Looking for supportive friends

I've been at this 16 days now, so thought I might introduce myself. Here's a little about me:

SW: 211
CW: 206.6
GW: 140

I live in Indianapolis, capital of the great state of Indiana. I teach college developmental English at the local community college. I'm in it for the outcome, not the income. I worked myself from a childhood living in working class neighborhoods and housing projects to the professional woman I am today. I figure if I can do that, I can take control of my health habits, and that's why I'm here.

My mom, who was the BEST mom ever (no quibbling; I'm sure your mom was great ;) ) was obese her whole life. I never learned the best health habits, but I also didn't have to. I was the skinny one, with the super fast metabolism most of my life. Then in my mid-thirties I started packing on pounds, but didn't notice much. I always figured it would eventually slide off like it has before. Got married at 36 and packed on even more. Quite a bit more. Hubby's eating habits are garbage, too. I love him anyway.

So here I am, two days from turning 42, and I'm tired of it. I want my fully functional body back. I'm afraid of high BP, strokes, heart attacks, you name it. I'm at risk for all of them now. Last year I tried, with some success, to change my lifestyle. I was doing great for about 9 months, but then winter hit, and I'm a tropical baby at heart. My mood and self-confidence plunged and I ate like crap and drank tons of beer for three months straight. Consequence: 17 pounds, for a net 12 pound gain. I weigh more than I ever have, and I don't like it.

So this time I'm trying to do it differently. Last time I jumped in all at once, eating better, exercising routinely, etc. Plateaued out after losing about 15 pounds. So now I'm just getting my footing back with portion control and healthier choices. Next step is to add exercise. I've been lucky enough to have a couple of super-inspirational people friend me right off the bat and have noticed it REALLY helps with focus. So I'm looking to add a few more good role models.

What I can offer:

I'm motivational with feedback, a trick you learn on the job in my field.
I have excellent research skills. If you ask for info, I will find it and provide it.
I like being helpful. It's a lifelong habit, thanks to that great mom I have.
I'm honest. I will not lie to you, but I will not deliberately hurt your feelings either.

If this sounds good, and you want to friend me, you know what to do!

~Anna Belle

Edit: Yeah, I realize my math doesn't add up. I teach ENGLISH, I tellya! :tongue:


  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    Hello. I live in South Bend! Nice to see another Hoosier. I am recovering from 2 major surgeries last year. I had spinal fusion and 3 months ago I had a hysterectomy. My husband left my 4 months ago after 19 years. My goals are to regain my strength, my health and my figure. (since I guess at some point I will start dating again) We are the same age so I know what you mean about the metabolism slowing down! Mine is a 3 toed sloth. I have a dry sense of humor, chocked full of sarcasm, and am bitter and jaded!
  • jsard09
    Hey there! My aunt lives in Greensburg, Indiana! I've visited Indiana may times and hope to live there someday. I would love to support you. I'll add you!
  • annabellep1
    annabellep1 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks, y'all! I totally love sarcasm, btw.
  • Mrs_Hull
    Mrs_Hull Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm back at this after bouncing up and down over the fall and early winter. I'm finally seeing weight loss again, and so relieved. I would love to be buddies.
  • annabellep1
    annabellep1 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm about to head to bed, so if I don't respond, that's why. But I am THRILLED with the response, and all my new friends. We're going to tackle this together, baby!
  • dellaj5
    I'm kind of sort of new too. Would love to be your friend; maybe we can support each other...
  • BuffySlays2000
    BuffySlays2000 Posts: 65 Member
    I could really use the support also and love what you said (so well put!). I'm adding you now! Looking forward to being your MFP helping buddy.

    Anyone else who is super dedicated, please feel free to add me also.
  • Callygee26
    Hi! I'm new as well, and I'm really trying to commit to good diet and exercise this time because I have struggled in the past to stay on target! Hopefully, I can help support y'all and vice versa! I'll add now, if ya don't mind! :)
  • oahugirl
    oahugirl Posts: 21 Member
    Hello All!
    I've been here for over a year on and off and have committed to changing my life for many of the same reasons you all stated. I started 2012 at my heaviest weight ever - 230 pounds. I"m down to 193 now through ups and downs and struggles with diet and exercise. In late 2012 i fully committed to getting healthy and started the Turbofire 90 day workout from beachbody. At the same time i committed to logging my food here on MFP and have been logging every day for over 110 days now (i think that many!!) Since i really made the commitment, which hasn't been easy, i've lost about 15 pounds and over 30 inches body-wide! I've added all of you as buddies and am really working this year to reach my goal AND to help others do the same. So many people on here, facebook, and the beachbody website motivated me and pushed me when i struggled over the past year that now it's time to return the favor. Motivating others helps me keep myself motivated. So, i've added you all as friends and look forward to joining this journey with you! I still have a long way to go but i know that together we can all do it!
  • annabellep1
    annabellep1 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I'm new as well, and I'm really trying to commit to good diet and exercise this time because I have struggled in the past to stay on target! Hopefully, I can help support y'all and vice versa! I'll add now, if ya don't mind! :)

    You had me at "y'all." :laugh:

    I made tons of new friends last night, so thanks to everyone who added me. I accepted every friend request I got. I think this experience will only get better as a result. Yay for us!
  • annabellep1
    annabellep1 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello All!
    I've been here for over a year on and off and have committed to changing my life for many of the same reasons you all stated. I started 2012 at my heaviest weight ever - 230 pounds. I"m down to 193 now through ups and downs and struggles with diet and exercise. In late 2012 i fully committed to getting healthy and started the Turbofire 90 day workout from beachbody. At the same time i committed to logging my food here on MFP and have been logging every day for over 110 days now (i think that many!!) Since i really made the commitment, which hasn't been easy, i've lost about 15 pounds and over 30 inches body-wide! I've added all of you as buddies and am really working this year to reach my goal AND to help others do the same. So many people on here, facebook, and the beachbody website motivated me and pushed me when i struggled over the past year that now it's time to return the favor. Motivating others helps me keep myself motivated. So, i've added you all as friends and look forward to joining this journey with you! I still have a long way to go but i know that together we can all do it!

    Wow, your progress is impressive. Nice work! Glad to have connected.
  • lucylew2
    Really glad to meet you - I also had the Birthday (54) which made me realize I need to make some changes - I get totally frustrated with the people who lose pounds just by wishing it - I have always had to struggle. I welcome your motivation, support and all the other qualities you offer - let's improve our lives and start taking charge of the change together.
  • milehiguy
    milehiguy Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I'm Steff in Denver, I've been on the site a long time, lost some amazing weight, then with a change to a stressful job last year started visiting the site less and putting on the lbs. This really does work, if you set a goal, log in daily and don't go over your allowance. I try to walk and/or bike at least 30 minutes a day and log it here. The thing is you have to log in everyday! Yes I miss a day here and there but I'm up to 25 days now....missed some around the holidays, no surprise there. Anyhow feel free to add me as a friend...I had some on here last fall, but I think they've dropped off. :-) Steff
  • busybee507
    I'm happy to give support and I love receiving it too! Friend request is on the way! Have a wonderful day!
  • Phyllis4701
    Phyllis4701 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm new at this too. I started my new journey to a healthier lifestyle the week after Christmas. I've never really dieted or exercised before.I will be turning 50 years old in Dec. of this year. I'm 5'11 and weighed 220 lb. I have lost 23 lbs in little over a month.Plus I have lost several inches in my waist. I had started walking on treadmill for about a week when I was introduced to a Body 4 Believers program here in Alabama. A Baptist preacher started it in Centre , Al. Everyone was doing it in this area, so I did too. I've added more excercise to my workout too. I would love to be a friend and help with encouragement. I know I need it myself. I have had set backs with the weight stopping. But I'm tickled with my progress and will continue on my journey
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm working on trying to lose weigh myself and I find that having people to support and push you always helps. My girlfriends and I are doing a fitness challenge together on Facebook where we weigh in once a week and we have to post the weight and a picture of us on the scale on our group page. I find that having someone hold me accountable has been helping. I just recently started on here hoping to be better at tracking my food intake.

    If you'd like we can start posting our weights to help push each other. My goal is to lose about 40 pounds and it's so hard to do because I have a big family and we're always getting together and eating all the time. I'm a single mom so between working, my daughter's school and sports, and trying to take care of the house, it's hard to find time to fit a workout in but I've been trying and having my friends push me has helped a lot.

    Here are my stats, I usually weigh in every Wednesday morning right when I wake up.

    Age: 32
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 183.8 pounds
    Goal: 150

    I started at 190.2 pounds and that was 5 weeks ago. I've lost 6.4 pounds so far and it has been slow but I'm hoping the weight loss will continue. What are you doing for workouts and food?
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Lots of excellent support on here! Feel free to add me for support. I too am a college teacher, but I teach Business courses (Accounting, Finance, and Management).