NO LOSS :( at all.

popplylily Posts: 97
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
feeling quite useless and no good reason why. i was doing well then after finding out i didnt lose stuffed down a cheesy dinner and huge danish and 2 cookies. why? why do we do this? for gods sake how counterproductive. i dont want to be one of those "all hell" when she doesnt lose its crazy weight loss is erratic by nature your body doesnt like changing much. why did it bother me so? im so hell bent on getting under 10 cos then im off the red zone on the bmi thingy. also i have a party next wk. dammit.
who even cares. me. i thought i was looking slimming this wk too. i need to get a grip and relax.


  • Don't worry, everyone slips up. As long as you dont think "oh well i've had my cheesy dinner and cookies etc, i've failed, I'll just have some more" and think "ok, that was a little mistake, I'll put it behind me and carry on with my healthy food, and get back on my horse!!!" And if you thought you were looking slim, you probably were, there are many things that can make you heavier from the inside! :)
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    I know the feeling. And then I end up deciding to 'start again on Monday' and write off another weekend. I'm determined not to this time though. And remember that one naughty meal won't make a huge difference. Good luck and try to perk up.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Aww I know this feeling!! And I had it so often that now I have had to change the way I see myself and my scales!

    When I started out on my wieght loss journey my scales were like my bible! I got on them everyday religiously and come Thursday (my weigh in day) if there wasn't a loss I was gutted!! And Thursday night would be spent going off the rails!!

    But now I see my body changing and my weight staying the same - and it doesn't bother me anymore because I know that my body is changing for the good and I'm toning up/losing inches.

    Do you measure yourself? And have you just upped your exercise? As your muscles will hold water for a bit whn you first start doing more exercise.

    Don't worry about the bad food either hun as it won't make a massive difference if you get back on it asap!

    Try not to be too disheartened! :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You may have felt like you were looking slimming...because you maybe slimming.....You probably lost inches

    I know alot of people dont want to hear that....but loosing inchses is a good thing

    I alos go alot by how my clothes now feels on me....You can tell alot by how your clothes feels and fits you now

    Did you measure yourself prior to starting your journey.....if you did then remeasure and see where you are at.

    Just continue eating right

    Ensure you are taking in atleast 1200 calories, based on your weight etc may need to be alot more...especially if you work out

    Ensure you are drinking lots of water

    Also make sure you are eating every 2-4 hours

    Keep on the road to good eating

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    You may have felt like you were looking slimming...because you maybe slimming.....You probably lost inches

    I know alot of people dont want to hear that....but loosing inchses is a good thing

    I alos go alot by how my clothes now feels on me....You can tell alot by how your clothes feels and fits you now

    Did you measure yourself prior to starting your journey.....if you did then remeasure and see where you are at.
    I agree and it's still a loss! Just so happens it's not on the scale, but it's still a loss!
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