Kiwi's Weigh In - Week Two

Hi All

Posting this Early for tomorrow (Wednesday Morning)

I wont be posting my results this week as half way through my favourite visitor of the month... and I get quite bloated and grotty.. have been told not to weigh when Aunt Flo visits - but will be back on board next week.

I have had a pretty good week - but I get on sugar craving before Aunt Flo visits, but have made sure I have kept up my exercise.

Please post away girls and guys if there are any guys here :)

Ill still come comment and see how we are all doing :):)


  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I'll post early, too, because I'll forget otherwise (sieve-brain syndrome).

    Last week: 70.9kg
    This morning: 70.1kg

    It's not just from this week's effort. I was at 70.9kg for about 3 weeks, so it's just my body finally conceding defeat. Grin.

    That sugar craving thing! I'm expecting to get some of that next week. I'm a serial weigher, though, and watching the scale climb up then down again during that time is interesting.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yeah me too...

    BUT I'm looking at a 0.45kg loss this week, to 75.85
    That'll be fluid LOL.

    We'll see how things are next week!

    I'm getting a handle on the boredom snacking. I think the peanut butter incident must have been a PMS thing :laugh:

    I'm aiming to do the first of the RATS duathlons in Rotorua in June. I usually do a bunch of the SPARC REAL ones, but this year other events were all conspiring against me and I couldn't do ANY of them. Gotta get some running in, so have a nice, straight street just around the corner that has no other streets coming off it, and down and back is 500m. I take the kids down, and they take turns running a length and back of it with me while the other one waits. They have a cross-country at school next week so its good practice for them, too!
    My son is a little machine though, he did 3 lengths (and fast too I couldn't keep up) and was still keen for more! He's such a fat-looking little thing you wouldn't think he could run like that! I think I'm gonna have to keep an eye on that and encourage him to keep it up he seems to have some natural talent there!
    Then there's another in July, and a final one in August - but I think the August one falls on a weekend I either have a performance here in Tauranga or Hamilton the night before... So I'm not sure entirely how feasible that one will be. Will see how keen I am after the first two!
  • jimjamjandles
    I admire you Sarah!!
    I hate running haha, absolutely dont like it. Doesnt help I have a broken (but fixed with metal) ankle so it can ache something chronic sometimes especially when I work too hard with jogging or walking etc... I then limp for the rest of the day!!

    Keep up the good work girls!! You are doing great :)
  • jimjamjandles
    Well done! Finally its shifted - your body has given into the batlle and you win!!
    Congratulations - keep at it. You sheer determination is great :)
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I used to hate it too, but I've been started the Couch-to-5k the past two summers now, so I've really learned how to like it. It was more the being totally farked and not being able to run far bit that I hated. So the programme was really great in that it was clearly set out, and I was MEANT to be not running much to start with, to not totally discourage me.

    I've still never got right through it, the first time I think I only got up to week 2, and the second I was up to week 7 in January before everything got too much and i just stopped getting out there. Despite that though, I was able to do 10 minutes/1.5km in one hit yesterday off practically nothing since January, so I've kept a lot of the base fitness.

    Also, running is something that DH just plain sucks at, so it's nice to have ONE thing I can hold over him and be better at! :laugh: :devil:
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hi all

    Here's my update this week...looking a bit better than last week!
    SW for the kiwi weighins (29 Apr) 70.7kgs
    CW 70.45kgs

    A loss from last week of .6kgs so I have hopefully recovered from my random upwards fluctuations :) This is the lowest I've been in about 4 years (but it's not the first time I've been at this weight, was here about 3 or 4 weeks ago).

    Congrats somigliana, it's always refreshing to see the downwards trend start back up again! You are so close to your goal!

    And congrats to you too Sarah! I'm curious - what are your performances for? good on you for planning to do some duathlons!

    The Chch marathon is coming up in a couple weeks and I am thinking about doing the half...though it would be a really slow time as I haven't ever run further than 11k and don't think I could run the extra 10, so there'd be a lot of walking! Trying to decide between that and doing the 10k (though I'm still a slow runner so wouldn't get a particularly exciting time for that either!)

    And I'm the same, I used to HATE running but since Jan when I started taking it slow and just building up gradually, I have grown to quite like it.

    I'm envious that you can run better than your DH though, mine is pretty much hardcore (for example, he ran to work last week - 12k each way - and played an hour of ultimate frisbee in his lunchtime!) so no matter how much better I get at running, biking or climbing...he's also getting better but at a faster rate than me!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I'm involved with the Tauranga Civic Choir - in August we have a combined performance with a group in Hamilton, one weekend there and one here, but I can't remember which weekend is what! LOL

    I forgot to post my goal/challenge for this week:
    I did OK on the no ridiculous snacking front: No evening snacking took place except for one lone rice cracker left on its own after making lunches, and I really didn't miss it hunger-wise. I had a minor blow-out on girl guide biscuits, but only to the tune of about 5 or 6 one afternoon.
    Saturday was pretty much a lolly fest, but I was at the Moonride and burned it all off, and then some!

    This week is to do at least 5 minutes with the skipping rope every day! To go for a longer run with hills on Saturday and Sunday, and to go for a short run with the kids at least 2 more times before Wednesday.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Congrats to everybody! You're all doing brilliantly.
    Duathlons and marathons... \o/

    My husband and I are registered for the Huntly Half marathon weekend after next. He's doing the 21km walk, and I'm going to do the 10km walk/run (no use killing myself first time around, eh?) But it feels good being active after years of lazing on the couch :)
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    I've been so ill for a week and a half and totally missed yesterday's weigh-in!!

    SW: 93.3kg
    CW: 86.6kg (down 400g from last week)
    GW: 63 or something, but I'm aiming at 70 at the moment!

    I'm amazed that I lost anything at all! I have been so sick, even lost my voice completely for 3 days!!

    Ate terribly bad (lazy) but possibly not all that much!

    Good work everyone... see you next week! Hopefully another 400g down!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yay well done Betzy!

    I've just been fiddling with my weight entries. I've adjusted them all up to account for clothing and my heavy scales @ work so I don't have to do the math when I weigh in. So it's gonna look like I've just gone and gained 3.5 kg but I really haven't! LOL
    Now to take the battery out of my dumbass scales at home that tell me I gain weight by taking off jeans and shoes!

    Although I did treat myself to Burger King for lunch yesterday it still wasn't THAT many calories! Just negated my deficit for the day, but boy was it worth it YUM YUM YUM!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    So how is everyone's week going?

    I was one of those awful people yesterday who was "full" on like 1000 calories(and that was with some chocolate!). I'll let myself away with it because it doesn't happen often! Mondays I'm just so busy I don't think about food... And therein I think I have discovered my problem!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Ha I don't think you need to feel bad about one day at 1000 calories. Weeks in a row, maybe, but if you're anything like me there's not a chance that would happen! Lol I don't think I've ever been under 1200 calories, I just like food WAY too much.

    I know what you mean about thinking about food. If I'm having a busy day at work and I'm moderately entertained, I have to remind myself to eat lunch....but if I'm bored (unfortunately this is usually the case) I'm thinking about my next piece of food ALL THE TIME.

    I'm trying this week (and future weeks) to stop having 'weight lost' be my goal. I have been fluctuating between 70.5 and 71.5 for about 4 weeks and it was driving me crazy to hop on the scale after a good day and be rewarded with NOTHING. So while I am still weighing and still hoping to drop out of my plateau, I'm trying to focus on:
    - measurements...I track them weekly and they're still shrinking slowly so that's good...
    - running regularly. Ran home from work in the rain yesterday, motivation was sketchy at first but so glad I did, it was really refreshing...
    - doing workouts...okay, I can't do a whole one of her workouts yet, they're brutal...but I want to do as much as I can of one maybe 2 times a week until eventually I can complete a whole workout!

    Also, my husband has just decided that he wants to drop another 10kgs so that might help, having someone else in the house who's trying to eat healthy!

    So what are you guys finding to be your biggest weaknesses in terms of food/exercise? Mine are definitely eating to relieve boredom, and finding time to exercise now that it's all so dark and cold (and rainy!) outside..
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I totally agree with you guys that busy = no time to think about food. But that doesn't happen to me often! Even on a 250cal deficit (I've dropped my goal to 0.5lbs a week), I'm still hungry sometimes. It makes me wonder what the heck I've done to my metabolism! Anyway. Upping my calories seems to have fixed the lack of movement on the scale this week. We shall see in weeks to come. I'm actually a little nervous about switching over to maintenance calories, for some odd reason. It makes me feel paranoid. Rolls eyes.

    It's been an up and down week for me. I finally saw less than 70kg (grin) on the scale, but I'm also craving chocolate and comfort food like absolute crazy and my boys are hiding behind the furniture because Aunty Flo enticed the irritated, short-tempered alter-ego out of me this weekend (I am so not a nice person to be around right now, snort).

    The wet and cold mornings and dark get to me, too, hepkitty. What I've done is set up the old TV in the garage and just move out the car and do dvds in there. If I'm not keen, my husband drags me out from under the blankie and vice versa :) He's on MFP too, so it is nice to have another healthy body in the house, although I have to log for him sometimes.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yeah it doesn't happen often so I'm not too worried. Especially considering I polished off a block of chocolate AND a bag of s&v chippies over Friday night/the weekend. It's life. I'm not giving them up so my body might as well figure out how to lose the weight with them!

    DEFINITELY boredom eating. I get pretty bored @ work, especially cos I'm by myself most of the day, and it's so easy to just nibble. And overindulging when I do get a treat. Like if I feel like chips, I'll eventually get a bag, but I can't decide what flavour, so I buy all three :blushing: And well, its allll downhill from there! And just being a piggy **** when I get a burger and getting a large combo AND onion rings, when a regular one would have done just nicely.

    I guess I'm lucky in that I finish work @ 2pm (I get up at 5am for the priveledge though!) so still have a few hours of light every day. It's still hard to motivate though, especially when I get thinking "oh, I'm so busy today I simply don't have the TIME" but I'm happy to sit at the computer or read a book for 1/4 of an hour, then smack myself cos I could have done 15 minutes exercise in that time, I really DID have time to exercise after all!

    Hey, try getting a skipping rope! You can do it inside, or in the garage, so no worries about it being dark OR cold OR rainy! 5 minutes is around 50 calories - that's an ad break! there's a neat 10-minute workout routine for it on the website too. I've bought my 6 year old daughter one too, so I can have it look like I'm jumping with HER rather than she's jumping with ME LOL

    I'll have to look at those workouts you've mentioned...

    I've been there with the fluctuating the last month it seems! I dropped the first 2kg smartly enough, then have been fluttering between 77 and 79 w/clothing for ages, down one week, back up the next...