Looking for friends to keep me motivated!

Hi, I'm Amy, 36, 5'2", 187# as of this mornings weigh in. 95% of my friends are thin without working at it, so I am lacking "friends" to lose weight with.

I was able to lose 30 lbs last year in preperation for an anniversary trip to Hawaii, but have slowly put it ALL back on. I will be honest--I do not like to exercise, and I love to eat. That's a problem when I want to lose weight and get healthy. My goals: I would ultimately like to lose 50-60#. I want to teach my youngest daughter how important eating and exercising is to maintaing good health. She's 10. Not overweight at all, but I see my bad habits in her already.

I'm just looking for some people with similar goals to help keep me accountable on here.



  • bithell2003
    bithell2003 Posts: 2 Member
    hi my name is kay i am 5ft6 at present weight to much would like to lose about 4 stone going to florida in may so trying to lose some before that maybe a stone and half,,i am 33 and a health care assistant in chester

    i have a 9 year old daugher who i want to learn my good habbits not my bad ones and teach her about food
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... 127 pounds in seven months and going strong! You can do it just log everything. Be painfully honest and log properly and you will lose weight staying under the goals.
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the group!! You are totally like me..I am 5'2" and started at 187!! My goal is to go to the gym 3x's a week...but Its a struggle!! Please feel free to add me
  • jacatkins
    jacatkins Posts: 19 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 27, 164cms... i need to lose 10kgs... but i too lack serious motivation.

    I am starting the process of tracking my food and being positive... but somehow the negative still slips through every now and then.

    i am trying to do the gym 3-4 times a week... however struggling.. but i am taking up the challenge of boot camps on Saturday mornings....

    Good luck to all!
  • nosie
    nosie Posts: 10 Member
    I need help to loss the weight too I would like to loss 50bLs please help