Zumba or Gym?!?

While I DO love zumba and I have seen major results; I've been bored with my class lately. The new music mix and moves just aren't doing for me. This leads me to believe I'm not pushing myself as hard as I would normally. However, an hour of zumba can burn up to 500 calories.

At the gym, I usually weight lift for 20 minutes and run for about 30 but it EXHAUSTS me. I usually go home, eat (sometimes OVEReat) and then do nothing for the rest of the evening.

On a very good week, I'll do zumba monday/wednesday and the gym tuesday/thursday or friday. I've just been so tired lately, it's hard to get into either. I skipped the gym yesterday so today's workout is mandatory.

Sorry this is boring but I'm conducting a poll. What are your opinions of both?


  • josetojimenez
    From Canary Island i think that is better dance " salsa " don´t it??:laugh:
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba. As a busy mom of two under 4 between naps, preschool and running around I really don't have the time and $$ for a gym right now. Zumba is my one girls night out. I even have a bunch of the songs and do it at home during nap time. I never had this much fun at the gym. So if you have to pick I'd vote ZUMBA, but if you can do both then why not. Maybe try a different zumba instructor??
  • Viciousqt
    Viciousqt Posts: 2
    I personally like Zumba. I doesn't matter to me about the moves, but i feel less warn out when I participate in Zumba Vs. Gym.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    ZUMBA it is! I'm just going to get SUPER into it!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    zumba. hm. there arent any classes near me, that i've seen. but i see the infomercial for the dvds. are they pretty effective?
  • chicka200413
    I love Zumba! I wish I could do it everyday. I get bored at the gym just doing the treadmill or elliptical... I can only do those for 30 min max... Zumba I feel like I could do allll day.... I would also try a different instructor. From talking to people some instructors are very different. My instructor is VERY hip-hop mostly. Which is what I like.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Just got back from Zumba! It was SO MUCH FUN today! I'm SO SO glad I went!:bigsmile:

    I love my instructor, I've tried a couple different ones but she is amazing and does a lot of hip hop as well.
    I think there are a lot of new people and she's trying to warm them up. She introduced a couple new songs today and they were great!

    YES, zumba is very effective! You work different muscles but mainly your core. Look into the videos for sure.