What was your breaking point.



  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I got tired of being fat and feeling ugly I also found that when I was fat I was also over looked by everybody, probebly because I had no self estem and I got tired of being in pain since I was born with joint issues, my husband had joined the military and I felt that he would be around a bunch of fit women and I thought he would cheat on me if I was fat. Oh and got tired of hearing the question you know the one ,,,,oh you must be so proud! what are you having?
  • Kayd_Kayd
    Kayd_Kayd Posts: 9 Member
    I was watching a k-drama and one lady was helping a teen girl lose weight and she said, "there is no ugly woman in the world, just lazy women." And that totally struck a chord in my feels and in my soul. The next day I was on here, and 32 lbs later, lazy is definately one thing I am not!
  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    I was in the hospital for Cellulitis about a year and a half ago, they weighed me and I almost started to cry. Then I found out I was borderline diabetic and they were going to put me on pills for it. I started to soul search and realized, I was missing out on doing stuff with my girls. I was in denial. I avoided pictures with my girls and I didn’t want them looking back and never seeing themselves with me in any pictures. I’m also too big to fly out and see my niece. I am down over 160 lbs., but I still can’t see much of a difference, I won’t give up. My goal is to fly out next Christmas and meet my niece for the first time.
  • lillym12
    lillym12 Posts: 3 Member
    I went through a really rough break up and I realized that I needed to focus on myself. It was time to take back control of my life!
  • leannecrystal
    My breaking point was the day the scale stood still after giving birth to my daughter. I lost twenty pounds in about one week after delivery, and then I discovered that I was still 47 pounds overweight, which meant I had gained 40 pounds in one year. I had worked so hard to maintain my weight prior to pregnancy, but due to health issues during my pregnancy, I was unable to exercise and stress ate on a regular basis. My goal is to be back to my original weight by July in hopes to fit the amazing office wardrobe that I could never afford to replace!
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    The last few years things changed in my life and I started packing on the pounds. I am short and realized I had become as wide as I am tall. I have been active and strong most of my life, I raised horses, so this obese person looking at me in the mirror is a stranger. I turned 60 at the beginning of Jan., realized I wasn't getting any younger and if I didn't face this thing head on now, I never would. I hate being the "fat old lady".
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I saw a picture of myself amongst my friends on the parent's board at the university..

    I was very disappointed and decided to make a life changing decision, there and then!
  • adwilkins0521
    adwilkins0521 Posts: 12 Member
    My marriage started falling apart because my husband no longer found me attractive. I knew something needed to change.
  • aprilkats
    aprilkats Posts: 34 Member
    When I found out at age 35 that I need a knee replacement.
  • buggaboo87
    I was starting to get disgusted with myself for allowing myself to gain so much weight . . . and a bit embarrassed too. During my annual physical the doc said "you are borderline pre-diabetes." I saw what diabetes did to my Dad. Right now I have a choice and I chose to get some exercise and quite eating so much. A side benefit is that my arthritis does not bother me quite as much. I am having a great time fitting into all those "small" clothes I hoarded in the back closet. And I am actually looking forward to summer, I should be really close to my goal by then! :)
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I went through a really rough break up and I realized that I needed to focus on myself. It was time to take back control of my life!

    Same for me. :) I decided I was going to have the life I want, finally! That included having the body I want, too. :)
  • grapesfruit
    My breaking point was when I saw a video of myself, full body. I thought, "Is that saying, 'the camera adds 10lbs', true?" I looked a lot bigger than I thought I was, and I didn't like it. Awhile later as well, I tried on a pair of jeans that should have been my size. My size was 28 for the past 2 years. I hadn't worn jeans for a long time, and these were so tight I realized I'd have to go up a size. So I decided it was time. I'd always wanted to be a 26 so I thought "Hey, why not?". Today I'm a size 27.
  • lives21
    lives21 Posts: 78 Member
    I was really blind or didn't take my weight problem seriously, until my dad broke down and talked to me about it. He was so worried that I would die young and leave my older siblings to grieve. I went to the doctor and dietitian and joined a gym. After that talk with my dad, I realized that it really was worse than I thought. It forced me to take a hard look at myself. I realized that I had gained 20 pounds because I was bored (not in school or work), didn't fit into any of my jeans and only wore sweat pants and was spending all my time on the couch. Only 6 weeks in and I have so much energy I don't know what to do with it all.
  • kristinhills90
    kristinhills90 Posts: 38 Member
    For me it was while shopping in Maurices, my favorite store ever. I was trying on clothes and realized I was in a size 24 pants...if I got any bigger I wouldn't be able to shop there any more.. another contributing factor was we moved to a new house that had a giant full size mirror (previous house did not.) I have to see my whole body ever day and I was disgusted and knew I HAD to do something.
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    I'd managed to get around the weight issue for many years. I had a series of breaking points all within about a week in the end, which got me going. The main ones were:

    1. My wife, who has lost over 50kg (110lbs) herself in 2 years, asking me not to widow her by dying early (my peak weight reached 174kg - around 380lbs)
    2. Dave Myers & Simon King (The Hairy Bikers) showing how you can lose weight whilst still enjoy the sort of food you love in a healthy way by reinventing it (if you haven't seen their show "The Hairy Dieters", it's well worth a look!)

    I know it's a long road, but I'm as stubborn as an old mule when I set my mind to something. Just never made this a priority until now.
  • shelbystatic
    shelbystatic Posts: 61 Member
    I stepped on the scale and it said 200. I'd realized I was gaining weight but I didn't know I had gained that much. I remember trying to lose weight at 150; so how the hell did I get all the way to 200! My mom had been noticing my weight gain and my increased eating. I'd been going through a lot of stress and kept blaming my poor diet on the stress. I told my mom about my weight and she had me pinky promise I would do something about it. My mother has terminal cancer and has battled with her fluctuating weight all her life. She is now down to 100 and is trying hard to gain weight. I made a promise to her and I will not break it. I am still under a lot of stress but I am not using food to sooth anymore. I take all the stress and negativity and release it at the gym, not eat it.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I think we all need breaking point.

    We don't need a breaking point. I started by accident. One of my dogs sprinted after a squirrel, I realized I missed running, I started running again. It was a total fluke. But it took-so I'm good with that.
  • AnnieMeredith
    AnnieMeredith Posts: 20 Member
    i wanted to wear my favorite dress to a school dance, and i was super excited cause it would be at a new school with a new boy and i would be meeting all these people and the dress wouldn't zip.
  • beckwithemily
    I am a strong believer in being happy. There are a lot of positives in my life, but I know I could be happier. By losing weight, I will be almost completely satisfied. At such a young age, I want to end my problem now and start my life over. I want confidence, challenges, and experiences that I can look back on when I'm older and smile, rather than regret. My family is planning on going to Colorado and visiting Rocky Mountain National park, and about 15 days ago I decided I want to be leading the family rather then trailing from behind.
  • NewMsT
    NewMsT Posts: 33
    I want to sign up for one, Color Run that is! They've got one in Portland, OR and I am waiting on it! This is our year :)

    My breaking point was always being the heaviest person in the room. I teach in a rural Oregon junior/senior high school and I am always the "chubby" one in the room and it gets old really quickly. I want to change my life and become the healthy science teacher that I know I can be!