30 day shred frustrated!!

I just finished day 19 of 30 DS. I weighed in on Sunday down 3 lbs. Today I weighed in and have gained 2 back somehow. I have consistently worked out every day and have been under my calories for the day for the past week. I am so frustrated I could cry. I will finish because I have to finish something for once and get on the right track but damn this is hard!!

Starting Body Revolution as soon as I'm done. INSPIRATION PLEASE!!


  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Could be water weight :) Muscles that are being worked can retain more water so that might not be a gain.
  • harric88
    harric88 Posts: 82 Member
    Always get weighed first thing in a morning. Your body varies about 3lb throughout the day so don't worry about it too much keep exercising and eating well :)
  • tazhinshaw
    tazhinshaw Posts: 297 Member
    Have you been keeping track of inches lost? Or only weight?
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    When I did 30DS, I only lost a couple pounds, but I lost significant inches. Did you measure yourself before and after? I'm sure you gained a lot of muscle. Also, I agree with what MightyDomo said above.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I finished day 10 yesterday and while my weight hasn't changed and I can't yet see results, I feel better and have more endurance since starting. Just keep your chin up and keep going!
  • AmandaMaitland
    AmandaMaitland Posts: 136 Member
    I'm on L1D7 and I have yet to weigh! I've seen where some people didn't lose a whole lot, but lost tons of inches. So I decided not to weigh until the end of the 30 days so I don't get discouraged! However, I measured at the beginning, and I'm checking my progress by measuring at the end of every level (10 days). I plan on doing Ripped in 30 right after! But in your case I wouldn't get to upset! If you know you're eating healthy and exercising then no worries! Strive for progress, not perfection :) And remember muscle weighs more than fat ! If you're on day 19, I give you props! You've come a long way since day one so just keep pushing at it, girl :) Don't give up!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Make one day your weigh in day & stick to that, stay off the scales in between. It will cause you much less stress.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    You couldn't have gained 'real' weight in 3 days while being under calories. It is water fluctuation. My weight fluctuates wildly throughout the week, but I only count it if it's on my official weigh day. And for the most part, my weight is usually back to normal by then.

    Keep up the good work on 30ds. I'm only on day 4.
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I am currently doing the shred and have gained 2 pounds. However I am noticing my clothes fitting better. I have done the ripped in 30 before, and loved it. Got much better results with that one! Decided to do the shred first then the ripped. If you don't feel you are losing inches either then maybe try ripped.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Don't worry about it :)
    On average, the body fluctuates about 5 lbs throughout the day. So unless you gain like 10 lbs, it's most likely water weight ^^
  • manchesterclark
    manchesterclark Posts: 1 Member
    It's probably water gain. There's no way you actually gained two pounds of fat unless you ate an additional 7000 calories of food yesterday. It will come back off. Keep it up and look at the bigger picture!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    This is very common with the 30DS I've seen! It's about the inches lost, some people will lose more lbs, some will lose more inches but its definitely a great program and worth it! keep at it!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Just keep going! Fluctuations of even 6 lbs can happen naturally.

    Your muscles retain water when they recover.
    You also retain water at certain times of the day and month, and after high sodium foods.
    You may also be starting to gain some muscle whilst losing fat.

    It will even out. I gained 4lbs during week one and lost it all plus 1.5 more during the start of week 3.

    Eat to sustain your activity, don't go too far under your cals.
    Drink more water.
    Forget the scale and take your measurements. I bet you're losing inches.

    And breathe...

  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    Take measurements. I went through some frustrations myself when I didn't really see the scale move, but I lost 4 inches off my waist.
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Make one day your weigh in day & stick to that, stay off the scales in between. It will cause you much less stress.


    Also, use measurement - a lot of people report seeing no change on the scale and a huge change in inches.
  • jersgirl060606
    jersgirl060606 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I did see a decrease in inches over a weeks time and plan to continue to measure. I typically only weigh myself once per week but was feeling a bit lighter this morning and hoping for some decrease in lbs.

    Props to everyone doing this program, I wake up making excuses every morning not to get my *kitten* kicked by Jillian every day. I have committed myself to do this and will not quit. Starting level 3 on Friday!!!

    Has anyone started Body Revolution? Friend me and lets do it!!
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Dont worry about it its probably water retention. Make sure you drink plenty of water. I've done 30ds and RI30 even though I lost some weight after each programme, the inches lost was the most significant. Make sure you take measurements and a photo and you'll be amazed how your body will change.

    BTW I'm now on Body Revolution and its fun but tough!
  • jersgirl060606
    jersgirl060606 Posts: 27 Member
    2 days left. I am still only down 1 lb. I guess that's what happens when you eat out like 4 times this week!! I wish I would get my shiz together in the eating department. I need some low calorie meal ideas. Any thoughts?