Looking for support and friends

Hi, paige harman here and im a 15 year old girl in high school. Its not an easy time but i have been determind to lose weight and feel better about myself. Yes i may not weight much(125) but i have been picked on by girls in my grade that has forced me to worry about my weight from when i wake up to when i fall asleep. I found myfitnesspal by a friend and she has already lost 13 pounds, im so proud of her. I have already lost 7 pounds by doing this in 3 weeks, i never thought being healthy could feel this good. My goal is to get to 120 and maintain that weight. Its hard though sometimes, when kids your age are eating junk food and well i refuse to give in to it. I have set myself clear that if you have small piece of its richy goodness you will soon have eaten it all. An that will only make you feel worst about yourself, so im determind to say no the first time and keep it at that. If anyone wants support i am willing to be here for you and its always good to have support also. So go and add me as a friend!


  • browntoker
    browntoker Posts: 27 Member
    good luck, you can add me!
  • Hey, Im looking for some support for days when Im not logging in--or eating waaay too much. I am 18 by the way so I understand exactly what you mean!