p90x questions

alexzandra Posts: 12 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ive read a few threads about p90x. Can anyone give me their first hand experiences? I think I may try it.


  • hobbamolli
    hobbamolli Posts: 1
    I've been doing P90X for about three weeks now with a very healthy diet and I've lost about 8 pounds. I'm a former Marine and it is very close to the best overall workouts I've ever done. Seeing results almost instantly. Well worth it to me...
  • Check out the video :


    Contact me if you are interested. I am a coach and can help you get started.
  • emm7905
    emm7905 Posts: 4 Member
    I am one week into P90 and I LOVE it!!!!!!!! It is tough but it is great! Prepare your self, you will be sore, but you feel as though you have made a great accomplishment every time you complete a workout. :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My husband and I are starting week 6 tomorrow. We're both Air Force and get an awesome workout with these DVDs. I've brought my 1.5 mile runtime down from a sub 15-min to a 13:26 by doing nothing but P90X. Combined with eating healthier I've lost 7 lbs and 1.3% body fat doing P90X. Totally worth every dime paid!
  • pearlyfatcat
    pearlyfatcat Posts: 31 Member
    To the original poster, I hope you don't mind, but I have a question I would like to throw in here too. What do I need to buy to use with this program. I know the pull up bar, but how many weights do I need? I know it will be different for each person weight wise. For example do I need three or four set of different weights?
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    I did it and lost 40 lbs (220-180). I really enjoyed it. I am currently doing insanity it is good too, just more cardio, not as many pull ups and pushups. More fat loss, less toning than P90X. Have fun.
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    I have 2 weeks left of the 90 day program. Overall I have lost 19 pounds and can tell a huge difference in my clothes. I went from a size 14 dress to 8. It is pretty intense, but well worth it! As soon as I'm done with this round I am going to start again!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I just finished the first 30 days and I lost 13.65" and 13.6lbs. I have muscle definition in my arms and I found my collar bones. It is simply amazing the results you get from this program.

    I bought the videos, weights (I have 3,5, and 8lbs for now but will be purchasing 10lbs soon) a chin up bar does not work in my house so I bought Bally Total Fitness bands that I attached to a hook in my ceiling.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    To the original poster, I hope you don't mind, but I have a question I would like to throw in here too. What do I need to buy to use with this program. I know the pull up bar, but how many weights do I need? I know it will be different for each person weight wise. For example do I need three or four set of different weights?

    Yes each person is different

    Some people do the enitre routine with the same weight throughout the entire po day routine

    When I started I started with 10 pounds....Then I upt it to 15 pounds

    If you arent use to weights....I would start with 10 and see how that works for you


    I love P90X it is a good workout
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    My husband and I have both P90X and Insanity. Personally, I prefer Insanity because it doesn't require any equipment, and I think it is a bit less boring than P90X. The set is also brighter. P90X has such a dark small set. And I am getting so good at push ups doing Insanity! My husband loves both. He works out to about 2 P90X DVDs and 1 Insanity DVD, or vice versa every day while he's at home babysitting our daughter. I don't have time or energy for that madness.
  • alexzandra
    alexzandra Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think you guys have talked me into it.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I'm a Beachbody coach too, and P90X and Slim in 6/Slim Series are my favorite BB workouts. I'm doing my third round of X right now. I like to alternate between the programs.

    For equipment, I use a yoga mat, yoga block, pull-up bar, and weights ranging from 5 to 15 pounds, depending on the exercise.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    My husband and I have both P90X and Insanity. Personally, I prefer Insanity because it doesn't require any equipment, and I think it is a bit less boring than P90X. The set is also brighter. P90X has such a dark small set. And I am getting so good at push ups doing Insanity! My husband loves both. He works out to about 2 P90X DVDs and 1 Insanity DVD, or vice versa every day while he's at home babysitting our daughter. I don't have time or energy for that madness.

    Funny comment about set. For all the money they spend on advertising, you would think the production value would have been a bit better.
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    I'm going to hop in here too with a question or two!
    I'm thinking of ordering P90X and want to be sure it's the right move before I go ahead and bit the "buy" button!

    Is the pull up bar required? I saw a poster said she uses a band with a hook in the ceiling... Is there any way to work this program without that?

    Also, what is the fitness level before starting the program?

    Do you have to be an althete to do it, or can the averagly fit Jane (such as myself) start it and have it still work?

    How long are the videos?

    I'm going to try and talk the hubs into joining me on this one and want as much info as I can from the get go!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think you guys have talked me into it.

    That's great! It's an awesome program and works wonders as long as you keep yourself properly fueled and press play every day. I'm almost 2/3rds done with my second round and my main photo show my results so far.
    I'm going to hop in here too with a question or two!
    I'm thinking of ordering P90X and want to be sure it's the right move before I go ahead and bit the "buy" button!

    Is the pull up bar required? I saw a poster said she uses a band with a hook in the ceiling... Is there any way to work this program without that?

    Also, what is the fitness level before starting the program?

    Do you have to be an althete to do it, or can the averagly fit Jane (such as myself) start it and have it still work?

    How long are the videos?

    I'm going to try and talk the hubs into joining me on this one and want as much info as I can from the get go!

    For pullups you can get a door gym (it hooks onto the door frame) and use a chair to help boost you up. There are pullup bands that come with a door anchor (you close the door and it locks the bands in place). You need one or the other.

    Averagely fit is more than enough as long as you don't expect to be able to do follow the videos right away. I was completely out of shape when I started and did fine. It's all about dedication and the ability to keep pushing yourself.

    The videos are typically an hour except Yoga X which is 90 minutes.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I have gone thru p90x a couple times last yr and currently on week 10. Great program for good overall strength and fitness. It will change your body and your life if you keep doing it.

    Firefrog76 you can use bands instead of a pull up bar as long as you watch how to do them correctly. In fact, there is always someone using bands instead of free wts or pull ups. You should be somewhat fit before starting, but you don't have to be in that good of shape. For example, I started the program at 190 lbs and could not make it thru all the items on the fit test. Not a big deal as long as you modify the moves and do everything to the best of your abiltiy. I started out using a chair for assisted pull ups and could not make it thru ab ripper, let alone plyo, BUT, by the end of 90 days i was going beyond what the athletes were doing on the dvd. Almost all the workouts are an hr long except YOGA which is 1.5 hrs. There are also 3 days you do 15 min of ab ripper, so those days are 1 hr and 15! That is the hardest part, finding the time. If you do go for it, be sure to follow the diet very carefully. Its almost more important than the workouts. Don't kid yourself and think that 90 days is easy and anyone can do this. It is tough. It will make you sweat and hurt all over. There are days that you will barely be able to walk or lift your arms without pain. Don't give up, because in the end it is all worth it.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Finished two rounds before a bicep injury. My starting weight was 288 lbs with a jean size of 48 and 34% bodyfat. During my third round, before the injury, I was at 222 lbs, size 31 jean and 8% bodyfat. Just restarted round 3 two weeks ago. It's the real deal.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I'm in week 1 now and it seems like its exactly what I needed, since my old routine had gotten a bit stale. The reason I hesitated was that I was worried about over-training since I'm not willing to cancel my gym classes (I go partly for the social component). Its fine though, I'm dropping the weights class and keeping on with the cardio and yoga classes and it seems to compliment pretty well.

    As for equipment, I've got a door mounted pull up bar (no drilling) and resistance bands. I got a set of 3 different tension levels (no handles) for AU$40. Its easy to increase the tension just by using a shorter and shorter portion of the band. Of course that makes it difficult to track exactly what you're lifting, but I'm not fussed. There's enough metrics that don't depend on weight so I'll be able to track progress without knowing the exact weight I'm lifting.

    The advantage of bands is that they're relatively cheap, they're light, they don't take up any space, you can pack them if you're traveling or whatever.

    I also have a mat, but that's mostly to keep my sweat off the carpet, you could use a big towel if you're really on a budget ;)
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    Thanks for all the replies and tips, will definitely be ordering P90X in the next month. BUdget demands and all say I have to wait. I'm very excited for this and so ready for a change! Wish me luck and once I start I'll be sure to post updates and my thoughts on the program for others to see.
    That's one thing I think would be great, if everyone using p90x gave their before and after measurements. That alone is such motivation!
  • Peanut1959
    Peanut1959 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought a pull-up bar but couldn't use it because my doorway is 8 inches wide...darn old house! Rather than quit I used dumbbells instead. Might not be the best option, but I DECIDED AND COMMITTED.........I am in week 10 and just purchased the bands to use in my next round of P90X.
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