difference between a stress fracture and shin splints?

Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
edited January 12 in Fitness and Exercise
I have shooting, aching pain from my upper ankle reaching up to about three inches below my knee (on the side, by my calf; not on the front where my shin is).

I had shin splints when I was younger (about 8 years ago) but I don't remember it feeling this intense. I ran 7 miles today and felt a little bit of pain, but not too bad to not run (although-- I push myself really hard so, even if it was, I probably still would have ran). But, by then end of the day, the pain is unbearable and doesn't go away, even when I am sitting/have it elevated. This has been going on for about two months or so? I even took 10 days off of running and it still hasn't gone away.

Any ideas?


  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    It sounds like it could be a stress fracture. Does it hurt when you press on it, too? From what I've read, it can be annoying at first and then just like you, after a run, all the sudden it's non stop pain. The earlier you catch it, the less time you have to take off from running, I'd get it checked out asap!
  • tadlana
    tadlana Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I had a stress fracture on the top of my foot 2 years ago from aerobic dance classes. The Dr said it was from all the jumping and pounding in my feet. It was an ache that hurt every time I walked on it, I was in a boot for 6 weeks to get the pressure off of it. It like a crack in the bone thats not completely all the way broken yet. Maybe you need and xray before you keep up with the stress of running. Good luck
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I have no idea but I would definitely get it looked at by a doctor if it's been going on for 2 months.
  • jtndle
    jtndle Posts: 54 Member
    I would get it checked out! I have post tibial tendonitis that hurts in the same area but it rarely hurts while I'm just sitting still.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This has been going on for 2 months yet you went for a 7 mile run today? Cut that out. For future reference, aches mean be careful and pain means STOP.

    Go get your leg looked at. And if you can't have medical coverage then a least stop running.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    And for stress fractures, you need an MRI, not an xray. An xray won't always detect them.
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