Jillian Michaels Body Revolution - Trouble with Push Ups!

I just started the dreaded workouts 7 & 8 and I'm still struggling to do a regular push up! How am I supposed to do crow push ups and one leg push ups?! Is this like math? Am I stuck on these levels until I can do them? I mean, I'm probably not going to be conditioned enough to continue on to the next levels if I can't even do push ups, right? I do my best to struggle through a few of them, but still find it tough to bend my arms 90 degrees.


  • christawhelchel
    christawhelchel Posts: 2 Member
    I had the same problem and I just modified the best that I could while on my knees. That didn't stop me from progressing every two weeks to the next workouts.
  • Jribeiro86
    Jribeiro86 Posts: 108 Member
    I just started Jillian’s 30 Day Shred, same problem. My upper body strength just isn’t there yet, and it sounds like yours may not be either. What I’ve found really helpful, though, are wall and counter pushups to boost my strength a bit between full-blown workouts. I’ve done pushups on almost every wall in my house at this point, haha.
  • hamilshiz
    I like what Tony Horton says, "Do your best, and forget the rest!" I have done P90X and have switched over to JMBR. Time is a major factor for me and I like how Jillian has packed a great workout into 30 minutes a day! Just keep pressing play and you will get there eventually.
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    I don't have a lot of upper body strength so what I do is try to do a few of the crow pushups. And then I modify and go to my knees for the remaining ones. I figure if I can do a little more each time I'm making progress.

    As for moving onto other weeks - my thought has always been if I feel fairly comfortable on the workouts I move on. 5/6 I stayed on one additional week. 7/8 I will probably do an additional week as well.