1200kcal per day, how do I do it?

Has anyone any tips on how to keep to 1200 per day without feeling starved? I did it yesterday, I don't eat alot of processed food, porridge and poached egg, tea for brekkie, using full fat milk as I feel there is no nutrition in fat free milk, maybe I'm wrong?? lunch will be homemade vege soup made without potato, just low gi vege and kallo chicken stock cube, I'll also have an egg with that. dinner tonight is chicken, with roasted vege, again no potatoes and no bread as I'm gluten free but I'm hungry!!!! Any good tips to keep hunger away??

TIA :-)


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Semi-skimmed milk has as much calcium and protein in it as the full-fat version.

    Proteins will keep you feeling fuller, so maybe add some chicken or prawns to your lunchtime soup.

    Drink lots of water or herbal teas in between meals.

    A small piece of cheese or nuts can tide you over till the next meal.

    But most of all, give it time for your body to adjust.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Has anyone any tips on how to keep to 1200 per day without feeling starved? I did it yesterday, I don't eat alot of processed food, porridge and poached egg, tea for brekkie, using full fat milk as I feel there is no nutrition in fat free milk, maybe I'm wrong?? lunch will be homemade vege soup made without potato, just low gi vege and kallo chicken stock cube, I'll also have an egg with that. dinner tonight is chicken, with roasted vege, again no potatoes and no bread as I'm gluten free but I'm hungry!!!! Any good tips to keep hunger away??

    TIA :-)

    Whats your BMR and TDEE?
  • bsmock
    bsmock Posts: 11 Member
    Try getting some more fiber in there, it will make you fuller longer. Also, bump up your protein. I am at 1200 calories as well and seem to feel ok with it.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Whats your BMR and TDEE?
    yes. this.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Any good tips to keep hunger away??

    TIA :-)

    Eating more.

    As others said, find your BMR and TDEE.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Yogurt, and vegetables. I'm addicted to salad, it's amazing haha. Any low fat protein you can get in is always good.

    Also, you're probably going to get told off for eating too few calories by a few people, just to prepare you. There are some people on here who really know their stuff mind, so there might be some posts you want to look at if they send the links :smile:
  • mbow1977
    mbow1977 Posts: 213
    feel free to have a look at my diary for some ideas, although I must say it is better to work your bmr etc to work out if 1200 is enough for you
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow, I dont think ive eaten under 2000cal in forever. Whats a typical day look like as far as a menu from Breakfast through Dinner on 1200 cal?
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Maybe add in some good fats to keep you full like avocados or coconut oil. If you are keeping it pretty low carb, you can indulge in good fats and it will keep you full longer and provide some energy.
  • katflap10
    katflap10 Posts: 8 Member
    Exercise and eat back the calories you burn. That way you can eat a lot more and still maintain 1200 calories a day. I do this and have no issues eating 1200 a day and still enjoy my food.
  • 7631282
    7631282 Posts: 29 Member
    Everyone has his own way and everyone may disagree with my way, but it works for me. I work thru the day, so that in itself is a distraction (rather than me being home and making bad decisions). But I try to keep lunch at 300 calories, I usually eat a weight watchers dinner or bowl of soup, then I go to the park and exercise. The exercise that I do cancels out the 300 calories I eat at lunch. That then leaves me with 1200 calories to eat at dinner time, which is very easy to stay within. And I don't eat breakfast, everything and everyone tells you that this is a big no no, but like I said it works for me. :smile:
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    Some people do really well on a 1200 a day diet. You may need to give your body time to adjust. But most likely if you're feeling hungry you need to eat more! I hate the feeling of being hungry, so i eat when that happens and stop when i'm full (well at least i try to stop when i'm full lol).

    Figure out your BMR and -10-20% of your TDEE and eat somewhere between those numbers, it will take a little time to figure out what number works best for you to be able to eat and feel satisfied but still lose. But thats a lot better than being hungry all the time. :smile:
  • Sujit8383
    Sujit8383 Posts: 726 Member
    workout more n eat back ur extra cals..........u will not feel hunger then...........
  • My husband and I are GF also and Costco has some awesome "multi-grain" GF Bread right now that's like 80 cal a slice? Maybe 90, but it's nice for a piece of toast in the morning with my eggs and not too terribly expensive as far as GF bread goes. When I go to the store I try to make sure my basket is 80% fresh fruits and veggies, 10% lean proteins, and 10% dairy, that way almost all I have on hand for snacks are produce. When I get home from the store I chop several servings of all the snacking vegetables and fruits and keep them in the fridge so I can just grab some in between my meals. A cup of carrots or celery or an apple keep me plenty full without using up too many calories, and then for breakfast, lunch, and dinner I make sure to have a big salad or a large helping of veggies with my fish/chicken/whatever.

    An average day for me is a 3 egg white omelet with spinach or avocado and feta cheese with a slice of multigrain toast and butter for breakfast, cheese, rice crackers, and turkey for lunch, carrots for 1st snack, a kiwi sliced into a serving of plain yogurt for second snack, and a salmon filet with brown rice and homemade tatziki sauce with a salad and homemade honey-balsamic dressing.

    If I have an especially long workout I'll eat back some of my calories, but for now I'm staying around 1200 while that's working for my body, and eat pretty constantly all day. If I was feeling hungry or drastically altering my exercise routine I would up my intake, but for now I'm feeling 100% better than when I was being a lazy P.O.S. and eating one huge 3k calorie meal a day and generally being gross, so I'm going to ride the 1200 train as long as it's working.
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    this really isn't that hard.

    I normally use 2 -> 300 cal of 'low callorie' icecream to push myself up to 1400 each night after dinner (my limit is 1440).

    "oh yeah" protein bar. (small if dinner/lunch is going to be bigger than normal, otherwise the big one) (160 -> 390 cal)
    Coffee (80 cal)

    1 piece of sushi (approx 160 to 210, I get them from safeway so they contain nutritional info)

    Gym: (- 300 -> 900 cal ), but I never eat that back.

    Dinner: (250 -> 700 cal)
    "Low cal" dinner, (kangaroo meals since its a super-meat, 12wbt meals because my wife is on that, white egg fritada's , etc.)

    I never feel hungry, and with some of the dinner's that we cook the portions are huge!! ( we have a souvlaki recipe where each one comes in at about 300 cal, or a white egg fritada that comes in at 250 cal per serve, and 2 serve's results in a very 'heavy' plate)

    Edit: forgot to mention post workout protein shake which comes in at 130 cal.
  • hattonrw
    hattonrw Posts: 18 Member
    What I had done when I first started was did some searching for high protein, low cal food and try to switch my diet to include those. I like eggs for breakfast, but switched to an egg substitute, which it a great low cal replacment.
    I am not a veggie or soup person, but to try to stay 'full' between meals I usually have LOTS of water and diet soda. I usually go through 2-4l of soda/water a day.
    My problem is evenings, sitting around watching TV (or whatever) on days when I don't do anything at night... to avoid snacking THEN - go to bed early!
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Has anyone any tips on how to keep to 1200 per day without feeling starved? I did it yesterday, I don't eat alot of processed food, porridge and poached egg, tea for brekkie, using full fat milk as I feel there is no nutrition in fat free milk, maybe I'm wrong?? lunch will be homemade vege soup made without potato, just low gi vege and kallo chicken stock cube, I'll also have an egg with that. dinner tonight is chicken, with roasted vege, again no potatoes and no bread as I'm gluten free but I'm hungry!!!! Any good tips to keep hunger away??

    TIA :-)

    Whats your BMR and TDEE?

    You do not have to suffer to lose weight. If you are always hungry, you're not eating enough. Find our your BMR and TDEE.
  • I usually go through 2-4l of soda/water a day.

    Not interchangeable.
  • what about fruit? fruits packed with complex carbohydrates apricots, oranges, plums, pears, grapefruits prunes.

    Broccoli Cauliflower? raw with lentil dip

    Add legumes to your soup?

    low carb nuts and seeds
  • thanks guys you've been really helpful, my bmr is 1370 & tdee is 1880 does that mean I should be eating that amount of kcals per day?