I feel a cold coming on....HELP!

Hi everyone! Looking for recommendations. I feel a chest cold coming on with a moderate cough. I'm not at the point where antibiotics are needed and would rather take the natural approach. I know vitamin C is important. I made a gallon of distilled water with 2 lemons and an orange which I have 1/4 of a gallon left. I still need to make my 1 hr work out class after work each night too.
Any suggestions would be appreciated ;>)


  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi everyone! Looking for recommendations. I feel a chest cold coming on with a moderate cough. I'm not at the point where antibiotics are needed and would rather take the natural approach. I know vitamin C is important. I made a gallon of distilled water with 2 lemons and an orange which I have 1/4 of a gallon left. I still need to make my 1 hr work out class after work each night too.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated ;>)

    You NEED NEED NEED to get yourself some oil of oregano - it's pricy, BUT you don't need much and one bottle normally lasts my family of 5 almost all winter, so don't let the price scare you. It is SOOOO worth it - you have to get it in you right now though before the cold really takes hold that's when it's most effective (and as a preventative to just get in the habit of taking daily) Man up and drink it straight - it's HORRIBLE, but so good for a cold (my 3.5 yr old daughter drinks it straight, but she's a tough cookie ... still only 3.5 !! lol)
  • sherimacquarrie
    sherimacquarrie Posts: 69 Member
    I just recently had an awful cold, was very frustrated to not be able to excerise. So I tried my first mustard poultice! It actually helped!! I found a recipe online. Hope you are feeling better soon!
  • csalata
    csalata Posts: 13 Member
    Oil of oregano...I'm going to see if whole foods has it tonight!!! Worth a try! Thank you!
  • csalata
    csalata Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!! Looking up mustard poultice recipes now! Thanks for the tip :>)
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    DO NOT EXERCISE!!!!!!! Give your body rest and you will recover much faster. Plus you won't be infecting all those people at the gym.

    And try echinacea tea. Eat fresh fruits and veggies, and drink green tea too.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    For a cheap option, try ginger tea. I make mine with about 1/4 inch of shaved ginger root steeped in 190ish degree F water for 5 minutes. A little honey and it clears my sinuses right out, plus helps with digestion!
  • csalata
    csalata Posts: 13 Member
    I'm part of a weight loss challenge and if I don't show up for classes I'm disqualified, but rest a assured we are big on cleaning our machines down with wipes after each use. It's like a religion HAHA.

    Making my store list now and Echinacea and ginger root on it!

    Thanks for the tips!!