Should I be eating more calories???



  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    so would all of these things be factoring in as to why I've only lost 13 in 30 days? With the amount of exercise, etc I think i should be losing more.

    "ONLY" 13# in 30 days? Most people struggle for a 5# loss in 30 days! Consider yourself lucky! :smile:

    Also, please remember you'll always lose faster at first, then the weight loss will slow down. You'll have a loss some weeks and a gain other weeks, but as long as you have a losing trend, that is what matters. You wanna do this the healthy way so that it is a long term lifestyle change and not just a diet! :flowerforyou:
  • krissynicole787
    krissynicole787 Posts: 121 Member
    I have been eating a majority of my exercise calories but i gained from it. I need to stick to 1200-1300. Trial and error. See what works for you.

    But, 13 lbs in one month is a lot.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member

    MFP's lowest setting it gives without giving a warning for under eating, is 1200 calories without exercise taken into account. If you read the instructions given for using the site properly, you will see that you should be eating back the calories you have been burning doing your Zumba classes.

    Now I know that you will probably think that does not make sense, as you are doing it to lose weight then consider the following two points

    a. MFP has already calculated you a healthy calorie deficit in the 1200 calorie goal. Not eating back exercise calories is creating an even steeper deficit which is extremely unhealthy for your body, and;

    b. Calorie deficit = weight loss........................exercise = fitness
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    800 seems high for Zumba at your weight. Maybe look at eating half back of what you think your burning... See how you feel and see how your losses go. Give it 6 weeks your body may freak out at first... Hold your nerve. That would put you at around 1600 which sounds good to me.

    If your hungry eat more. If your feeling weak... Eat more. Listen to your body. Can't go wrong if you do that in my opinion.

    Zara x
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    13 pounds in a month is a lot of weight loss. I'm not sure why you think that's low.
  • tenegirl
    Ummm, I'm new here, was just reading some of these comments. What the heck is a TDEE? I think I know what BMR is. Is that Basic Metabolic Rate? And if so, how do you find it?
  • jessicabailey529
    jessicabailey529 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm not eating back my calories regardless of the zumba calories. So even if i'm not burning the 750 like the calculator told me I was, I'm still not eating them back.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Ummm, I'm new here, was just reading some of these comments. What the heck is a TDEE? I think I know what BMR is. Is that Basic Metabolic Rate? And if so, how do you find it?
  • paintedpixie
    I would say eat more. 13lbs in one month is amazing. But generally weight loss (especially if you did a complete lifestyle overhaul) will slow after the initial loss period and will become more of a steady 1-2 lbs a week or less. I have found that even my increasing my calories for a week or so (you may gain a poundish) and then cutting back I will lose steadily again. Even having a weekend of less than perfect eating can kick start your metabolism sometimes. 1200 calories is the bottom of the bucket minimum you should eat. With your activity level you would likely need more calories. Too few calories on a regular basis, especially if you are active, can cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it much harder to lose. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you in the long run.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm not eating back my calories regardless of the zumba calories. So even if i'm not burning the 750 like the calculator told me I was, I'm still not eating them back.

    This is your problem. You need to eat back your exercise calories. (AT LEAST 1/2 of them if you're guessing on your calories burned).

    According to your weight, height, and age - your BMR is approximately 1600. That is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM you should ever eat. It is what your body needs just to make your heart pump and to breathe if you do nothing by lay in bed all day. Therefore, you shouldn't be eating less than this under any circumstance.

    Your TDEE is aproximately 2232 with exercise 1-3 times a week. Take 15% (335) away from this and you get the amount you should eat daily. This is about 1897. Therefore, your NET calories should be between 1600-1900 daily.


    Say you're aiming to eat 1900 calories on the days you are working out and then you burn 750 calories in your workout. You take 1900 - 750 = 1150. This is TOO LOW. You need to eat back AT LEAST 450 calories just to NET what your body needs to function.

    I hope this helps and doesn't confuse you even more. Please feel free to friend request me or message me if you have questions! :flowerforyou:
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I'm not eating back my calories regardless of the zumba calories. So even if i'm not burning the 750 like the calculator told me I was, I'm still not eating them back.

    You should be eating at least some of the calories burned doing it. The 1200 calories is just the minimum calories for keeping your body functioning, i.e. your heart pumping, your lungs breathing and all your other vital organs. If you are exercising you need to eat enough fuel for your body to do this on top of doing the vitally essential things it has to do.

    Take a look at the link to the video that has been posted in some of the replies, it explains it both fully and correctly.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I'm 5' 7", I currently weight 184. My goal weight is 150. My BMR is 1600. My TDEE is 2800

    Yes you should be eating more... much more. You shouldn't be netting under your BMR daily. If 2800 is your TDEE and you are taking in say 700 (1200 minus burning 500 through exercise) you are not giving your body enough... your deficit would be over 2000 cals. You will be losing lean muscle! Not good.

    I am 5' 5" and weigh 196... I eat 1550-1600 plus my exercise calories.

    You should be netting your BMR as that is the amount of calories your body needs a day without you doing anything other than laying still all day.

    I would suggest taking a cut off your TDEE. So if your TDEE is really 2800 you should be eating a cut based on that... so 2800 minus 20%.... you should be eating around 2200 a day.
  • jessicabailey529
    jessicabailey529 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone for the fantastic information.

    It does take a bit to understand how it's possible that I need to be taking in more calories than I am.

    Starting today I'm upping my calories to 1500 and I have zumba tonight. I'll do it that way for a bit and if that doesn't work, I'm sure I'll reply again in a week or so and tell everyone I'm upping them again.

    I never thought it was that because I'm not hungry. I'm eating so much food and because they're the right foods, I'm staying full longer, etc.

    Thanks everyone for a great support system through MFP~!!!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    If you are feeling full but need to add calories, just choose higher calorie foods that are low in portion size. ie. peanut butter, avacado, handful of nuts and greek yoghurt. It is easier to get the calories into your body. These are the things that help me to get my number up daily.

    You can also slightly increase your portion size on meals you currently have which you will hardly notice, but will increase your numbers on your diary.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • jessicabailey529
    jessicabailey529 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you!!!

    I'll try eating a whole avacado versus a half, eat some PB, add Fiber one into my chobani.
