Motivation for everyone!

It's all to do with what you eat. From how it looks, to how it feels, to how fast your hair and nails grow, to how fast you lose body fat and build muscle. Protein is the building block to hair, nail and muscle improvement. You always want to have plenty of vegetables of course. A variety of them at that. From green, to orange, to red, to yellow. Of course raw vegetables are best but frozen is good too. Canned on the other hand? Benefits are definitely taken away. If you have to eat canned because of the prices, at least you're eating healthy and doing the right thing for you, your hair, nails and body. Admit it, even if you're a person who likes short hair, you still want shiny, healthy hair. Nails? You don't want yellow, brittle nails. You want less body fat and more muscle. Along with your health to go up, up, up. Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Just make sure to get those veges and proteins in daily. And guys? Water, water, water.
If you didn't want to work-out to lose weight, you don't have to! But if you don't, you won't be toned and may or may not have extra sag.

We all make it way too complicated but it's not that we don't know what to do. It's that we are too lazy and would rather research about it day to day, then actually get up and do it. That's why I always do.
Google over and over "How to lose weight?" , "How to lose two pounds a week." , "How do I become a healthier person?"

Some people really do need the mathematical help on how many calories to consume, knowing about your BMI, BMR and how many calories to burn yourself.
I know I did at one point. But when we find out, why don't we get started???

We need to stop waiting around.

If you chose to work-out and you don't feel like running that 3rd day of the week you promised to work-out? And you just say, I'm just not doing it today, i'm going to lay down, eat food and relax.
No! Yes, breaks are okay sometimes but if you said out of Monday-Sunday I will work-out three times a week and it's sunday and you only worked out 2 days that week? GO FOR A WALK. Dance to your favorite music. Do something little, something fun.

We can do it people! We can! We can be the best we can be. Most of us on here are self-conscious and don't have confidence in ourselves but we can find that confidence in ourselves, if we just try to BE THE BEST WE CAN BE.

For me? The best I can be isn't ONLY working-out but it's many things. It's being healthy, looking healthy, getting up and doing things rather than wasting my day away, improving my education and knowledge. It's everything in my life. My #1 thing is making sure I'm the best mom I can be of course but for others, they may not have kids and that may not be the case.

But guys, we CAN improve if we just TRY. We don't have to run a marathon today. But let's go for a walk. Let's eat healthy foods TODAY! Let's do it now! Today!
