


  • i really wanna lose weight but also tone up. do i do this and just calorie count or do i have to do the specified diet as well
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Thinking about trying the P90X and cancelling my gym membership. Does anybody know if the program is really worth it?

    I haven't had to go to the gym since starting the program 90 some days ago --- if you can make it past the second month (where alomost everyone drops out) you'll find suddenly out of nowhere that you are ridiculously stronger and fitter looking than when you started. I don't plan on going back to the gym and love that I can just get it over with at home without dealing with gym bags, gym lines, and the people at the gym talking your ear off.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    i really wanna lose weight but also tone up. do i do this and just calorie count or do i have to do the specified diet as well

    There is a nutrition guide that tells you how many calories you need to eat every day and what % your carb/fat/protein should be set to (it changes each phase).
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    So here are my 30 days results. I am doing the Lean version. I did not follow the P90X diet (bad me) but tried to eat right. I missed 2 days, one of core syn and one of cardio but I did a triathlon on the core syn day and swam and ran on the cardio day. I am also training for another tri so I am getting extra cardio 6 days a week. I also replaced 2 of the yoga days with the stretch X. The point I am trying to make is I was pretty consistent but not 100%.

    Weight 155.5 to 153
    Body Fat - 30.6 to 30.1
    Chest 38 to 37.75 (boo)
    Waist 34 to 32 (yeah!)
    Hips 40 to 39
    Not much change in thighs or arm, some stayed the same some lost 0.25

    Even though my body fat did not go down much I feel so much stronger than before. I can do way more push ups and Dreya rolls (you will learn what these are) than when I started. I heard the real results start happening after Day 45. Hope this helps you make a decision
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