How many days a week do you usually workout?

How many days a week do you workout and do you have a rest day? And for how long does your general workout last?

Do you mix your cardio and strength training together or do them on seperate days?


  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I usually workout about 5-6 days a week and take a rest day on Saturday or Sunday, or sometimes on both days depending on my plans that weekend. In general I do cardio every single day. I know a lot of people say that strength training is more beneficial, but I enjoy cardio and a lot of times I do it simply to relieve my stress from the day. Right now I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 DS so I'm incorporating strength training into pretty much every day's workout; however, when I'm not doing that I tend to focus on strength about 2-3 days a week. My cardio workouts usually last about an hour and strength just kind of depends on what I'm working on that day. I think it's kind of different for everyone though depending on what kind of results they are looking for as well as what their endurance level and diet are like.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Doing cardio and some strength training 6/7 days a week has stopped benefitting me when it comes to fat loss!

    sooo.. I'm starting stronglifts this week.. So I guess I'm only working out 3 x a week now :) although I'll add an occasional light jog or elliptical sesh every now and then ! :) looking forward to this new routine!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I workout 6 days per week, 3 days weight training and 3 days cardio or circuit training. My rest day is on Wednesday.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    7 days a week. Cardio & strength. Have done so for the last 11 months. No rest days, no days off. Some may say "not sustainable" ..... yeah for them. If I take ONE day off then I will never get back into it...... so for me this is the ONLY way to sustain it.

    Plus I love it.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I go to the gym 6 days a week.
    3 days for swimming (about a mile) and an aqua aerobics class.
    3 days for resistance machines (is that what they are called?) and a little cardio.

    Often on my "rest" day, my hubby wants to go for a walk, and we usually end up walking 3-6 miles...
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    5 strength training workouts and take a rest day on Friday and Sunday. 6 cardio workouts and take a rest day on Sunday.
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    I have very active hobbies so my exercise is very when I feel like it and tends to be different things depending on how I feel. I usually do something every day but if I feel excessively tired I have a rest day. I also have a rest day if I'm doing something big the next day and I need to be fresh for it.

    I used to go to the gym 3 times a week one day on one day off. I always used to think that you need a rest day in-between each exercise but now I realise that you can push through every day. It's best to do some strength or light exercise like yoga after a heavy cardio session the day before.
  • Harlequin16
    Harlequin16 Posts: 102 Member
    I do a small amount of cardio every day, Strength 5 times a week, 1 big cardio day and 1 rest day
  • kelkin1111
    kelkin1111 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting out with 4 days a week, since I'm new ( or back from a 2 month break) to the gym. If you start with too many days it can overwhelm you. Most fitness experts say 5-6 days a week is best once you're in the swing. That's 40 min of cardio and strength training opposite muscle groups so you're not doing back to back arm workouts or back to back leg routines, ect.
  • avonfitness
    actually i am beginner in the field of body fitness.
    i started it by doing it thrice a week but now i do it 5-6 days a week.
    it gives me awesome results as my body looking more attractive.i like swimming very much..
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    5 days a week.
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    Strength training Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri with Cardio on Weds and Sat. I also do a little cardio on my strength days too, but keep it short to ensure my energy goes towards the weights.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Well I'm on my feet and/or moving around full-time at work so I don't feel the need to hit the additional activity level quite as hard as some. If I work out too long too frequently, I find I just tend to want to eat more and negate the workout. A good balance for me where I don't become ravenous is about 180-200 minutes of moderate activity per week. Sometimes I do three days of one hour, sometimes I do five days of 30 minutes, and sometimes I do 2 gym days of 45-60 minutes and 2 days of 30 Day Shred+yoga. I don't really care what I do, as long as there is some strength training, some cardio intervals, and some steady state cardio in the mix. I like to hike a lot in the summer and walk outside so I do that in the warm months more than cardio at the gym. During the winter months, I mix up running, speed walking on treadmill, swimming, Leslie Sansone and Biggest Loser walking videos, yoga videos, shoveling snow, incline walking, elliptical, biking, and Jillian's 30 Day Shred and/or Ripped in 30. I really don't care what I do, as long as I'm not bored and I'm having fun! I'm exercising for overall health and stress, not weight loss. I count on my diet for that. And if I'm not overdoing it on the workouts, I'm not fighting against myself so much over food. I just like to have an active life.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    5 days a week (take a break on the weekends). I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes working out with resistance bands. The weight came off a lot quicker the first month, not so much as of late.
  • aprilmccurdy64
    3 days a week which is usually on Tues, Wed, and Thursday AM. Some Mondays some weeks. I average 30 minutes. I would love to up my workouts, but I have now made time to get that in. No strength yet, I wanna lose with the cardio for now
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I was doing 6 days a week of strength & cardio intervals. Then last month I started running 3 days a week and realized doing that and the other stuff was too much. I'm not trying to lose weight so it's hard to maintain at that level. I recently added a 2nd rest day on Wednesdays and feel so much better now.
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    I normally do 6 days a week. My day off varies. I usually workout for 4-5 days straight then take a day. When I workout I do a circuit routine with weights and then 2 miles of cardio on the treadmill at a 15 incline.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    5 days - 4 days of cardio - Thurs is heavy lifting with a trainer
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    5-6 days a week, weights and cardio ever other day and Sunday rest day. :happy:
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I go to the gym 3 days a week as my schedule allows. I work 3 jobs and don't always have time for 3 days in which case I do 2 days plus a hot yoga class. When I go to the gym, one day a week I do a strength and cardio class for an hour and when I'm on my own it's for an hour 30-40 mins cardio the other 20-30 stretching and strength training. Best thing to do is go by how you feel, some weeks you may be able to do 5 days and some 2 or 3. I tend to get overuse injuries when I go too often so 3 days a week with a yoga class when I can seems to be working for me.