Weight loss with medical issues


I am working on losing 30 pounds, hopefully most of them for my son's wedding in October.

My weight loss is complicated a bit by some health problems and exercise restrictions. I have an autonomic disorder that prevents me from walking for very long. My blood pressure with plummet and I am at risk of passing out. Right now I have been in a Cardiac Rehab program for 6 weeks and have improved greatly but have not lost any weight thus far.

I also have Trigeminal Neuralgia. Both problems are related to polyneuropathy of unknown cause. Right now I am on a liquid/soft diet to calm the pain in the facial nerves, so this complicates making a eating plan that includes enough of all the food groups.

A friend gave me the link to this site and it looks quite good. Staying aware of what and how much I am eating will hopefully allow me to lose some of the weight I have gained. 30 pounds is just the beginning.

Nice to meet you all,


  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    soups are great for weight loss (as long as you are making healthy choices like broth or veggie based ones and not heavy creamy ones) and fruit smoothies are great too.

    I don't know much about the medical issues you mentioned but anything you can do to keep moving, even if it's just short periods of time should help.

    Good luck and congratulations to your son!
  • Fry24
    Fry24 Posts: 21
    What about machines where you would be seated? Stationary bikes, stationary rowing?
    Just a thought.

    Your goals sound very ambitious. Glad to see you are motivated despite set backs!
  • Akasha4
    Akasha4 Posts: 2
    Hi, I know how you feel I suffer from a condition called spina bifida so find it hard to go to excercise classes etc or to find excercises that dont involve standing up, etc as I use a wheelchair and cant stand up without aids.

    I've started to use the Wii for a boxing programme which is really good as it means I can sit while I exercise.

    I am trying to find some kind of excercise I can use to workout my legs but so far I've not had much luck if anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks x
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Here's a web site that has liquid and soft diet allowable foods: http://rex.nci.nih.gov/NCI_Pub_Interface/Eating_Hints/softdiet.html
    Looking at it, everything looks good and varied on the soft food diet. I recommend limiting the fats, except the mono and poly unsaturated fats. You might limit the sweets. I think you can lose weight on this diet, when limiting fats and sweets.
    I hope your neurapathy and low blood pressure problems go away before long.
    Concerning the low blood pressure--have they checked your thyroid levels? I'm on Synthroid every day for my hypothyroidism, which is manifested by low blood pressure, some weakness, dry skin, much hair shedding, and a swelling of your throat (goiter) because the thyroid is working extra hard to give you the proper amounts of thyroxin needed. The great thing is that Synthroid wipes out most of those symptoms.
    I hope you lose the weight you want. Hugs, BJB
  • dazy64
    dazy64 Posts: 3
    My son is also getting married in October, 30 lbs would be a great start for me, I lost 1lb in 6 weeks! very discouraging, I also have health concerns, Polycysitc ovaries, no metabolism! I eat high figer, never go over 1200 cal and it still doesnt help! Good luck, here if you need to vent!
    Dazy 64