
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds + 2 lts of water.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    You do need to have fats to alleviate hunger, so add some good fats - avocado, nuts, peanut butter. These are high in calories but
    they are good calories. If you are eating a lot of starchy carbs, such as those "100 calorie snacks" these will cause a blood sugar spike and a resultant blood sugar drop, and hunger - it's a nasty cycle. Try some apple cut up and dipped in peanut butter, or an avocado with a dash of soya sauce. These are great filling snacks. Also drink lots of water.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Veggies, tons of veggies. Lean meats.
    Protein shakes.

    I find for a quick snack a small banana or a small cup of Greek yoghurt (both are about 100 calories, depends on the size) are filling and low in calories. Or carrots.

    Also, sometimes you think you're hungry but you're really just bored or thirsty or just used to eating at that time. Try a cup of tea, or a glass of water. If that helps, you weren't hungry in the first place.

    If you're still hungry, it's because your body needs food. If you're always hungry, you're not eating enough, or you're not eating enough of the right foods.
  • Have you tried popcorn? You can do the airpopped if you want to be super good or just minimize the oil. It should be really filling because of the fiber.
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Start here:
    (copy and paste link into your browser)


    I didn't look at your diary but if you start with the above you will have a bunch of your questions answered. The hardest thing for me at first was trying figure out where my calories and macro-nutrients should be set.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member

    and pssst.....turn off your caps lock please :laugh:
  • First of all, the caps lock is scaring me.

    Second, fill up on fresh or steamed veggies. I think I had 1 1/4 cups of steamed veggies for lunch today and I am stuffed!

    Pomegranate seeds are also very filling. Eat the whole dang thing and see if you don't get full from that.

    Water, water, water. Try to drink more than 8 cups a day. Stay close to the toilet.
  • Protein protein protein, with a side of veggies.

    3 Turkey meatballs with spaghetti squash and tomato sauce with side of steamed broccoli. Great lunch or dinner and only 350 cal
  • Up your exercise and the calorie allowance will go up. It sounds harsh now, but tough it out and plan meals. Today I planned for my exercise and the meals I wanted to eat so that I could have a really unhealthy dinner as a treat. Plan, tough it out, and work hard!
  • i just started a month ago and my calorie intake for the day is 1500. Oatmeal and gluten free cinamon raisin toast is my mainstay at breakfast, and it is pretty filling, then I make sure I eat my low calorie snack before lunch.. and light lunch with protein. Another snack, and protein for dinner or a salad which is very low calorie. and then a snack about an hour after that. Now, on the days that I exercise, I have more calories to play with. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Eggs-less than 100 calories, and great protein source to make you feel full. I know peanut butter is sorta high in calories, but a little bit on an apple or banana is a satisfying snack too-protein and some fiber!
  • I second drinking a gallon of water a day. You would not believe how most of the times when we eat we are really thirsty!
  • High protein works the best for me. What I eat is one of the 80 calories container and 2X protein Light and Fit Yogurt. To it I add either one scoop of whey protein powder, mix it well and eat it like that; or I add two scoops plus 12 oz of water (including ice) and put it in the blender and make it into a smoothie. For me it works great and is a really great substitute for a meal and keeps me from wanting anything for hours. I have to stay away from the nuts and crunchy stuff in general as much as possible. A few crackers with cheese helps sometimes too if you're not really, really hungry.

    Good luck and I hope you find your "fix"!:smile:
  • missynicole
    missynicole Posts: 3 Member
    Drink water if you're feeling hungry. One, it's just plain good to stay hydrated, two, beverages can make you feel more full, and three, sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst.
    Chewing gum can trick your brain into thinking it's getting food (works for some people, not for others.)
    Try distracting yourself from hunger, go for a walk, go shopping, just try not to think about food.

    Also, eat more protein. You'll stay fuller for longer. :)
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    Shirataki noodles! ...these things are a life saver or me. One bag is only 40 calories. I mix in half a cup of healthy pasta sauce, which is 45 calories, and a tablespoon of grated parm for 25 calories. 110 calories for a meal that will keep you full for hours (it's an entire bowl of pasta), is all you need in this world. Plus, its got 9 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. I'm telling you, LIFE SAVER!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Kellie,
    Try looking at skinneytaste.com. There are LOTS of great lo-cal recipies.
    Good luck to you,
  • Track everything you eat. Everything.

    My daily calorie amount is 1250 to get where I want. If you really watch what you eat, you can hit your calorie mark and be satisfied.

    When you are hungry, eat a piece of fruit. I recommend an apple. Frosted miniwheats are also good. They fill you up because of the fiber and they have sweetness that won't kill you.

    Last, I try to go to bed a little bit hungry. I find the pounds melt off when I do that.
  • Phyllis4701
    Phyllis4701 Posts: 20 Member
    I drink the water. It seems to help alot. You can also eat sugar free jello Its unlimited on the plan I do.
    Hope you find what works for you.
  • I just started Body by Vi shakes. I was surprised at how 1 shake can tide me over from about 4:30 am to lunch at 11:30 am. I am limited to about 1300 calories a day and have not found myself feeling especially hungry. At lunch I have a sandwich bag full of veggies (Mix: carrots, celery, green peppers, broccoli, tomatos, and cucumbers), 1/2 a medium apple, 1 light yorgurt cup, and possibly 1/2 of a sandwhich. At dinner, I have 1 cup of milk with a standard meal. I just limit my portions by using a small plate and eatting a little more slowly.

    I would really recommend trying the Body by Vi shakes. I haven't been doing them long, but they seem great and they fill me up.

    If all else fails, drinking more water throughout the day can help you feel more full, and its good for you anyway.
  • shadowgem13
    shadowgem13 Posts: 29 Member
    I use the following to fill me up when I am hungry with few calories to spare
    egg whites
    steamed veggies
    raw baby carrots

    hope that helps a little