


  • Suerhv
    Suerhv Posts: 61 Member
    a "habit of" not have of...
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I rarely drink anymore. Not since having kids. I will have a drink if I am out with friends or on a day night with the hubs. I think you could lose weight giving up/limiting alcohol depending how much you drink. It does take up calories. I honestly would rather eat than drink. :)
  • QuietRain
    I'm (trying) to cut back to once a week.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    No way. I have two boys (age 5 and 4). I need wine.

    ^^ this!!! (mine are 10 and 11... they say it gets easier with age... maybe when they reach their 40s I'll agree... haha)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I would but I am going to Vegas in a few weeks so I think NOT! I am old and married with kids and it is not unusual for us to go months and months without drinking. Just not this month and not in Vegas on vacation.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    There is a new documentary show out there.. its on national georgraphoic. Of course, I have no idea what the name of it is. But, I dvr-ed it yesterday and watched it last night. I give a biological understanding and uses imagery of the body of what specific drugs do to you. They interviewed a gentleman who was by far the worst alcoholic I have ever witnessed (and I'm a social worker). He had a physical done by a physician and it was frightening. He had convulsions, he only ate 1 days worth of calories per week because his ability to eat was supressed and his pancreas hurt too much due to the damage, he had fluid coming out of his ears, his cuts and scrathes wouldn't heal and they would get immediately infected because he killed so many skin cells due to lack of hydration from the booze, and it goes on. He went to treatment and died 8 days in because he was THAT dependent. yes. I am done drinking.

    Woooah. If you choose to stop drinking, power to you, but that, as you said, was an extreme alcoholic... that hardly happens from drinking in moderation.

    I forgot to mention this in my initial post, seeing that is enough to turn my nose. No, I do not plan on ever being an extreme alcoholic, but the fact of the matter is that it scared the **** out of me. So don't wooooah me.
  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member
    I'm not drinking during February because I just started Chantix. I'm terrified to drink while taking it, and it's probably best to avoid triggers that make me want to smoke (like alcohol).
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Well, I drink as an accompaniment to food or a cigar. I like qualit liquor (Islay region single malt usually), quality beer (Guinness or a micro IPA), and good wine with a good meal. If a healthy lifestyle meant getting rid of alcohol, this would be much less palatable to me.
  • JadeZaragoza
    this is really bad but basically if im going to have beer I don't have dinner.. works for me..even though its unhealthy
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    No way. I have two boys (age 5 and 4). I need wine.

    hahaha. I like it.

    I was just broken up with recently so I need to be able to drink on the weekends.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    19 months sober...

    I am sure it was a huge hindrance to my weight loss in the past...

    Now it is just one last thing I need to worry about.

    Congrats on your 19 moths! Thats fantastic :smile:
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I nearly never drink. I'll have a glass of wine or a hard lemonade with dinner once every few months or so, maybe a few drinks on holidays, and get actually drunk maybe once every few years or so. I don't have a problem with people drinking, but I've really never understood the point of drinking daily.

    But, there are a lot of empty calories in alcohol, not to mention the dehydrating effects. I can only imagine that giving it up would help with weight loss.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    Dear people who don't drink, WHAT DO YOU DO ON THE WEEKENDS?
  • annabellep1
    annabellep1 Posts: 36 Member
    Much to my chagrin, I am considering this. I LOVE alcohol. I'm not a drunk or anything, but I probably have a drink on average once a week. I had to give up beer recently, which was my staple drink, because of carbs. But because I am beginning to feel the effects of high blood pressure, I am considering. Earlier this week I had a Skinny Girl Cosmo and could feel my BP spike afterward. I had a light buzz from it (yes, I am a total lightweight) and it suddenly occurred to me that stroking out with a buzz would be possibly the most unpleasant experience I've had in the last few years. I couldn't imagine going to the emergency room with a buzz. I've taken so much of my health for granted for too long (which is obviously why I'm here). So I am considering it, and haven't had a drink since, but I'm reticent to commit fully to going teetotaler, but I might just let it happen.
  • Sharkington
    Most months, I drink about once a week - 2 tops. Sometimes I go a couple weeks without drinking. When I do drink on that one-two nights a week, it's a glass or two of wine. I love wine quite a lot, and would never want to cut it from my life. I do not notice any change in my weight/fitness when I do drink, as opposed to not having had those glasses of wine. I haven't had any wine in a few weeks (for no particular reason) and I do not notice any change in my weight or fitness, but I also do not need to lose any weight, so I may not be a good example. However, I understand some people drink more alcohol than I do, so if that is the case, then cutting back/cutting off may very well be beneficial - though if you really like your wine, vodka, scotch, etc., I still believe you can have it occasionally if you practice self control and fit it into your daily calories (or like me, just have it on your free days). :)

    Either way, it couldn't hurt to go without if you really think it will give you quicker results. Good luck. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Gave it up a year ago this month due to health issues and am glad I don't have to count the calories from it.
  • skelleytons
    Giving up drinking is just not gonna happen for me, though I did cut back quite a bit recently and now only have TWO per day! :P

    I'm young and the friends and I like to go out and get a little crazy. I don't feel like it's hindering my weight loss at all, and it forces me to exercise in the mornings to burn all those calories!

    Seriously, it's one of the only "fun" foods/drinks I am allowing myself to have and I don't want to give it up.
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    I have given it up for the most part since nye. on my birthday I had a few and then superbowl I had two. Much better not drinking than drinking especially as I smoke when I drink so much much better lol.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member