Looking for MFP Friends !!!

Hello :) My name is Autumn, I am 22 and just started my journey to a better life style and to drop 85 (ish) lbs!! I would love friends with the same type of goals or supportive friends in general. Feel free to add me :)


  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome!!! My name is Melanie. I'd love to have friends motivate and encourage me also!! I'd like to lose about 20-25lbs. I'm down 3 so its a start lol.
  • JoanneC_Walks
    JoanneC_Walks Posts: 71 Member
    I always need encouragement so please feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your weigh loss goals.
  • XxAuttixX
    Hi Melanie! It's a great start! I am down 2. I had lost 40 lbs but got into a bad relationship and gained it all plus some back so I am so excited to start and not look back and see the same numbers on the scale !!!
  • XxAuttixX
    Thanks ! I sent you a request !
  • lorih307
    Add me to your friends list!
  • lorih307
    Oops, I think my first reply was posted before I finished it. :blushing: Anyway, I completely understand your weight fluctuations! I'm a stress eater myself and tend to go up and down in weight depending on stress levels. I hope we can support each other here at MFP. It seems like a nice group so far!
  • wvarmygal13
    Add me. since i just discovered this myfitnesspal. i already have lost 100 lbs before i joined i'll give ya all kinds of tips.
  • ChoklitCherry
    ChoklitCherry Posts: 44 Member
    You can add me...only been on here for 3 days, but can use a few friends to help encourage :)
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    Im here everyday you can add me if you want.
  • 3mmal0u
    hI i am giving MFP a go again, need some support feel free to add me :o)
  • Vlly4life15
    Vlly4life15 Posts: 248 Member
    Available to add to in for support
  • chalky82
    Was about to write a similar post! Have added a couple of peeps. Happy to be added by anyone needing an mfp friend. My name is Lucy x