
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum

had an interesting day. weighed this morning (using wii) and was 163lbs (73.9kg) went to the doctors and the nurse weighed me 154.3lb (70kg) came home checked wii board was working properly and re weighed this time was 161lb (73.03kg) (this was after a little exercise breakfast a snack and lunch)
I don't get how it can vary so much any ideas?


  • nicholawelch
    nicholawelch Posts: 74 Member
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I can't say I'm too surprised, though a little impressed at the gap between the scales. Scales aren't necessarily the most accurate thing in the world and there is a lot of discrepancy between them.

    I would go with the doctors though, not only because it's the lower weight but their equipment should be more accurate.
  • Every scale is different. If you consistenly use the same scale the weight loss will be correct. Don't worry about the differences in the scales. Always use the same scale at the same time, and wear the same clothing if you can. This will give you more accurate weight loss numbers.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Was the Wii board on carpet or floor. I have my scale on ceramic tile floor and when I moved it to carpet my weight was changed by about 8lbs.
  • If anything you should have weighed heavier on the wii after 2 meals and a snack (and I assume you were drinking water). Make sure you are wearing the exact same thing when you weigh yourself, and don't move the scale - leave it in the same place. Yes, the dr's scale is more accurate, but unless you want to go to your dr's office every week to weigh in, it could be inconvenient. Maybe investing in a more accurate scale for your home would be a good idea? Not sure how the wii one works, but doesn't sound like it is very accurate. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I would go with the doctors real scale vs the Wii. Also, in RE to the fluctuations (163-16) it is normal for the body to fluctuate weight from day to day and during the course of any given day due to water retention, food/liquid intake/output, etc. I can easily fluctuate 2-3 Lbs from day to day and withing a given day. Remember, you have about 5 Lbs or more of food and a couple pounds of liquid being consumed and expelled every day...as well as water retention/elimination.
  • nicholawelch
    nicholawelch Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you all. The wii board is on the carpet and is not always in exactly the same place as the children move it too to play on and it gets put away between times. but have taken on board all comments