Loose Skin

I'm sure this has been posted about a million times but I wasn't able to find an existing thread so I'm making my own. I have been scared to lose weight for a long time because I don't want the loose skin. I know, I know, terrible excuse but I'd almost rather be fat then have skin hanging all over. Finally I decided healthy and energetic out weighed the skin thing but I'd like advice on how to best avoid getting loose skin. I have a long term goal to lose 120 pounds and I'm 26 years old so I'm hoping the elasticity is still good in my skin but I knew a girl younger then me that lost weight and her skin just hangs off! Help :-) I want to wear a bathing suit again one day!!!!


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    It retracts with time. There is nothing you can do to speed it up. With your goal weight loss being so high, unless you have some awesome skin, there will likely be at least some. The severity of which you won't know until you get there.

    It's kind of the same thing as woman a has a kid, body goes right back to normal; whereas woman b has a kid, doesn't get any bigger than girl number one, but ends up looking like she has pumpkin skin glued to her abdomen.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I have been scared to lose weight for a long time because I don't want the loose skin. I know, I know, terrible excuse but I'd almost rather be fat then have skin hanging all over.

    I figure, if I lose enough weight for this to be a problem and if;

    -I can't afford to have it removed
    -It doesn't fix itself in a few months
    -I can't get my insurance to pay for it
    -I just can't live with the loose skin look

    I still know a thing or two about gaining weight. :)

    But I can't see spending time worrying about an issue that's not an issue any time soon.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You're right it's better to be skinnier/healthier. Good for you! You're on the right track now! There might be creams that help skin elasticity that might give you a boost. don't know if they work though? I think the above poster is right about it being individual but I"m not one to turn my nose up at trying at least. I know spas have wraps they claim helps this too, just FYI because I havent' tried them so can't vouch.

    I think your attitude that it's better to be healthy on the inside is the more important part. Just have faith that you will be one of the lucky ones and that even if you're not the right solution will come to you when the time is right. There are shows where people who lose a lot and have excess skin are rewarded with surgery to correct that, so that's a thing too, just in case.

    Oh and there used to be a belief unsure if it's still there that certain kinds of workouts ( i think lifting) helps with that. Maybe somebody can chime in on that?

    Lastly I had a vegetarian friend who I always encouraged to at least eat some meat or more protein. Suddenly she took my advice and added boiled chicken breasts to her diet and surprised me with a big thank you note with her picture in a sleeveless top because suddenly some saggy arm and chin skin was taught. she thought it was the chicken but I don't really know? I only was concerned with her getting enough protein for regular health reasons, didn't know and still don't if it had that effect but just relay the story so you might research this if you wish.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    From gaining and losing so much in the last 15 I ruined my stomach and inner thighs. I don't like the now white stretch marks and deflated skin. I am getting a tuck this month because I am not happy with it. I still have about 25lbs to lose. I wouldn't worry about that. Just be on your journey to get healthy and in shape. It's been a long road but totally worth it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    It helps to have slower weight loss and also to lift. If you lose slowly, your skin won't seem to hang as much because it should bounce back quicker...especially at your age. I've also heard cocoa butter helps and there are creams that women use while pregnant to help the elasticity of their skin so maybe try that? I can't vouch for it either, but I have heard of people using it.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Loose skin is all genetic. I kno people who have lost more than me & don't have a bit, but I do have a little. I'm hoping since Im 24 that it will go back, but I hear that can take time. Since you're young, it might go back. & it might not. It's just one of those things you just have to see what happens. Now they have this laser thing called Elixis, non invasive & helps tighten your skin. So if mine doesn't go back I will get that.
    I agree with above on the fact that losing slowly will help and also lifting.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    c0bc4fa8-20bc-4410-9c9b-7a12c4423e43_zps8f53cec2.jpg I have loose skin around my tummy and my arms. My stretchmarks have deflated and now run around my tummy like a 3D map. I have been overweight for 30 years so it will take a long time to go back, if it ever does. I don't mind. I see this as my battle scars and it was a battle I WON! I would so much rather have the loose skin than being the size I was (size 28, now size 14). I have got my life back. SPANX are wonderful things!!
  • Lialena
    Lialena Posts: 45 Member
    I hear you. I rather dread the thought of my skin when I get to my goal weight. But the upside will be a more active life, better health, and so on... so I'm just trying not to think about it too much.
  • S_Delbridge
    I have read a lot about this! I wish had read up before loosing 100 lbs!! LIFT WEIGHTS WHILE LOOSING WEIGHT! Cardio will let you loose weight fast but lifting & strength training during ur loss will help prevent extra skin!!
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I don't mind. I see this as my battle scars and it was a battle I WON! I would so much rather have the loose skin than being the size I was (size 28, now size 14). I have got my life back. SPANX are wonderful things!!

    Love this! This is great motivation and advice Miss Brittney :)
  • leenie96
    Slow and steady along with weights...don't be scared of lifting, this will help tremendously!
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't mind. I see this as my battle scars and it was a battle I WON! I would so much rather have the loose skin than being the size I was (size 28, now size 14). I have got my life back. SPANX are wonderful things!!

    Love this! This is great motivation and advice Miss Brittney :)

    Cute toes !!!!
  • gemaudlin
    There are tons of things that you can do to help your skin regain elasticity. I have been successful with all of them. What I do is I shower 2 times a day. Once in the morning. Once at night. I use a hard scrub brush and bath wash with firming microbeads. Right now I'm just using softsoap brand cocoa butter scrub with microbeads. You scrub hard on the areas where you have loose skin with hot water. after you are done scrubbing, you rinse off with cold water. Scrubbing off that dead layer of skin will let a new more elastic layer grown in its place. After each shower I use skin firming lotion with collagen and vitamins A, C, and E. All of those support elasticity. I also have stretch mark reducing cream and oil which also helps firm your skin. I've seen a huge improvement in the last couple weeks since I started!

    But the main thing you'll have to remember is strength training. You have to build up your muscle under that layer of fat. Building that up will reduce the appearance of saggy skin. Also... don't lose weight too quickly. I lost a lot of weight really fast and now I have to work really hard to find ways to correct it.

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • dpiercey75
    dpiercey75 Posts: 8 Member
    Over the last 4 years, I have lost 180 lbs. I did it pretty slowly but probably didn't do as much strength training as I should have until I was closer to my goal weight. I do have some loose skin that I am working diligently at reducing currently. I am lifting more, especially to work on my arms, but I know that I may not be able to get rid of all of it, especially on my stomach. Time and lifting are supposed to help, but I may decide to have the skin removed. My doctor advised me to wait a few years to see what I could accomplish without a surgical procedure. Ultimately, your decision to lose the weight is more about your overall health and well-being and not about how you look. I know we all want to look good and who doesn't want to rock a bathing suit? But, in the end, your determination and dedication to yourself and your well-being will be the ultimate "feel-good," not how you look in a bathing suit. :) Don't let this fear stop you from achieving your goals and realizing just how strong you are and what you are capable of. For me, my weight loss has been the ultimate realization of what a person can achieve and what it means to truly take care of oneself. Nothing has been more life-changing than that, loose skin and all... :) I am excited for you on your weight loss journey!!
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I never considered this a problem until I lost the weight. It came off some fast at one point. I did some reading on it and came to the conclusion it was going to take a while to go away. I anticipated that it would take 18 months for that to happen. I have just kept doing the same things I did to lose the weight and it is going away a lot faster than I expected. I think instead of 18 months it will probably be 6 to 8.
  • albatrosssherpa
    albatrosssherpa Posts: 63 Member
    I have been scared to lose weight for a long time because I don't want the loose skin. I know, I know, terrible excuse but I'd almost rather be fat then have skin hanging all over.

    I figure, if I lose enough weight for this to be a problem and if;

    -I can't afford to have it removed
    -It doesn't fix itself in a few months
    -I can't get my insurance to pay for it
    -I just can't live with the loose skin look

    But I can't see spending time worrying about an issue that's not an issue any time soon.

    I still know a thing or two about gaining weight. :)

    I couldn't agree more but also agree with the originator of this thread - saggy skin TERRIFIES me.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    Move to Canada!! Your excess-skin removal is covered here if it's a result of healthy weight loss!! Oh Canada!
  • brittneysegel
    I do believe that all the benefits of losing the weight definitely outweigh the saggy loose skin and I know that every body is different and it might, or might not go back to normal but I believe I have pretty healthy skin and for now I'm going to try everything I can just in case ha ha. I am going to do the shea butter and I have a toning butter as well and I found a site to make this homemade scrub that I'm going to try that uses coffee grounds. I've heard caffeine can really help tighten things up and also gets rid of cellulite. If anyone else wants to try it check it out!!!


    Anything natural, cheap, and homemade is definitely my style!
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    You look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • leopardjunkie
    I have heard a slower weight loss and lifting can help, but I can"t vouch for that personally until I reach my goal. I am not big in to gimicks and creams but i am taking Great lakes Gelatin It is supposed to help with hair, skin nails and celulite as well as cravings. my nails are allready better :) so I guess that is a bonus. And then I use coconut oil to moisturize, and alot of hope!!

    but you get what you get