How did you felt the first time you went to the gym?

It'd be my first time , i'm not really in shape and i'm a bit intimidated by the thought that the people there might make fun of me..i know i might be wrong but either way i'll try and i'll see.And also ,what exercises or programs would you advise me to take?


  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Extremely intimidated, small, weak, inferior. I was terrified. That feeling lasted about a week or two, as soon as I saw progress I was addicted and counting down the hours to my next workout.
  • kariplease
    I was scared. It was my first time going to the gym by myself and wasn't sure what to do. I felt intimidated but I got on the treadmill and just kept walking and all my emotions of feeling like I didn't belong went away. By the time I left, I was looking forward to my next time there.

    The first day will always feel scary but by the time you get there, you forget all about it.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Fat, clumsy and out of place.
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    Scared and like I should just give up. But I didn't! Now I wouldn't trade my gym time for anything.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Scared. Intimidated. I didn't know how any machines worked. I was super self concious. After not wanting to go back for a long itme, I went with a friend until I got comfortable (2 or 3 times) and now I love the gym. I miss my membership
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Timid because I didn't know how to use any of the equipment.
  • vampiremeus
    vampiremeus Posts: 10 Member
    Just ask the person at the front desk to show you how the machines work. Most gyms like 24-Hour Fitness or Planet Fitness have someone at the front desk who will be more than happy to help you (I know the ones at the place I used to go were always all perky and happy and say things like "have a good workout!!"). Make sure to ask what classes come free with your membership, those will definitely be worth checking out.... what's the worst thing that could happen?? if you hate it just dont take that class again. ...and remember every person at that gym started off one day not knowing how to work the machines either -its not like they were born knowing! they all had to learn somehow! so dont feel bad. :) like Nike says... just do it.
  • TeenageAllie
    Thank you all :) you really made me feel better ..And i think i might give it a try tomorrow
  • djfriedman81
    Thank you all :) you really made me feel better ..And i think i might give it a try tomorrow

    Why not Today?
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Isolated, cold, timid. But once I got a routine going, it wasn't so bad (classes were ideal to set up a routine around). Even when i went to new classes, where I knew nobody and was again clumsy and inept -- it still wasn't so bad. Getting the routine going made it okay. Also, and this is completely true -- nobody is looking at you. Even when you kick the step across the room with a loud boom during class (and I did, actually more than once)-- nobody cared, and nobody remembers. Actually got some comments of (been there, done that) from the others in that class.

    Try to think of it this way -- everyone in the gym is just like you. Some may be further along in their journey, some may be at the beginning. Treat them like you would treat yourself. The only difference between you & them is time and commitment. You can't make time pass any faster -- but you can do everything to remain comitted. And in 3-6 months, you will be the old-hand, the experienced exerciser.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Like I was breaking a rule. I was a teenager and my dad took me to the gym at his work with him. It was empty except for us, and an hour when we were unlikely to have company, but I think technically I wasn't really supposed to be there. There wasn't a sign posted to say that I wasn't allowed though.