Do not know what to eat.

I'm really struggling on what i should eat my current daily meal plan is

BREAKFAST : Coffee no sugar with skimmed milk. Wheat malts cereal with skimmed milk
LUNCH : 2 slice Ham, low fat soft cheese, cucumber, tomato and lettuce sandwich brown bread. Tesco low fat yoghurt.
DINNER : Same as lunch and a tesco low fat yoghurt

I have a young child at home so really struggle to exercise but i do my best. I'm not losing much weight i've entered to lose 1 lb a week as it was recommended and it gives me a calorie intake of 1,780 a day it seems a bit much to me?

Im currently 6 ft and around 183 pounds want to get down to 147 pounds if possible.


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    To lose weight, you can eat whatever you want as long as it fits into your allowance. To get the most nutrition out of it and eat tons of food, fruits, veggies, lean protein, eggs, healthy fats, nuts/seeds/nut butters, dairy.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    Unless you have a restriction like an allergy or vegan etc, you can eat whatever, just in moderation. Lots of veggies, lean meat, eggs, the list is endless. I can't imagine that your meal plan as you have listed makes up to the 1780 calories... So just add in healthy stuff =)
  • SuShePack
    SuShePack Posts: 11 Member
    Luna8919 - I actually think you are eating too few calories and because you are eating the same for lunch and dinner, you'll soon grow bored of these foods (as has been my experience). I would suggest eating what you want but making sensible choices like portion control (this is a big one - I really started seeing results after I proportioned my food) and exercise whenever you can (I even do leg raises when I am in the kitchen cooking).

    I like your breakfast items (also suggest plain oatmeal with honey, Trader Joe's or Whole Foods yoghurt packets that come with strawberry gel like sauce or granola with it, egg whites with mushroom).

    You should also include protein in your diet in the form of meat for dinner (I suggest, a chicken breast with salad and cous cous/ grilled salmon fillet with salad/quinoa).

    Good luck.
  • Before i entered to lose 2lbs a week and it gave a calorie intake of 1,310 and i still wasnt losing that much
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    It doesn't look like you eat enough. Definately eat proteins, fruit, veggies and drink your H2O.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Eat what you used to eat, just less of it..

    I didn't give up anything. I might have added a few things along the way and not have certain things as often but i still eat what I like.
  • you can eat salads with a little dressing or veggies, I just try really hard to avoid red meat. Fish and beans are also a great sorce of protein.
  • It doesn't look like you eat enough. Definately eat proteins, fruit, veggies and drink your H2O.

    I agree you have to eat more often to help speed up your metabolism the trick is to eat low calorie foods, often like every 2-4 hrs
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Your goal weight seems low to me. I'm 6'1" and I'd be dead at 145 pounds. There is a gender difference (I'm assuming from your name), but still. How did you arrive at your goal weight? Go online and figure it from body fat percentage. And remember, women should have a higher body fat than men.
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    Frozen fruit - Raspberries, Blueberries
    Dried fruit - Apricots, figs, dates, raisins
    Nuts - Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts
    Almond Butter - great to spread on toast ( heavy grain bread )
    Taste Of Nature Bars

    Just a few of the things that we keep in the house for quick snacks.....the whole family loves to snack on these things.
  • It looks like you joined recently. Keep at it...I encourage you to experiment with a variety of healthy foods--lean proteins, veggies and fruit, no white foods, substitute whole grains-- so you don't get bored. It took me about a year to reach my goal weight (23 pounds on MFP and about 30 before that.)

    I found that when I had trouble getting results it was usually a matter of portion. A food scale will solve that real fast! Also, I underestimate my exercise and overestimate my calories a bit. Good luck.
  • I know its a bit low and unrealistic of me. i'd like to be at least 161 pounds thats what it says a healthy weight is and im more than happy to be there :). Is rice good? I have tuna mixed in with rice sometimes for dinner with some mixed veg.
  • stamfordjules
    stamfordjules Posts: 26 Member
    Definately eat all of your calories. What is your activity level set at?

    I would recommend eating a mid-morning and mid-afternoon or supper snack depending on what time you eat your evening meal.

    I've found that I need to cut down my evening meal portion sizes, so I'm still cooking the same things but bulking up with vegetables and then saving half of the veg and carbs for the next day's lunch, adding something like tuna or ham for protein.

    ...also check out your friends' diaries for inspiration.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Eat the calories MFP gives you. If you exercise, eat those back.

    As far as what to eat - eat what you want. Try to make nutritious choices most of the time (veggies, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein) but don't deny yourself treats/cravings, as long as they fit in your calorie goal.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    I know its a bit low and unrealistic of me. i'd like to be at least 161 pounds thats what it says a healthy weight is and im more than happy to be there :). Is rice good? I have tuna mixed in with rice sometimes for dinner with some mixed veg.

    Rice or other grains like quinoa mixed with veggies for volume and flavor makes a great entree. Rice by itself as a side can add calories quick when paired with a protein though.
  • stamfordjules
    stamfordjules Posts: 26 Member
    It's all good!... I've stopped being overly focused on wholegrain carbs for dinner (I get that from my breakfast and bread). Ainsley Harriot cous cous packs are great, it takes 10 mins and I don't add the butter. You can eat as much as you need for your daily calories and save the rest to have cold for lunch the next day with tuna or ham & cucumber and tomatoes mixed in (or with left over veg). I do cook rice but the express packs that you microwave are really handy for when you are juggling life, and like the cous cous I save some for lunch x
  • stamfordjules
    stamfordjules Posts: 26 Member
    It's all good!... I've stopped being overly focused on wholegrain carbs for dinner (I get that from my breakfast and bread). Ainsley Harriot cous cous packs are great, it takes 10 mins and I don't add the butter. You can eat as much as you need for your daily calories and save the rest to have cold for lunch the next day with tuna or ham & cucumber and tomatoes mixed in (or with left over veg). I do cook rice but the express packs that you microwave are really handy for when you are juggling life, and like the cous cous I save some for lunch x

    Re: the cous cous "as much as you need", I meant with a portion of protein - not on it's own!!!
  • Thank you all been a big help. And thanks Pu thats a big help too