5 lbs gone in 3 days??

vanessaxlynne Posts: 67
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So ok, I have been doing this diet thing now for 3 days, (this is my third day)..I weighed my self sunday, and now today and it is 5lbs lighter, I am not in anyway getting my hopes up considering it was 2 different scales, however it does feel good, to THINK I have lost 5 lbs in 3 days lol..

Also bought a pair of jeans on sunday (hubby took me shopping for clothes for Mothers day) and they were snug and now they fit perfectly and button and everything, so maybe it is true??

Anyway since I am fairly new to this site, I also wanted to introduce myself..

I am 26 (next month) and a mother of 2. I never really had a weight problem, until I got pregnant with my second child, tipped the scale at 209 (at delivery YIKES) ..

I am trying to get down to what I was before I met my husband-130 lbs...technically because of my height I should weigh between 93-130 but anything below 130 would be unhealthy for me, I think..but we will see...

I hope with the encouragement of others and the information on this site, I can achieve my goal...130lbs...

I wish everyone luck in reaching their goals as well :)


  • shantisyndrome
    shantisyndrome Posts: 18 Member
    What diet is this
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    How tall are you? And yes, you could have lost 5 lbs in 3 days - it's water weight. Most use a big chunk in a short amount of time just from changing an unhealthy pattern and drinking more water, lowering sodium, etc.
  • Well I have been drinking nothing but water, and I add the propel flavor packets in because I HATE drinking plain water. I have also been on a 1200 calorie diet and I have been walking. The first day was 21/2 miles and also did crunches, then yesterday I walked about a mile, did pilates and crunches.

    I ordered a scale and should be arriving saturday, I am going to go by that scale from now on, but just wanted an idea of my weight thats why I weighed myself today. :)
  • I am 5'1 on a good day LOL..

    when I was at a healthy weight for me in HS it was like late 120's early 130's so that for me is normal..I wonder if I still have those pictures lol
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate very easily in a day or two.. but if your pants feel loose its a sign. Also I am sure you were eating much larger portions before so that would make your stomache bigger as well. Just like on the biggest loser the first week will prolly be the biggest weight loss because it is a huge change for your body and adding exercise which you may have not done in a long time

    Either way I say congratz :) Keep up the awesome work... It does feel great doesn't it :)
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    It is definitely possible, but most likely it is water weight you've dropped - so keep it up or it will come right back!!

    The best part about starting excersize is the huge drop at first. Anyway keep up the diet and excersize. :)
  • THANKS everyone, yes I am sure it was water weight, either way, I am THRILLED lol...

    Its so odd because I have tried diets before, and for some reason this is working, as opposed to the others. I am actually excited to start my day and see how I can accomplish my goals :)
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Its the best feeling isnt it :)

    Wanting to start a new day to see how you can do - I LOVE THIS SITE!! great motivation
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