
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Eggs-less than 100 calories, and great protein source to make you feel full. I know peanut butter is sorta high in calories, but a little bit on an apple or banana is a satisfying snack too-protein and some fiber!
  • I second drinking a gallon of water a day. You would not believe how most of the times when we eat we are really thirsty!
  • High protein works the best for me. What I eat is one of the 80 calories container and 2X protein Light and Fit Yogurt. To it I add either one scoop of whey protein powder, mix it well and eat it like that; or I add two scoops plus 12 oz of water (including ice) and put it in the blender and make it into a smoothie. For me it works great and is a really great substitute for a meal and keeps me from wanting anything for hours. I have to stay away from the nuts and crunchy stuff in general as much as possible. A few crackers with cheese helps sometimes too if you're not really, really hungry.

    Good luck and I hope you find your "fix"!:smile:
  • missynicole
    missynicole Posts: 3 Member
    Drink water if you're feeling hungry. One, it's just plain good to stay hydrated, two, beverages can make you feel more full, and three, sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst.
    Chewing gum can trick your brain into thinking it's getting food (works for some people, not for others.)
    Try distracting yourself from hunger, go for a walk, go shopping, just try not to think about food.

    Also, eat more protein. You'll stay fuller for longer. :)
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    Shirataki noodles! ...these things are a life saver or me. One bag is only 40 calories. I mix in half a cup of healthy pasta sauce, which is 45 calories, and a tablespoon of grated parm for 25 calories. 110 calories for a meal that will keep you full for hours (it's an entire bowl of pasta), is all you need in this world. Plus, its got 9 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. I'm telling you, LIFE SAVER!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Kellie,
    Try looking at skinneytaste.com. There are LOTS of great lo-cal recipies.
    Good luck to you,
  • Track everything you eat. Everything.

    My daily calorie amount is 1250 to get where I want. If you really watch what you eat, you can hit your calorie mark and be satisfied.

    When you are hungry, eat a piece of fruit. I recommend an apple. Frosted miniwheats are also good. They fill you up because of the fiber and they have sweetness that won't kill you.

    Last, I try to go to bed a little bit hungry. I find the pounds melt off when I do that.
  • Phyllis4701
    Phyllis4701 Posts: 20 Member
    I drink the water. It seems to help alot. You can also eat sugar free jello Its unlimited on the plan I do.
    Hope you find what works for you.
  • I just started Body by Vi shakes. I was surprised at how 1 shake can tide me over from about 4:30 am to lunch at 11:30 am. I am limited to about 1300 calories a day and have not found myself feeling especially hungry. At lunch I have a sandwich bag full of veggies (Mix: carrots, celery, green peppers, broccoli, tomatos, and cucumbers), 1/2 a medium apple, 1 light yorgurt cup, and possibly 1/2 of a sandwhich. At dinner, I have 1 cup of milk with a standard meal. I just limit my portions by using a small plate and eatting a little more slowly.

    I would really recommend trying the Body by Vi shakes. I haven't been doing them long, but they seem great and they fill me up.

    If all else fails, drinking more water throughout the day can help you feel more full, and its good for you anyway.
  • shadowgem13
    shadowgem13 Posts: 29 Member
    I use the following to fill me up when I am hungry with few calories to spare
    egg whites
    steamed veggies
    raw baby carrots

    hope that helps a little
  • I love all the suggestions your getting. The tough part is finding the one that suits you. It's also not what your eating but the combination of the foods you eat. For example, you should try to combine your proteins with carbs and fats. I usually use 40%-30%-30% as a guide. For example, Greek Yogurt. This contains protein and fat but not a good deal of carbs. Add a granola bar to the yogurt. A salad is a great idea, add a little chicken and then crutons or another carb based topping to complete the meal. The carbs will keep your energy up and help to burn the fat through out the day. I have a lot of examples of this within my own food diary.

    The other suggestion I have is to schedule yourself to have up to 6 meals or eating times a day. If you eat every 2 or 3 hours you'll find your hunger level will decrease.

    Feel free to 'friend' me to view my food diary.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Shirataki noodles! ...these things are a life saver or me. One bag is only 40 calories. I mix in half a cup of healthy pasta sauce, which is 45 calories, and a tablespoon of grated parm for 25 calories. 110 calories for a meal that will keep you full for hours (it's an entire bowl of pasta), is all you need in this world. Plus, its got 9 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. I'm telling you, LIFE SAVER!

    oooh, I'm going to have check those out....you're telling me I can really eat a whole bowl of pasta?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    open diary
    provide height, weight, and exercise/activity summary
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I usually eat baby carrots and hummus for a mid day snack.
  • Drink lots of water. Also, find a low calorie, low carb protein powder and mix with ice & water. The protein will keep you full till next meal
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I also have about the same calorie goal (1490). Have a look at my diary. I eat tons, all day long, and am satisfied..
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    There are a lot of things that could explain this. So, not having all of the info, here are my suggestions.

    1) Make sure you're drinking enough water--roughly 2.2 liters for a woman+more if exercising (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283)
    2) Make sure you're not wasting calories on juices or pop
    3) Do as others say and eat tons of veggies
    4) Again, as others have mentioned, make sure you're getting enough protein--about .64g per pound of lean body mass.
    5) Consider adjusting your macros (carbs, protein, fat) until you find a mix that leaves you satisfied and meeting your needs.

    Tonight for dinner I'm having 5oz of Ahi Tuna (cooked in olive oil) and a giant cucumber and cherry tomato salad. That's only going to be 354 calories and 26 carbs and 44 protein. If I spent 354 calories on a small portion of pasta or something, yep, I'd be super hungry.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Check this out, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Right now I'm eating and losing weight at 1600-1800 calories/day (I'm 5"10" and lift 3 days/week).

    ^^ This. Read the roadmap and calculate your calories that way.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    First off, I agree with the other posters but throwing my two cents in...

    If you seek quality and quantity turn to the veggies. One bell pepper (on average) is 30 cals. Celery, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, etc are low in cals but high in "awesome for your health".

    Nuts and seeds are calorie dense which is why they are high in calories. What makes them so is their GOOD fat content. I have a serving of nuts with breakfast and another in the after noon; lost 100lbs.

    The body has to work harder on protein to get it into a state where it can use it... which helps with satiety. Good lean meats like fish, chicken, lean ground turkey, sirloin beef are good sources of protein.

    One last thing... meal planing to space out intake over the course of the day and drinking OMG amounts of water have helped me with satiety. It may or may not help you... just mentioning what happens to work well for me. Good luck OP.
  • yep...popcorn, boiled eggs, jerky, fruit, greek yogurt, and GUM!! Lots of times you aren't REALLY hungry...it's just the change in eating habits that is really buggin you out and making you FEEL hungry! I have gum on me at ALL times! You can do it. Are you exercising? Make sure you are eating back your burned calories and that will up your goal. Mine is at 1500 cals BEFORE exercise so I'm pretty much between 1800-1900 everyday and it seems like I'm ALWAYS eating! lol
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I know a lot of people have said this already, but VEGGIES and FRUIT! (Veggie's will be lower in calories).

    I've never been that good about eating them, but I just started a February Challenge to eat 3 servings of Veggies and 2 servings of fruit per day, and although it's hard, I've been keeping it up, and they are very filling!

    I used to snack on chips and crackers, but now that I've added in the fruits and veggies, I don't need to anymore. I've even stopped having my after lunch dessert (which is crazy for me, as I LOVE dessert).
  • Almonds are high in calories because they have so much fat in them. Are you getting enough of your calories from fat? Fat takes much longer to digest so it stays in your system longer. Protein is next, are you getting enough of it? Vegetables are free in lots of food plans so munching on some raw carrots or celery or jicama or kholrabi can really fill you up. I carry a 12 oz. can of Vegetable Juice Cocktail in my car. It only has 70 calories but is thick and holds me 'til the next meal sometimes. One last thing, hunger is normal when your body is letting go of fat--in other words, you are losing weight! Hope this helps. Joy ( oh yeah, and don't forget to drink tons of water--sometimes we feel thirst pangs as hunger! :drinker: )
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Ok so I eat a high protein breakfast and then when I get hungry throughout the day I eat carrots and hummus. I love the Sabra-roasted pine nut hummus. It is so good. I buy organic carrots. For some odd reason the organic ones taste better to me. It was the only way I got through the first few weeks. It made a huge difference for me getting used to eating smaller portions and not starving. I was used to eating large portions of food so I felt like I needed a small transition to eating less bulk. The carrots and hummus gave me that full feeling without all the calories.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    The Chobani 0% greek yogurt flavors have helped me a TON with this problem. Very filling, lots of protein.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Workout, then you can eat more.

    As far as filling foods...this is the benefit I see to "clean eating". Eat whatever you want as long as it fits into your calorie and macros goals, but for me personally, foods that most people would consider "clean," keep me feeling fuller for longer.
  • WadeLam
    WadeLam Posts: 224 Member
    Shirataki noodles! ...these things are a life saver or me. One bag is only 40 calories. I mix in half a cup of healthy pasta sauce, which is 45 calories, and a tablespoon of grated parm for 25 calories. 110 calories for a meal that will keep you full for hours (it's an entire bowl of pasta), is all you need in this world. Plus, its got 9 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. I'm telling you, LIFE SAVER!

    Where do you get the shirataki noodles? Please tell. Sounds like it could be a lifesaver for me, cuz I'm a pasta addict. Thx! :)
  • first things first, please take your CAPS LOCK OFF, THANK YOU!
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Load up on raw fruits and veggies. They're loaded with water so you can fill your stomach to the brim with them, get in oodles of nutrition, and the calorie content is so low, it's a good way to fill out your meals!