What is Water?

selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
When you tally up the amount of water you drank at the end of the day... what are you including? Plain ole water (clean water as my doc calls it)? Or do you count hot tea, water w/ flavor packets, etc?

I've had a few bouts with kidney stones over the years and my Urologist says that when he tells patients to drink at least 64 oz a water a day, he means just plain/clean water. Although, he said a bit of lemon was ok too. Regular water cleanses your system... kidneys, bladder, ureter, etc. If it is "infused" water that is does not fully flush out the toxins & acid that could attach to the walls of your organs.

I also wonder if a Nutritionist considers the only true water you drink to be clean water. Obviously, a Urologist has some different reasons for his/her logic.

What thoughts does everyone have on this?


  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    Good question....I've wondered the same thing at times.

    I tally up just plain 'clean' water. I'm not entirely sure why I do that, but I think it's probably something to do with my belief about pure water flushing the system, whereas diluted water may not hold the same capacity to do that.

    On the same subject, I'm not sure what a cup of water is in terms of volume - I've been counting 250mls as a cup??
  • XFreckle_LipX
    XFreckle_LipX Posts: 46 Member
    I tally just clean plain water also. I tend to drink at least 1 and a half litres a day. I have been told that is roughly what you should be drinking. Another thing is that water really fills you up if you find your hungry you should try drink a full glass of water and if after drinking the water you are still hungry then have something to eat. Dehydradtion can make you think your hungry when your not. Dehydration makes you tired also so get the water in!!!! :) Who knew water could be so productive! LOL
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    On the same subject, I'm not sure what a cup of water is in terms of volume - I've been counting 250mls as a cup??

    Yep. 1 cup = 250ml

    I tend to count plain water and green tea, but not coffee. I usually only drink water when I'm exercising, and coffee when I'm studying, which accounts for most of my waking time.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    For me and according to a nutritionist that I have seen a few times it's only clean pure water. Anything with caffeine or sugar or even worse sugar substitutes is not water. A little squirt of lemon in the water is OK.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    For me personally, as 64 oz is the minimal amount of water I should probably take in, I try and get in 64 oz of "clean water" and let the rest of my liquids as just extra that my body can use. The way I can tell I have enough water in my system is that I can make it through an hour class without having to stop for replenishment (drink lots before and after). If I have to stop in the middle of class to get a drink of water, for me personally I know that I am depleted.
  • katiri732
    katiri732 Posts: 48 Member
    I have heard that caffeine actually dehydrates you. I was quite hooked on caffeine before pregnancy, I have now switched to regular sprite when I have pop and very rarely drink caffeinated beverages anymore. I only count clean water as well, but I suppose if you will at least drink it if it has sugar free flavoring then it is better than nothing.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I only count pure water as well...I try to get in 96oz per day to replenish my system after my workout

    Prior to yesterday I was taking in 128oz but I think my system was retaining water...so I have cut back
  • Manuka
    Manuka Posts: 35 Member
    Just googled this question and found these articles, worth a read.




    I tend to count anything I drink towards my 8 glasses and dont get hung up on whether or not its plain water. Though I have decided to cut back on the amount of caffine I consume a day by only having 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day. I'm not sure myself what I make of the articles above, but thought people might like to read.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I only count pure water as well...I try to get in 96oz per day to replenish my system after my workout

    Prior to yesterday I was taking in 128oz but I think my system was retaining water...so I have cut back

    Careful with that logic! Too little water can cause you to retain water. :)

    I also only count straight clear water. I aim for about 100oz minimum per day. More if I'm hitting the gym hard or know I've had extra sodium.
  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    I find this interesting, only because I figure once you add something to water you're changing the properties of it. i.e. It's not H2o anymore!

    You'll find that most beverages we consume have some amount of water in them, but that doesn't mean it's working as water. I believe the idea behind it is to replace water back into your body to keep hydrated. And for that, you need plain ol' water.

    Just remember, our bodies are made up of 70% water (not tea, juice, cordial, mineral etc.) it only makes sense to replace it! :-)
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