Is anyone else going over in sugars?



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If I go over in things like sugars or carbs I don't really mind much, because 95% of the time I know I'm getting it from healthy sources.

    I like using my food log to see patterns & find what I'm low in or need to eat more of. For example if I'm halfway through my day or wondering what to eat for dinner & notice I'm low in protein, or only 1/2 my goal of fiber for the day, etc., I'll think of foods that have those particular nutrients & choose from there.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    The MFP sugar recommendation is really low. Based on World Health Organization and USDA estimates, a person on a 2,000 calorie diet should be eating about 50 g of sugar.

    Since sugar and fiber represent the sum total of carbs, you can keep better track by just making sure to stay under your carb target and at or over your fiber target.

    Also, combining sugar with protein helps stave off sugar highs and crashes.
  • Loved1s
    Loved1s Posts: 33 Member
    Beware of added sugars! Particularly High Fructose Corn Syrup... Studies have shown that it causes weight gain and a craving for more. It is in about 90% of processed foods that you find in a typical grocery store! Why on earth whole wheat bread needs corn syrup in it is beyond me! When I'm eating mostly whole foods, I have no problem staying close to sugar goal. As for yogurt... I eat plain nonfat Greek and cut up apples (or pears, or add berries) and add cinnamon for flavor w a light drizzle of agave! Yum!!! Way less sugar than your standard fruit on the bottom.
  • I think it depends on why you're counting sugar. If you're diabetic, then it's important so you don't get low blood sugar from meds. If you're trying to lose weight faster than 1 pound per week, then all sugar counts because sugar is carbs. Your body uses carbs for energy before anything else. Too many carbs means slow (or none) weight loss.

    I do low carb so I automatically avoid certain foods (and of course sweet junk food or soda!) It's worked for me so far, but I still have 30 pounds to go ... sigh.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I manually adjusted my sugar goal to 55g, and it goes up when my calorie goal goes up. Honestly, I still go over, though, even if I don't add sugar/honey etc. to anything for the day or eat sweetened processed foods. I may up it again just so I don't see the red number. Incidentally, I also upped my goal for fiber to 30g based on a recommendation I read somewhere.

    I try to have two servings of fruit per day - not more or less so I get the benefits of the fruit with a reasonable amount of sugar. I eat a lot of onion, and that's high in sugar, too. Oh, and tomatoes which I don't count as serving of fruit. And sweet potatoes, which are great for you.

    If I'm under 100g of sugar (on a 1900 calorie day) and under my goal for total carbs I feel OK about it, though I know it sounds high. I did some research and there's no RDA minimum for sugar - it's not considered necessary. I did find some recommendations about total daily percent of calories from sugar - one said no more than 10% of your calories should come from sugar, another said 25% and I'm still not positive if they were talking refined sugar or all dietary sugars.

    Edit to add: I found a website with a calculator for sugar. Of course every recommendation is a bit different, but assuming 25% of all calories can be from sugar (and that's quite a bit), this website said I could have 475 calories from sugar if I eat 1900 calories. At 3.8 calories per gram, that's 125 grams. Of course the 10% recommendation puts it quite a bit less, but OP if you are under 60 grams per day you are absolutely fine.
  • MelanieAnneWoods
    MelanieAnneWoods Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I always go ever in sugars and sometimes protein. I drink one glass of red grape juice "no sugar added" with lunch but there is still a lot of fructose (fruit sugar) in it. I am more concerned with fat and calories though so don't worry too much about sugars.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i've been driving myself insane for a couple of months trying to stay under on my sugar levels, i was going over every single day (fruit, fruit juice) now i've stopped tracking it completely and have got a better grip on my diet