Please just help me

So I haven't weighed myself in 3 days. I have been working on the 30 day shred and I missed one day and in that one day I had a big cheat day... it wasn't that bad and definitely under 2000 cals. Anywhoo I weighed myself today and broke down in tears. I gained weight. It is a pound and some change and I am crying. What do you guys suggest to eat and to exercise. I am panicking!! Im fat, I am the fat friend, I am the girl everyone makes fun of and I try so hard to change that but its like my body is against me in this. I am hysterically crying, shacking and scared. Im EMBARASSED to go to the gym!! My mom said im fat, my dads said im fat, girls have called me fat and im so sick and tired of it all please tell me what to do, what to eat and stuff, im panicking. Nobody will ever be able to look past my pounds, no boy is gonna love me, no girls are gonna be jealous, I wont be able to help others overcome their weight struggle because I myself cant. I don't know what im doing wrong or what im doing.


  • calewis17
    Relax! I have heard alot of people say that the number on the scale goes up when doing the 30 day Shred. It is because you are gaining muscle, which weighs more. I too want to do the 30 day Shred, but not until I get to my goal weight.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    HEY you have lost 17lbs already! Don't beat yourself up about this one day. You enjoyed it, it's over, now move into carrying on with your amazing journey. You can do this, prove all those haters wrong.
  • jakeVScalories
    jakeVScalories Posts: 107 Member
    yo, im not gonna get into a big long message, but if you want advice and someone to legit help you, send me a message, we can work on it, but only if you're serious
  • MTBowBAM
    Step One stop beating yourself up. Step Two Stop Panicking!! Step Three Reassess the situation and be realistic. You had a setback now get up and go back to the things that you did to lose 17lbs. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. As far as those that called you FAT, tell them to got pound sand. You need encouragement not discouragement. I am morbidly obese and I know it but I don't need someone to run up and tell me every five minutes. Only I can change my situation. You can change your life but you must take control of the situation. The only person that really has to love you is you. Lose the weight for yourself and Love yourself once you do that everything else will fall into place.

    You can do it.... Because you are already well on your way. :smile: :happy:
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    if ur cheat day is under 2000 calories... ur metabolism is crap and need to slowly refeed to get ur metabolism better.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Scales do that. You don't even have to have a cheat day to make the scales go up.

    Your picture doesn't look fat.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Step One stop beating yourself up. Step Two Stop Panicking!! Step Three Reassess the situation and be realistic. You had a setback now get up and go back to the things that you did to lose 17lbs. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. As far as those that called you FAT, tell them to got pound sand. You need encouragement not discouragement. I am morbidly obese and I know it but I don't need someone to run up and tell me every five minutes. Only I can change my situation. You can change your life but you must take control of the situation. The only person that really has to love you is you. Lose the weight for yourself and Love yourself once you do that everything else will fall into place.

    You can do it.... Because you are already well on your way. :smile: :happy:

    Yes, that!!!
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    First, relax. Panic, worry, and anxiety will do nothing but take you further down. Make the decision to do this for you first, no matter what anyone says. Love yourself, girl. You already lost 17 ounds. Congratulations!!!!!!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff! Surely sweating is fine, but sweat pounds not feelings :)

    You are fine! You're a beautiful girl and you are on the path to success! Remember that weight fluctuates daily, your weight right now is different than when you woke up and it will be different than when you go to bed. Mine fluctuates within 4 lbs daily, this is nothing to worry about. Eat right, Exercise and just stay on track. We all have days where we mess up, it happens. Coming on here is great, we are all here for you!!

    Also, you are not the fat friend, the girl no one is jealous of etc. Every person is beautiful and just by the fact that you came here and admitted you had a bad day I can tell you're an honest person and you are pretty on the inside and outside!

    Go for a walk, clear your head and breathe :)
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Stop panicking! The first days of exercising you retain water and that makes the scale fluctuates. Just because you had a cheat day doesn't mean you gained weight. You have to be committed for the long run, and you will definitely have other cheat days but that is fine because we are human and we are not perfect. Focus on your target and you will get there! x