Confused need questions answer please

Hey, I have a few question since I have only lost 2 pounds in two mints should I count my carbs instead of calories ? Also is there any tips you can give that will help me lose weight faster than I have


  • mlondon8509
    mlondon8509 Posts: 28 Member
    In looking at your diary, I noticed a few things that might help you. First, while you are sticking generally within your calorie counts (on the days that you are fully logging, which is not all days), your food choices are generally processed foods that are not high in nutrients (fast food, sodas, pastries). While you are able to stay in your calorie count sometimes with these foods, they do not provide you with the same level of sustanance, energy and nutrition you would be getting from eating cleaner foods (fruits, veggies, proteins, etc.). If you are anything like me, the meals or days you have gone without logging are probably an indication of "cheat" periods where you did not eat well. One of the reasons you may feel the need to "cheat" more often than you should is that you are not making a habit of eating nourishing foods. My suggestion would be to try to slowly integrate cleaner foods into your diet. If you are still able to stay within your calories, this will necessarily mean that you will be replacing the processed food. This is not to say you should totally eliminate the guilty pleasures (taco bell, McDs, Wendy's), but they will become the rare exception, rather than a high percentage of your calories. Just my two cents.
  • tsdaughe
    I think you are doing pretty good overall. I would try to cut down on bad fats such as hot dogs, anything from McDonalds or Wendy's, etc. Your diary today looks pretty good actually so far. Lots of homeade items and more natural, less process foods. I LOVE cheese so I get it believe me but maybe try to reduce how much cheese you eat also. Try to eat more lean meats or fish and less of the processed foods. I would also try to reduce the juice you drink which is full of sugar and try to drink more water or drinks with less sugar.

    Have you taken your measurements? I didn't lose weight for 2 months according to the scale and even in the past several weeks but I dropped inches from my hips and waist. That is a more accurate way or seeing changes in your body. Keep up the good work!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Babynia !
    I'm recently back on MFP after a baby and a year of eating non-stop, yikes. But I did lose about 60lbs a few years ago and I'm back at it now. I'm on 1200 calories, i'm 5'4 and have about 70 lbs to lose.
    You have every right to be frustrated. You are counting your calories and trying to stick with your daily goal.
    A few tips:
    1. weigh yourself at the same time (I do it when I wake up), either naked or wearing the same clothing. I find I can weigh up to 4lbs more at the end of a day.
    2. Be a stickler with your diary entries. For example - I had been eating a chicken quesadilla regularly from a local diner and used some random entry in the database. Months later I took the time to actually add up all of the individual components of the meal I was eating and it was DOUBLE what I had thought !! When possible I try to include every ingredient separately. You can make it a "meal" if it's something you eat regularly. Don't forget things like the oil that the chicken was cooked in.
    3. Be cautious of restaurants calorie claims. It's been widely reported that meals from chain restaurants, fast food places etc often contain more calories than they claim to have. It comes down to who prepared the food, did they put an extra slice of cheese in there or use more butter etc.
    4. Drink lots of water, e.g. if you weigh 200lbs, try for 100oz of water. It seems crazy at first but you get used to it.

    Anyway best of luck and stick with it. Even if you are losing weight slowly, it's better than going the other way !
  • babynia523
    Thank you all very much will take note of these suggestions(:
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I agree with what everyone has said so far about the processed foods, drinking more water, etc. It also helped me to watch my sodium. I used to eat tons of pickles, packaged soups, and Lean Cuisines...once I started tracking sodium, I realized I was eating thousands of mgs of sodium every day!

    Watching my sodium also helped me eat cleaner since processed food is full of it. Instead of packaged soups, I make a huge pot of homemade soup or chili at the beginning of the week and it provides lunch for days. I try to limit frozen meals to times when it's either that or fast food...rather than every day for lunch. I also make extra food whenever I make dinner so I have at least one meal ready the next day. It takes a little more time but it well worth it, especially if you can make large amounts of things like soup or any kind of crock-pot meals- my crock-pot is my best friend when it comes to saving time cooking!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    There are so many different food plans and you have to find what works for you. I started my weightloss journey 12 months ago. I had alot of weight to lose and started by being on a medically supervised diet with a psychologist.
    These are the things that I found to be important for me:
    1st - stay under 1500 calories
    2nd - practice mindful eating (think before making food choices, eat very slow & only at the table, get your protein in which will help with hunger and give you energy)
    3rd - excercise is a must (I am having a problem with this) but it will help quicken the process.
    Good luck to You!