


  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I got a cruiser a few months ago. I was wobbly at first since it had been a few years since I had ridden and everything was sore..arms, core, legs..but what a fun way to get exercise. I love it. I've been riding every chance I get. Good luck!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I absolutely love my bike. As soon as the weather turns sunny out it comes and I ride until it is too cold or rainy. I did this even when I wasn't on a plan to lose weight. We went away to the beach this weekend and we rented bikes. We had a blast and I lost almost 1 1/2 lbs:glasses: .
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I mountain Bike (as of last weekend!) haha I live in Outdoor Recreational Capital Of Canada (Squamish BC) I am surrounded by trails and mountains ... so it's something I finally decided to take up! Love it!

    I have a mtn bike and have not been a fan. I have been on a couple mtn bike trips with friends and have never enjoyed it. I think I'm afraid of falling and breaking bones. LOL My husband is into mtn biking! He's headed out on a 3 day bike trip this weekend (on his new mtn bike-early father's day present).

    I just do 2 hours of easy trails ... I'm not a big one on getting injured, I have ZERO issues dismounting! haha ... and I dont' do downhill ... I'll take some vid next time i'm out, I don't know if you've every seen where I live, but it's absolutely unreal beautiful (Minus the cougars) lol
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Wow! 8 day biking trip!!! How fun! Although, I would have to stop and shower some where. LOL

    I stayed in campgrounds with showers all but the first night. I was so tired the first night that it was the last thing on my mind anyway.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Bikers are cool!!

    +2 for the Trek fan club, and just working in my new Gary Fisher Erwin which isn't really a road, or mountain bike... but more of a tweener. Great ride!!!

    I've been biking for years, and years, and years, and years and never stop loving it. 100 mile gravel race this weekend...woohoo!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Bikers are totally cool!!!

    Going on my first ride in 1 week!!!
  • PaleoIsPossible
    I just started in March, when I joined my college (Florida State University) road biking team. So far I've only put on about 300 miles, doing 20-30 miles per ride... So I'm still not too experienced, but it's an awesome work out.
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    For those of you who love to ride next week is National "Ride your bike to work" week, I'm not kidding it was sent in an official memo Yesterday. I can't ride a regular bike anymore so I use a handcycle and my trip is gonna be 22 miles each way. Woo Hooo.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    For those of you who love to ride next week is National "Ride your bike to work" week, I'm not kidding it was sent in an official memo Yesterday. I can't ride a regular bike anymore so I use a handcycle and my trip is gonna be 22 miles each way. Woo Hooo.

    Actually all month is bike to work month. Way to go! I can't imagine having the strength to use a handcycle for 44 miles...maybe not even 2! Mine is 17 each way but I live in Atlanta and am not willing to risk my life for a commute. I save the biking for more relaxing environments.
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    I love riding my bike and it really helps keep you fit. It doesn't take long before your looking for longer and longer rides. And no other sport makes you pay as much attention to wind reports, LOL. I always what other sport could let a woman of my size move so fast on her own 2 legs. Have fun.

    Absolutely right about the wind!!LOL!! I went for a bike ride on Monday and I almost died of exhaustion. My legs were hurting so bad because I did not notive how strong the wind was. I won't make that mistake again. LOL!!

    But, I love riding my bike. I have lots of trails and bike paths around my house that I can take a different route everyday is I wanted. I find it's the best exercise for me right now and because I enjoy it so much, I look forward to doing it. And, yes, even though I think I look goofy, I wear my helmet!! Don't want to fall and hit my head and never be able to ride my bike again.!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    For those of you who love to ride next week is National "Ride your bike to work" week, I'm not kidding it was sent in an official memo Yesterday. I can't ride a regular bike anymore so I use a handcycle and my trip is gonna be 22 miles each way. Woo Hooo.

    So, I got curious as to why you can't ride a regular bike anymore and took a look at your profile. OH MY GOODNESS! You have been through so much! You don't let a thing get in your way! Congrats on all of your successes! You are an inspiration!

    I couldn't imagine riding a handcycle 44 miles per day!
    I wish I could ride my bike to work --- hard to do since I have to pick two kids up from daycare. But I will ride my bike as often as I can!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Biking is awesome. I'm a road biker and a mountain biker. I have a Trek mtb (full suspension), a Giant mtb (hardtail) and a EMC2 roadie.

    Don't stress too much abut the clipless pedals! Everyone falls in them sometimes! it's not so bad, cos you fall when you're stopped, so it's just a slow flop to the side :laugh:
    One day I wasn't paying attention, unclipped one pedal, put my foot down, then went to put the other foot down still clipped in, and pulled my bike over myself. Quite funny, when I think about it! :blushing: But I've fallen off heaps by just not unclipping in time. I always start to unclip well in advance of intersections now and just do those last couple of pedals with my heel if I need the momentum.
    I second the practicing on grass, and practice riding up and down a straight safe section of road or path just clipping and unclipping as you ride

  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Biking is awesome. I'm a road biker and a mountain biker. I have a Trek mtb (full suspension), a Giant mtb (hardtail) and a EMC2 roadie.

    Don't stress too much abut the clipless pedals! Everyone falls in them sometimes! it's not so bad, cos you fall when you're stopped, so it's just a slow flop to the side :laugh:
    One day I wasn't paying attention, unclipped one pedal, put my foot down, then went to put the other foot down still clipped in, and pulled my bike over myself. Quite funny, when I think about it! :blushing: But I've fallen off heaps by just not unclipping in time. I always start to unclip well in advance of intersections now and just do those last couple of pedals with my heel if I need the momentum.
    I second the practicing on grass, and practice riding up and down a straight safe section of road or path just clipping and unclipping as you ride


    Thanks for that! I'm happy to know that falling is normal! LOL I'm sure I'll be in the "normal category" then!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I was doing a MS150 ride on year and this guy was all by himself at a stop light and I and the group I was riding with were coming up behind him. He was doing a track stop (still clipped in) and it looked like he fell asleep, just fell right over and never put his hand out to stop him (good protection for your wrist, by the way) and after we found out he was ok, I laughed in my head and it replayed many times throughout the weekend and I laughed every time.

    One day I got new pedals and put the cleats on my shoes and went down the road a couple houses and back to test them out. They clipped in easy so I thought all was well. I always biked as fast as I could to the porch steps to see how close I could get without htting the stairs. I did impressively well that day...but then I went to unclip and I wasn't able to! In my mind, I saw that guy falling and I laughed on the way to the sidewalk. I was laughing so hard that my dad came out to see what was going on. He had to take my shoes off my feet because the shoes were stuck to the pedals. I had to get the bike shop to pry them off. I still laugh when I see that guy falling over. :laugh:
  • fietsdebbie
    fietsdebbie Posts: 37
    I am a biker and love it but I'm not into it for spandex and bike shoes. I have a Dutch sit up straight bike with permanent panniers and it is very comfortable. We were living in The Netherlands and I bought it there and brought it back to the states. It has 27 speeds and shocks so it works well on hills, something that doesn't exist in The Netherlands.

    I ride almost every day. About 45 minutes for exercise up a few hills and some straights and also with a kid bike trailer to the grocery store about twice a week. I go to the library and do miscellaneous errands on it. Biking in The Netherlands is a way of life. They bike to work, to the store, to the movies, to a night out. As a result, those tall Dutch people are usually rather slim!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I was doing a MS150 ride on year and this guy was all by himself at a stop light and I and the group I was riding with were coming up behind him. He was doing a track stop (still clipped in) and it looked like he fell asleep, just fell right over and never put his hand out to stop him (good protection for your wrist, by the way) and after we found out he was ok, I laughed in my head and it replayed many times throughout the weekend and I laughed every time.

    One day I got new pedals and put the cleats on my shoes and went down the road a couple houses and back to test them out. They clipped in easy so I thought all was well. I always biked as fast as I could to the porch steps to see how close I could get without htting the stairs. I did impressively well that day...but then I went to unclip and I wasn't able to! In my mind, I saw that guy falling and I laughed on the way to the sidewalk. I was laughing so hard that my dad came out to see what was going on. He had to take my shoes off my feet because the shoes were stuck to the pedals. I had to get the bike shop to pry them off. I still laugh when I see that guy falling over. :laugh:

    Those are both hilarious stories! Thanks for sharing!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Everyone's got a clipless pedal story, they all end on the ground, and they are all funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I do encourage a helmet too. I did actually use (not just wear) one last year. It's great to have ONLY major flesh wounds after a crash. Of course, pulling gravel and dirt out of a leg, hip, and shoulder was a bit painful, and didn't like the cracked $100 helmet either, BUT.... I rode home and made due with bandages and ibuprofen.

    They really look fine, feels dorky perhaps, but you can make it look good.

  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I went for my ride! 15.27 miles! Only fell (at a stop) 4 times! LOL but I had so much fun!!! It was freezing and windy! (not sure why it was so cold in May in Las Vegas.... but I needed winter gear to wear!). I'm going again in 2 weeks! I loved it!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yay go you! 15 miles is awesome for a first ride.

    Good to hear you got the falling out of the way early on. Once you do it once and realise it's not so bad, its not so scary anymore aye?