Down and (almost) out...



  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    Burned out is right! You guys don't know the nightmare I went through with one of my programs...However, stopping is not an option, so I need to find a way to keep going. To answer some of your questions...

    -The program I'm getting back into will have me working out (hard with a trainer) at least 3 days a week. Everything (if anything) in between with be light cardio. Trainers keep me going, making an appt forces me to get there. They are my solution to my lack of consistency and motivation to exercise. Other activities I enjoy are not strenuous enough to give me the workout/results I need.

    - I do have a goal set. I like to create smaller realistic short term goals. I feel those will help me get to the long term little by little. Right now, it's a trip to Texas to meet my boyfriend's family for Easter. That's just over 7 weeks away. Doesn't allow for any dramatic weight loss changes, but I can try...

    -I'm definitely lacking the support factor. I've never really been into online message boards, and the friends I have on MFP are members of my local community who are not really dedicated to it. Feel free to add me. I really appreciate everyone's input, personal experiences and advice.

    -MightyDomo, thank you for all the specific tips but, when it comes to logging into MFP, I will forever feel self conscious that I am not EXACT in my calculations. I log pretty diligently, but I look at it as a guideline - I figure, at the end of the day, if I am consuming less than I burn, staying within my caloric limits (with the right foods), and remianing active, there is no way I can't reach a better overall result. It's just hard to keep at it when you dont see the changes you expect. I periodically take my measurements as well (inches, body fat percentage vs muscle mass, etc), to answer that question, and I was referring to all of that as well when I said I didnt see results. In short, I always FEEL better after these programs, but didnt SEE any numbers budge. I most definitely need to up the water intake though, so I'll work on that...

    After a year of this, I thought this would all be a part of my lifestyle by now, but I feel like I'm still treading water...its exhausting.
  • Lesah0808
    Every post so far is Absolutely Correct!! Time & Patience!! Gotta Have it. I have the same emotions and everyday I research different questions I have about my workout routine, eating habits, what is the best time to eat and exericse, etc. Your body consistently changes that is why time and patience is necessary. I'm learning to not focus on the scale b/c you can lose inches and body fat but the scale will remain the same. Ultimately, we all know how we want to look and losing weight is just a quick way to provide an answer to the problem. We need to focus on mental, physical, & emotional health becuase they all play apart in "weight loss" Don't stress yourself, be honest & realistic. Set small goals. Right now my goal is to get on the scale once a week and take a picture. The 1st week my scale hadn't changed but my stomach did because I lost inches and gained muscle. Learn about the body in general and then see what works best for yours. Also, the things we did to lose weight in the past may not work now because our bodies and systems have changed so don't get stuck on what you did before, Focus on what you can do now. Good Luck!!!
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    It has taken me a year to lose 37 pounds - and I work out 5-6x per week some days for 2 hours. What choice do I have? Let myself go back to the bad habits? Lose all the ground I have gained? I still want to lose at least 70 more pounds - so I have to keep going. I am 1/3 of the way there to my minimum goal and 1/4 to my best goal....and lets be honest - once I get there I have to keep going. So you can't look at like it is what you are doing now. This is what you are going to do always. This is fitness.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I feel this way everyday :(
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Setting reasonable expectations and benchmarks helps considerably.

    For example, if you cannot meet the site suggestions for calories, focus on improving behaviors and gradually work towards a number.

    If you normally eat X amount of something, cut back slightly the next time, or find a lower calorie alternative. I love pizza but have switched to homemade wheat pizza with fat-free cheese. It is not the same but it has helped me manage the vice.

    As for working out, log everything to monitor intensity and results.

    If you can string together several small victories you will create enough momentum to carry you to the next level.

    Expect setbacks and create ways to manage the setbacks.

    Good luck!
  • jungefrau
    jungefrau Posts: 11 Member
    I feel ya.

    I am 46 and was always skinny and then in my 30s, thanks to a Krispy Kreme on the drive home from hubby's work, I gained 15 pds. I lost that when the KK went out of business. Every year, though, I have gained and gained until I am almost 160 -- the highest I have ever been and I am 5 feet 7 inches. Meanwhile, I log everything. I walk my dog at a quick pace every morning for at least 30 minutes and often longer than that. I lift weights while I watch TV for 20-30 minutes and do a circuit plan. I use my mini-trampoline almost every day. I use the stationary bike almost every day. I have terrible knees, so I can't do it for long, but I log 15-30 min every other day minimum. I drink "green" smoothies spinach and protein powder, fruit smoothies in the morning, eat chicken for protein (and I HATE the taste of meat!), stretch before goes on and on. And my weight goes up and up. I have used MZP and Sparkpeople and have not lost more than 2 pounds in 3 yrs! I hate to weigh myself. I want to cry all the time. And that makes me mad at myself because I think, Good Lord, I have to enjoy life NOW no matter what my size is, but my emotions tell me something different.
  • ZTazlor
    ZTazlor Posts: 65 Member
    Amdarosa619, you've taken a huge step by spelling out your issue and identifying that you want to do something about it.

    Why not try aiming from a different being able to do proper pushups or competing in a fun run for a cause that is close to your heart, there are normally shorter distance options available.

    I have always struggled with my weight in terms of numbers so I try not to concentrate so much on this, and more on being able to run a full game of netball and still be able to move the next day!!
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    Amdarosa619, you've taken a huge step by spelling out your issue and identifying that you want to do something about it.

    Why not try aiming from a different being able to do proper pushups or competing in a fun run for a cause that is close to your heart, there are normally shorter distance options available.

    I have always struggled with my weight in terms of numbers so I try not to concentrate so much on this, and more on being able to run a full game of netball and still be able to move the next day!!

    That's a great suggestion, Thank you - great way to focus my miond on something else. That may be a hard transition for me, since I look at myself in the mirror every day, but it's worth a shot..

    Anything to trick my mind, man.. So I've been super proud of myself for logging diligently since the new year, and I go to meet a new trainer/nutritionsit last night who tells me all the things Im doing wrong...Came home feeling super
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    I used to feel exactly like that. For me, the key was finding something active that I really enjoyed. Last summer, I started going to the pool regularly -- I don't mean laps, just swimming around and playing water volleyball. Then I started biking, which is apparently my perfect exercise. Now that it's cold, I'm taking up indoor rock climbing. All this stuff would have been really intimidating for me a year ago, but now they're just fun hobbies that happen to be active. It takes that "God, I can't believe I have to get up again and hit the gym, is this even going to pay off??" feeling out of the equation, because I'm not really biking so I can lose weight -- I'm biking because I want to see the prettiness on the bike trail. I used to think I hated working out just because I didn't like treadmills or the elliptical. I thought I was lazy, but it turns out I'm just picky. :)

    Please note: I'm not saying you should bike or rock climb or swim; those are just the things that I personally like to do. If you find what *you* like, it'll be easier to stick with it and harder to get down on yourself. Good luck!