30 day shred

I began Jillians 30 day shred last night. My motivation is lacking I've been in this plateau way to long... needing encouragement and if anyone over 200 pounds has completed the shred please share!


  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I started the shred at 224lbs.

    I did two rounds of it, so 60 days.

    I lost 15lbs and 17inches.

    I had a plateau for about four weeks while doing it, but I was still losing the inches so I wasn't concerned.

    You can do it lovely :D
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    I keep meaning to try this again. I started it and was doing great back in August got upto day 9 then slipped (not connected) and hurt my back. I have just never tried it again.
    I do circuits and Zumba at my local gym and the weights and treadmill. Everyday I say I am going to do it but never do.

    I think you have now motivated me to give it another go.
  • I am getting it on friday! So I hope it works good, if it does the first thirty days I will keep doing it.
  • _Tanna_
    _Tanna_ Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you! Good Luck btw :)
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    I am on day 13 and I've lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist and have lost almost 1/2 inch off every body part. I haven't weighed myself, but there is a big change in my body and my friends/family are starting to notice. It is worth it and good luck to everyone who has done it, doing it or planning on it!
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I was about 230 when I started and I've done one full round and started my second two weeks ago. I'm 214 now. I have to modify some of the plank moves, but trust me, you can do it.
  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    I'm 216 and just completed my first 10 days. The workout is tough but doable. I am totally out of breath and sweating like crazy when it's over but I'm able to get through it and I am not in shape (not yet at least :laugh: )
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I did it when I first started at 228, didn't complete though. I forget why I never finished. I think my knee was bothering me, but I had just sprained it a couple weeks before starting.
  • daisy22880
    daisy22880 Posts: 13 Member
    i've tried the 30 day shred a couple times but i always give up after a couple days, or even a couple minutes!, because it is very strenuous! i know it has to b to gain results in 30 days, but i find it very hard to stick with it. does anyone have any tips to keep going?
  • _Tanna_
    _Tanna_ Posts: 20 Member
    On day 3 and I can barely sit walk lay without whimpering in pain.. sitting on the toilet is a joke lol but im not giving up! Nope!
  • sarashiveley
    sarashiveley Posts: 25 Member
    i finally finished my first set of 30 days. i kept restarting it but the first of the year i restarted for good. i have lost 8 lbs. and counting i havent weighed myself for the week yet but i also do yoga and pilates after it. i just do it as soon as i get home for work. no excuse! that way after dinner i can just shower and relax or do something else. its only 25 min! who cares! :) just do it! and i also picture myself looking amazing after i'm done! good luck!