May be eating too much fiber??

Okay so I constantly going over my I am having stomach cramps which feel like a digestive thing that comes and goes but always gets worse after I eat. I'm not really having any other problems but have had the cramps for the last three days and what I was wondering if any of you had any ideas of how to deal with this. i.e. Drink more water, exercise, ect. Any info you may have would be greatly appreciated. I know if this goes on for much longer I will be visiting my doctor. Thanks :smile:


  • lwest008
    lwest008 Posts: 26 Member
    I was just chatting with my doctor about this yesterday, and she said that if you eat too much fiber without enough water, your intestine responds by expanding causing bloating, cramping, and gas. She said that drinking more water is important, and that if you are going to the washroom and its improving, then you should be ok. If you aren't going, or its not resolving, you should go see your doc yesterday.
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    I was just chatting with my doctor about this yesterday, and she said that if you eat too much fiber without enough water, your intestine responds by expanding causing bloating, cramping, and gas. She said that drinking more water is important, and that if you are going to the washroom and its improving, then you should be ok. If you aren't going, or its not resolving, you should go see your doc yesterday.

    This is what I have read and I only drink water but have been trying to drink water and watch my current fiber intake. The washroom area seems to be fine just still having cramps. Gonna give it another day and suck down some more water and see what happens. Thanks.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    If you recently increased your fiber intake dramatically, you're likely to experience cramps, bloating, & gas until your body adjusts. The way around it is to increase your fiber intake slowly.

    MFP's fiber recommendations are actually pretty low because it cuts the fiber based on how many base calories you're getting (I changed my goal to reflect 25g because I feel that's a good amount for me to shoot for each day). Most otherwise healthy adults do well eating 25-30g each day. When I first began eating more fiber, I definitely experienced some cramping/bloating (& gas :embarassed: :laugh:) but I don't anymore, even when I eat as much as 35-40g in a day.

    That being said, for some reason if I eat something like a Fiber One bar it kills me. But if I eat the same amount of fiber in one sitting from a more natural source (like fruits & veggies), I don't have that problem. :huh:
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Have you increased your fibre intake ? That will be more likely what the issue is, just your digestive system getting used to it...

    As 14g of fibre a day is about half what is recommended. As said above, MFP cuts your goal down...

    And yeah, LittleSpy, there are two kinds of fibre - soluble and insoluble. the fibre you get eg from an apple is soluble and stuff from grains like a fibre bar is insoluble.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    And yeah, LittleSpy, there are two kinds of fibre - soluble and insoluble. the fibre you get eg from an apple is soluble and stuff from grains like a fibre bar is insoluble.

    Nevermind -- answered my own question. :wink:
  • relicsloft
    relicsloft Posts: 18 Member
    and make sure you are getting enough magnesium
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    Have you increased your fibre intake ? That will be more likely what the issue is, just your digestive system getting used to it...

    As 14g of fibre a day is about half what is recommended. As said above, MFP cuts your goal down...

    And yeah, LittleSpy, there are two kinds of fibre - soluble and insoluble. the fibre you get eg from an apple is soluble and stuff from grains like a fibre bar is insoluble.

    Actually I just looked and my fiber has been pretty consistent the last 30 days anywhere from 16-24g but before that it was low.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    This made me curious to see what my fiber intake was so I took a look. Today I had almost 60 grams...but most days are mid 40's. I knew it would be high but I had no idea. When I changed my diet to the kind I am currently eating 6 weeks ago, I was having horrible, painful bloating an gas but had no idea what exactly was the cause. I knew it had something to do with my diet change but so much had changed at once that I couldn't pin point what it was. Good to know.