What did you do to get yourself back on track?

Today is only day 3 for me and it has been a tough one! I wanted to give up halfway through my workout because I felt to tired and my muscles are sore. Then I have been feeling hungry ALL day and just want to snack. I did make it through my workout though and I stayed under my calories and carbs but did go over fats by 1 :x Although that's not good, im proud of myself for sticking through my workout and not going crazy with food. Anyway, Can anyone give me any suggestions as to what helped you push through and what I could try? Does it eventually get easier? I feel like such a loser for feeling this way after only 3 days.. what helped you stay on track?


  • JerryLisa1234
    JerryLisa1234 Posts: 3 Member
    Dont give up!!! When I started working out, the worst of it was the first 4wks, every muscle ached and then it really became easier. I've been on MFP many times, tracked for a month then gave up for a few more, tracked again then gave up..it all was around stresses in my life that I've since realized I have to put myself first. (easier said than done) but I'm doing it..now tracking faithfully for two months and seeing results.
  • strawberrylola
    strawberrylola Posts: 36 Member
    I have put a skinny pic of me as my screen saver on my phone so if I am in a shop and I feel weak I look at it and think "I would rather look like that" than have whatever was tempting me. I have one on the fridge too.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    500 mg of vitamin C a day has proven to increase stamina while excercising 15 percent. Listening to music and drinking cold water have shown to improve length of activity and perceived difficulty. Also, dont beat yourself up for "feeling" like eating alot of food, you DIDN'T and that is what matters. Do not let your emotion fool you and bring you down! Good luck.
  • manders12304
    manders12304 Posts: 19 Member
    500 mg of vitamin C a day has proven to increase stamina while excercising 15 percent. Listening to music and drinking cold water have shown to improve length of activity and perceived difficulty. Also, dont beat yourself up for "feeling" like eating alot of food, you DIDN'T and that is what matters. Do not let your emotion fool you and bring you down! Good luck.

    Never knew about the vitamin c, I will have to try that! Thanks!
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    I have asked about Weight Watchers... and they get to eat unlimited vegetables... but you have to be selective... I recommend celery with a dab of peanut butter for protein and crunch..... Don't go overboard, but it kind of fills a sweet tooth.
    Eat a lot of grilled vegetables... and dab a dash of garlic salt... if you must..... I like to eat eggplant in olive oil....In this plan.... MFP... you really don't have to go hungry... and it's not bulimia( eat and run ,, eat and run)...... It's possible to graze through the day eating the right foods... and feel full...............................Use the support in here, too.. There are wonderful people who know what you are going through... all ages.. sizes... groups.. it's a united nations.. but great....... :flowerforyou:
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Here is a tip that a friend shared with me that helped me so much. She did HCG so she dealt with serious hunger for the first few days. I did not to HCG.
    Fill a large glass ( 20-24 oz) with water and add some Stevia. About 1/8 - 1/4 tsp. Then toss in a tea bag, preferably green tea. Even though the water is cold it will steep in about 5 min. That tiny amount of substance is enough for your body to treat it as food. It helps with hunger. Doesn't make it completely go away but it will help you not turn into The Hulk and tear apart a cake or pizza with your bare hands and teeth.

    I always keep Think Thin bars around. They have tons of protein and no sugar. When I eat one and drink a big glass of water I'm so full. Surprisingly full for such a small snack bar.
  • candirose69
    I always plan my days ahead so as I have enough food "snacks" to keep me going under my cals. I also give myself 100 cal wiggle room either way so im not beating myself up if im a little over or under.
    I have a desk job so very easy to sit all day and eat cookies ect as we have unlimited biscuits in the staff kitchen provided for us!
    heres a typical day:
    Bfast-musli and yoghurt or weet bix and milk and fruit
    Snack(somewhere between 10 and 11)-fruit
    Lunch-Tuna salad with 4 bean mix and a wholemeal wrap (lots of protein to keep me full)
    Snack(3pm)-another piece of fruit and either a piece of cheese or a handful of nuts
    Dinner-i try and have half a plate of veg, just over a quarter meat or protein and under a 1/4 of carb(rice, potato ect)
    and I always allow myself a little soemthing at the end of the day whether its an extra piece of fruit or a couple of squares of dark chocolate or very often light milk with some nesquick flavoring :)

    So I eat at LEAST every 3 hours if not more frequently!

    ALSO the first moth was HELL!!! lol, over 6 motnhs in and its gettign easier but it is never eays to say no to chocolate, biscuits and pizza :) just work them into your week
    I've also gone from the chubby kid who NEVER did sport at school to a gym junkie who egts irritable if i dont get there 5 times a week :) it becomes habbit.