How do I start?



  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I would start out with something less intense like walking. There are walk at home dvds that Leslie Sansone makes and you can view them on youtube or just get outside and walk! Once you get used to that you can ramp it up more. I recently joined a gym and had never been on anything except a treadmill and exercise bike at physical therapy for my knee. I needed more than just walking at this point to loose these last few pounds and I also want to get some muscle so I wanted to do more weights than what I was doing at home. I usually hit the gym 4-5 days a week. About 1 hour of Cardio only three days a week and on every other day I do a quick cardio warmup and then do the weight machines and then do another 45 minutes of cardio after the weight machines. I usually use the treadmill first, then upright bike and ellipitical machine last. For the warm up with weight machines I do treadmill first then weight machines then do the bike and ellipitical. I love it! I have now been going about 2 1/2 weeks and can't wait to get there after work. I noticed I haven't lost weight but my clothes are fitting differently and looser so there is some stuff going on or moving around on my body.
    I have a bad knee, bone on bone and tried Zumba but that's how I messed up my knee last year about this time. I have a few other workout dvds I have done but do modify them due to my knee. Since I have lost weight the knee doesn't hurt but it can if I over due it with certain types of exercise. I know how far to push my knees.
    The most important thing is to pick something you enjoy doing so you will stick to it.
    Good luck!
  • I, too, am a mom to little kids and I struggled with getting started on finding a way to add exercise to my day. It's already so busy that by the time the kids are in bed, I feel like have no energy left to do any kind of evening workout. So that meant finding ways to sneak some exercise in to the daytime, along with my kids. As others have suggested, walking is great, but some of my other favourite things to do are to throw on some music and have a living-room dance party (the kids love this!), play a game of chase-me, chase-me (and don't quit until your kids feel like quitting!), put the kids in their snowsuits and have a good, old-fashioned snowball fight in the back yard or in the park, go to a playground and play on the equipment with your kids, instead of sitting with the other moms and just watching or surfing the net (pretty soon, you'll be playing with ALL the kids in the playground!), go tobogganing with your kids (the hike up the hill multiple times will definitely get your heart rate up!), get out your bike and get a bike trailer (hauling the extra weight of your kids and all their snacks and toys and diapers has an added exercise benefit), take your kids to the local swimming pool, stick them in a life jacket, and tow them around the pool (community leagues and/or your city's recreation department often have discounted/free passes if you are low-income), when the weather warms up, get your wellies on, dress the kids in head to toe rain gear, and go splash in every puddle you can find. Not only are all of these things fun and easy ways to work some activity into your day, they are also really great ways to connect in new ways with your kids. Start thinking like a kid again, and all that playing will pay off! Good luck, and hang in there!
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    I think that you are off to a good start actually ! You were motivated to get moving and if the workout was easy, you would not get much benefit, right? Stick with the DVD if you do not have other alternatives. I suggest to walk in place when you cannot do the move in the correct form or you are very tired and need to slow down. Just moving is a plus ! Great effort on your part and don't stop now !
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Don't give up! You just started so you cannot assume you will be able to do everything right off the bat. Just keep at it till you finish the routines and then stay on track from there. Baby steps :)
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    The same way your son is going to start soon, one foot in front of the other. Take him for a walk, as you get further and it gets easier, up the intensity, when I started in Oct I couldn't do 1 minute on the elliptical at 0, now 30 minutes at 5 or 6 is nothing. It will come, it will take work, but you will get there.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    you cant go wrong with walking, regardless of the weather, your athletic abilities, can always walk

    This was going to be my comment - start somewhere. Going from zero to full bore isn't going to work for everybody.

    I am with them, plus watching what you eat, counting your calories and be sure to drink plenty of water. IMO, the water is more to flush the toxins that have built up in the stored fat our bodies are gonna have to break down and use.
  • lazykerry
    lazykerry Posts: 31 Member
    I felt like a huge failure 3 minutes into day 1 of the 30-Day Shred. It started with the push-ups, of which I could do NONE. I couldn't move, sit, stand, nor breathe comfortably for a full week after.

    But then I tried it again a week later. I was able to a little bit more than the last time. I did it everyday for the next 30 days. I just started it all over again last night and found that I'm now able to do 11 push-ups and all of the moves with heavier weights than the first time around.

    I definitely know how soul-crushing that first day can be... but if you do a little bit more each day, you'll get stronger, it'll get easier, and you'll feel much better about yourself in the end.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    You don't have to do it JUST like Jillian. Make your own modifications. Stick with it for the WHOLE workout. If you have to slack on some moves, then do so. Just stick with it and be persistent. As time goes on, modify your moves to be a little closer to how Jillian does them. If there is something you just can't do - start on some jumping jacks while you wait for her to move on to the next move. Right now though, focus on creating the habit and building up your stamina. You'll get there. No one is perfect in the beginning. What matters is that you keep moving.

    ^This! Please don't feel bad for not being able to do the things that the really fit women in the videos are doing. It takes time and work to get there. She can say things that make you feel like you should be able to do them, but that's just her motivation style. Do your best and if you have to stop what they're doing, do jumping jacks instead.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    those kind of DVD's make me cry too! Mostly because they are boring and never attainable.

    But, do you like MUSIC AND DANCING?? If you do, then just find the kind of music you like and set the kitchen timer to 30 minutes and just start moving, slow, fast, step touch, shaking and shimmy - whatever you like. Because you are totally in control of the movements and therefore they will be safer for you. and don't forget to stretch!

    Do it while baby naps OR do it while in the high chair or whatever, I guarantee baby will find it entertaining and will be VERY non-judgmental!

    Also, if you can't make it through 30 minutes then start with 2 15 minutes dance sessions a day. Make it your own!

    Best of Luck!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Start by walking with you kiddo. Good for both of you as you say your not leaving the house. In a month or so maybe try again. X
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    dont go too hard when you first start. Ive made that mistake before, and I got burnt out real quick, not to mention discouraged. baby steps my friend. Start by walking and cleaning up your eating. Once your body gets used to being more active itll be easier for you to ease into the workout videos.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    The thread below is a great place to start.

    If you have questions you can join the group and ask the knowledgeable members who run it. They are very helpful and non-judgmental. But honestly, you've already started simply by coming here and asking. Good luck to you.
  • ericafaye6988
    ericafaye6988 Posts: 30 Member
    Just walk!! That's what I do. I also use my xbox Kinect... if I can't manage it I try and try the next day etc. I know one day I will get where I want to be! Welcome!
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Buy a yoga mat, an exercise ball, and weights. Buy a workout book at chapters, Womens Health Magazine does have seperate book/magazines with just workouts. I think ones called " big book of exercises". Alot of 15 minute exercises so its doable! Even buy a workout dvd if you want. My mom used to do them when i was like 2 and i would sometimes join in . Another option is to take your kids out for a walk, if they are young enough to be in a stroller, put em in there and go for a long walk! Another option, buy those dance music video games. They are awesome! Its normal to feel like you cant do it, or that your not doing it right, or want to quit because it hurts. Your body actually sends signals to your brain to get you to stop. BUT, continue! Its normal!! Theres been studies where people feel like they are dying, but its normal for your body to do that. You need to fight it and continue. My sets consist of doing 12 reps, 3 times with maximum a minute break between each one. Sometimes i just want it to be over with, but i dont put my weights down till im done. After some time you will learn more about what you can handle, what you want to work on, etc. From there, youll make your own routines etc. Start small! Doing 3-4 different weight exercises per day(even just 2-3x a week.. I do 4-5x/week.) will make a huge difference. Also!! I buy tons of fitness/health magazines. You could do that too to keep yourself motivated and truly learn more about what your body needs and how it reacts to supplements, certain foods etc. Its super helpful!
  • mains_adam25
    mains_adam25 Posts: 382 Member
    i started the same way you are i did nothing before i joined here so i started walking on the treadmill until i couldnt do it any more in the beginning it was like 10 minutes so the next time i tried to go a little bit longer and i kept on doing that now im at 30 minutes on the treadmill i know you can do this hope this helped you you need anything feel free to ask
  • CountingonChrissy
    CountingonChrissy Posts: 13 Member
    You guys are all so wonderful <3 thank you for the replies. You are all right, and I will definitely walk, I can do that, even for a half hour. I am gonna try again tomorrow, and do it for as long as I possibly can, maybe push myself just a little bit harder instead of being so upset. I'll go into it expecting not to finish it, and if I do better, great :) If I do the same, I'll try again the day after. I will also try to modify the movements to something that's easier for me, untill I can get in the hang of it.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    You guys are all so wonderful <3 thank you for the replies. You are all right, and I will definitely walk, I can do that, even for a half hour. I am gonna try again tomorrow, and do it for as long as I possibly can, maybe push myself just a little bit harder instead of being so upset. I'll go into it expecting not to finish it, and if I do better, great :) If I do the same, I'll try again the day after. I will also try to modify the movements to something that's easier for me, untill I can get in the hang of it.

    Good luck! And you know what, sometimes you have to get upset. Just that push alone can make a huge difference. You really need to want it. Its hard work. Im so motivated right now that junkfood is all around me and I wont even have a little taste. If I am going to have a cheat meal, it needs to be worth it and just that one time. I cant continue the next day. Ive been to pubs, I don't get beer, and I stick to the healthiest option on the menu. I use Jamie Easons fitness plan, you should look into it ( . Its what got me to be able to still eat like a normal person and great workouts (with even alternative ones!!). Its doable if you want it bad enough.