 700 days and would be glad to help motivate and support you!

    Step 2) Don't think of it as a diet...they are prone to fail....It's a lifestyle!!

  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    Feel free to add me! i'm trying to hop back on the horse too!!
  • i just started back up to, welcome back! add me as a friend if you want to. :)
  • Welcome back! Let the journey begin. Feel free to add me.
  • avffva
    avffva Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me on my fitness pal. Username: avffva ..... We can do this together :)
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I would love an add!! Good luck to all on your journeys!!
  • 4CVP
    4CVP Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me too!!
  • feel free to add me... its my first week back after being gone for 9 months
  • Wellcome! I just started less than a week ago, so I'm happy to make new friends here!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm very consistent. I've been using MFP for over 200 days and have lost 17.5 pounds. I log on every day.
  • ddt411
    ddt411 Posts: 14 Member
    ADD ME! You can do it :)
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    Everyone who's looking for a supportive friend, add me. Because I'm a supportive friend.
  • Add me, too! I love it here!
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    Step 1) Add me...I have been here for more that 700 days and would be glad to help motivate and support you!

    Step 2) Don't think of it as a diet...they are prone to fail....It's a lifestyle!!


    ^^ This exactly. It is most definitely a lifestyle change. Feel free to add me and best of luck on your journey.

  • You can add me! I have been on MFP four a couple of years but have been very sporatic lately. Today I have decided to be more dedicated...we can do this together.
  • Definitely don't think of it as a diet. Carry a notepad & pen or food & exercise journal with you everywhere.
    If you ask for the nutritional facts and they're reluctant to help you with that, then they & they're food are toxic
    to your efforts - pass on both. Avoid the food police - those that want to judge what is on your plate & your
    size - they don't even know what they're putting in their mouths. Be careful of the things that can look or
    sound healthy but aren't. Salads can be pretty healthy - if you leave off the dressing as much as possible.
  • scress0514
    scress0514 Posts: 51 Member
    feel free to add me. im pretty new at this also and we all can use the support....good luck!!!
  • CoachSamB
    CoachSamB Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, it isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle of making responsible food choices. :) You can do it!! Almost at Day 300 personally! Don't give up!

    Step 1) Add me...I have been here for more that 700 days and would be glad to help motivate and support you!

    Step 2) Don't think of it as a diet...they are prone to fail....It's a lifestyle!!

  • marielaem
    marielaem Posts: 202 Member
    Add me if you like. I'm following the 5:2 - primarily for the health benefits. Also, I find it easier to think have to really cut back on two days a week. Much more relaxing than thinking about a "diet" 7/7.