crystal light

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
So I'm trying to give up diet sodas so I have switched to drinking Crystal light(lemonade) which is sooo yummy. I usually have between 1-2 packets a day(there each 10 so 20 calories) I', wondering if those are better to drink then soda. Please tell me yes because there good lol


  • jaysen05
    jaysen05 Posts: 29 Member
    They are better than soda. Not the carbs and sugar.
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Aspartame is not good for you! Google "Phenylalanine"....
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Well, I hope they are better! I mix up a big jug and keep it in my fridge in place of pop. I still drink lots of just plain water but it is sure handy to have around for those times when you want something other then just water! Nice thing is my husband likes it too so he drinks it also so I don't have to have something extra for him!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I love to drink them, find they help me drink all my water for the day. I still drink plain water and find I'm drinking more of that and less Crystal light. But I'm no longer drinking diet soda
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    I love Crystal light! I drink 2 singles everyday in my big water bottle. Another thing I've started is brewing some strong plain black tea and chilling it, and mixing it in with 6 cups water and a package of lemon lime crystal light. I love it! :drinker:
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    I love Crystal light too! I mix up a jug myself. This makes me drink most of my water for the day. If you get the sugar free single packs most of them have NO CALORIES. These are really good too. I've started to drink more plain water too. I try mixing less Crystal light in each day. This way I'm drinking more water.
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    I drink Crystal Light with my meals! It helps me stay away from sodas! Of course, it has to be a lot healthier than soda. Just keep drinking it & plain water. This is the only way I was able to get my husband off of sodas & on water. :bigsmile: Now, we take them to restaurants with us too. :drinker: He's even down to drinking un-sweetened tea when he gets it!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't get this fascination with crystal light. I keep diet green tea when I need something to keep me away from soda.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i wouldnt say crystal light is better for you. but it does take you away from soda.

    but its full of chemical and fake things that you are toxin your body. 1 pack a day is better than 2. that is the average way for a diabetic person. if you want to drink something that will avoid soda. go for tea, their healthier. and way better for you body.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I's a better choice to drink that over soda. You can never go wrong with water though! I've been soda free almost 2months now :) I really really like Wylers Light....pretty much the same thing!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    It is much better than soda. Good switch. I did it last week as well.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Maybe I'm missing something but, besides the carbonation (which I've heard can wreak havoc on your teeth), what is the real difference between Crystal Light (sweetened with aspartame) and most diet sodas (typically sweetened with aspartame), which is what she was drinking?

    I've never really drank much of either one, so I haven't looked into it very much, so I'm honestly curious about why Crystal Light is seen as a healthy alternative.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Maybe I'm missing something but, besides the carbonation (which I've heard can wreak havoc on your teeth), what is the real difference between Crystal Light (sweetened with aspartame) and most diet sodas (typically sweetened with aspartame), which is what she was drinking?

    I've never really drank much of either one, so I haven't looked into it very much, so I'm honestly curious about why Crystal Light is seen as a healthy alternative.

    I'm with you on this one. Crystal Light is not a healthy alternative; it's just as processed as (if not more processed) soda of any kind. Caffeine might be a drawback to soda, but the reason I quit Diet Coke two years ago because it was full of processed junk. My decision to quit had absolutely nothing to do with the caffeine - though I did suffer through caffeine withdrawal when I quit.
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    hope it is better!! i drink at least 48 ounces a day of crystal light ice tea.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I totally recommend buying some flavor stevia (a totally natural sweetner) . You can added to water or to sparkling water and its great. Using lemons, lime, mint, cucumbers are a nice change for straight water.

    Careful taking in to many additives and specially aspartame which is not good for you.
  • RunLillian
    RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
    Just make sure you read what the serving size is...I've made the mistake of putting one single packet into my water bottle when really one packet is two servings for more water!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    It might be the lesser of evils. I too am concerned about aspertame - I avoid it like the plague.
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Yeah, I had big issues with Splenda, and Crystal Light (think they changed now) used to have it. Now I've had a couple of their "sports drink" versions, which have different things in them and it's not bad. I'd rather have a water with a lemon though, but on the go in the car or something great opinion.

    Hubby likes their "Focus" formula. then again, he's also still chugging cokes left and right. I'm trying to quit cold turkey, but like yesterday I had a kiddie 4 oz serving with my 24 oz water bottle.